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Co-Parenting With a Narcissist (& the Agony of Defeat)

The only thing harder than breaking up/going No Contact with a narcissist is breaking up/going No Contact with a narc who also happens to be your baby daddy/momma. Based on the countless emails and comments that I receive from victims (both male AND female) who struggle to co-parent with a narcissist ex, it’s clear to me that there are no easy solutions. In fact, up until I began to write this post, I was beginning to fear that perhaps there were no solutions but this answer simply wasn’t acceptable to me. How am I supposed to help if there are no solutions? So, I gave the subject a good deal of thought and decided tom put a slightly different spin on this very unique co-parenting scenario. Ultimately, what I decided was that co-parenting with a narcissistic ex AND having a peaceful life can happen because it must and that the Agony of Defeat was not insurmountable.

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Can a Narcissist love his/her children?

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This is the big question, of course, and I believe that the answer to that is ‘no’ – at least not in the way normal people love their children. In fact, it’s not even close. The truth is that a narcissist can no more love his or her children than he or she can love a partner, friend, family member, or anyone else.  I’ve never seen it happen. I’ve never read about it happening. I’ve never heard about it happening. It’s just not possible.  An N is an N is an N. If history showed that even the slightest possibility existed  that narcissists could, in fact, love their own children, I’d be tempted to think that narcissism perhaps was fixable. But there is no history any where that does this…no history, that is, that is based in fact and not in wishful thinking. No, narcissists do not and can not ‘love’ their children.

Now, having said that, do not be misled into thinking that narcissists do not find their children useful under certain circumstances because…oh yeah…they most certainly do. In fact, the N who is a combination “ex-partner” and “co-parent” has the luxury of circulating, surviving, and thriving at levels of evil far beyond that of the typical narcissistic asshole. The narcissist co-parent is indeed a SuperPower in his own right! Yes, he/she who holds this coveted position is awarded the type of false entitlements that a single non-parent narcissist only dreams about. And for the victim partner who wants to get away, a break-up with this narcissist superpower appears too often to be a hopeless situation…a brand new narcissistic show of chaos that promises to be far more damaging than the first, second, and third. And, this time, it is the children who get bumped to the top of the N’s hit list.

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Is it possible to go No Contact with a narcissist co-parent?

No, not in the way that No Contact was originally intended. Victims who want/need the torture to stop but still have to deal with co-parenting issues are left to their own devices without a single one of the privileges that many other victims may take for granted. As a victim who co-parents, how do you block a phone number, move away, refuse to answer the door, blow off the in-laws, and so forth when children are involved? You can’t. How do you flat out refuse to communicate with a parent that the children (bless their hearts) have been duped into loving? How do you deal with the fact that the narcissist talks shit about you to the kids and you can’t even defend yourself (because you choose to do the right thing and stay quiet)?

narcimpressBecause the N is not a normal human, he/she is going to use the children as a narcissistic tactic and weapon of choice to cut you to the very bone. Since the N has no conscience, dragging the children into the dirt is nothing but a thing and the easiest way to hurt you. The N will use every excuse in the book pertaining to the children to intrude upon your new life. At some point, the narcissist may even threaten you – either with CPS or by saying that he simply won’t be bringing them back. Granted, the latter scenario isn’t likely because a typical N honestly can’t be bothered (but the thought is nonetheless horrifying since you know the boundaries that this person will cross both in court and out).  Sadly, you will now have to watch the torture that was your relationship played out towards the children. Since the narcissist (again, male or female) can no longer Idolize, Devalue, & Discard you, he will turn his pathological relationship agenda upon the children. It’s likely he/she will make plans with the children and then not show up.  The N may promise to call and then conveniently forget – for days, weeks, or longer. He/she may even miss holidays altogether, choosing instead to be with a “new” ‘victim’ family and partner. He will relish the thought that even now, with the relationship being over, he can still continue to torture you by torturing the children. And since the children, at least while they’re young, tend to love a narcissist parent unconditionally no matter how neglectful and indifferent he/she may be, the N ultimately gets nearly a life time to make sure you are never happy again!

So, what is the answer?

The answer, first, is to know that the relationship between you and the N is over. At this point, despite how he appears to others, you already know the type of parent that he really is and must proceed to use this information to (for once) serve your own purpose. How much time did the N really spend with the children anyway? Narcissists are historically not doting fathers and mothers or even participating fathers and mothers. Over and over, I hear stories of narcissists walking out just weeks after a child is born. Silent treatments!! Can you imagine that?? Silent treatments when there’s an infant and new mother at home? I hear about narcissists who walk out just days before Christmas, leaving the children with not the slightest idea where daddy went. This may not be exactly the case with your ex-N but I bet its close. Use this knowledge to your advantage. You are a good person. He is not.

As a co-parent with an N, you, too, must strive to be a SuperPower! You must develop thicker skin than you ever thought possible so that every nasty comment he throws your way rolls off your back. You must be able to take an emotional beating without anyone being the wiser. You have to learn to detach, detach, detach and commit, commit, commit to setting boundaries and making rules of engagement. Communication, if possible, should be limited to text, email, and the sporadic phone call…and it must only concern sensible/reasonable issues about the children (and, really, how many of those can there be that have to involve the N?). Above all else, do your best to react to nothing (the point of the N’s game, after all, is to make YOU the psycho co-parent) unless it’s life threatening to the children and even then pay no attention to him/her specifically.

Do not worry about and/or feed into the enormous amount of trash-talking going on behind your back. In fact, say nothing and simply observe, allowing the N to talk trash about mommy (or daddy) all day long if he/she wants to. Sit quietly on the sidelines while the pathetic narcissist digs his own parental grave – and he will dig it because he just won’t be able to help himself. Take comfort in the fact that children are strong, resilient, and smart. They will grow up one day and see the narcissist parent for what he/she is and you will come out the winner. The mask always slips and that’s a fact.

From co-parenting with a narcissist, nothing good ever comes… this we already know so where else can we really go but up?  You must believe in your heart that no matter how hurtful the narcissist is or how evil his intention, you are still free! The relationship is over. You may now look upon the Narcissist as nothing more than an annoying sperm donor and treat him accordingly. He deserves nothing less, nothing more. For years, the narcissist has been methodically managing down your expectations...preparing for this very day….setting the stage for this break-up because he knew it would come…it had to come. The narcissist co-parent counts on the fact that his passive-aggressive conditioning of your responses to his words and behaviors has stuck and that you still fear what he could do, might do, will do.  He counts on his control in this situation and your emotional fragility. The fact that he gets to use the kids against you is just an added bonus!

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Turn it around by having no more fear. It’s time to up the ante.

First, if the narcissist has a girlfriend, tell him you want to be communicative with her about the children. Now, the N will hate this but that’s too bad. Normal couples in normal break-ups speak to “the others” all the time. In fact, you should simply refuse to send the kids unless you at least get to speak to her on the phone for five detached minutes about Suzie’s sort throat. If you show that you’re willing and actually prefer to communicate with the OW, the N is likely to begin behaving immediately to ensure this never happens – and that’s fine too (it’s what we want). I’d be willing to bet that, within a short amount of time, the narcissist will begin to back out completely since the fun of making you suffer will have been taken out of the equation. Using this particular communication twist clearly sends a message to the N that says: I don’t care about you anymore.

Do not allow fear to keep you from being free. You have to let it all go (narcissist included). Do not let your emotions rule your actions. You can still initiate and implement your own version of No Contact with the narcissist co-parent. You can still move on with your life. Chances are high that if you show indifference, detachment, and a refusal to play the game on his terms in any way, the narcissist will do what he has always done and vanish anyway. The children will still grow up to be wonderful people. In the end, you – as the co-parenting ex victim – will be stronger than any of us who have embarked on this journey.  Your decision to end it with the N despite the fact that you have children together will always be the right decision.

I tip my hat to you, sisters and brothers. It’s going to be a challenge but I know you can do it. Change your perspective and change your life. Do not let the N twist the rules of the game to serve his/her own purpose. Allow no more manipulation because that part of your life is over!! Don’t allow the co-parenting dilemma to become an excuse to stay connected with the N.  Instead, beat the co-parent narcissist at his/her own game by playing by the rules. You can win. I know you can!


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  • Finding Peace

    January 22, 2020 at 3:52 pm Reply

    I strongly disagree that they leave the children alone. My ex admitted to being a narcissist and proud of it. The kids are the pawns! He got 30% custody and he made sure I couldn’t move very far from him and picks them up for every minute of “his time” as he says. Only communication is through Our family wizard and its not communication its him sending insults and foul words and delusions. He called the police on me because he sent our 13 year old to my house to start a fight. He threatened to call the police because the kids teacher had the kid during “his time”. He changed maybe 10 diapers on 2 kids and now he can be wonder-dad! The latest stunt he is behind on health insurance and decided to write an insult in the memo line to his check for health insurance. We have swap off times and I don’t go I send my dad with the kids, his antics never end. 3 years since I filed for divorce. He was cheating,lying and typical narc behavior which I didn’t know what it was at the time. You can’t co-parent peacefully- you can only pray your children get grown so you never have to deal with the narc. again. Best of luck surviving demons!

    • Zari Ballard

      February 18, 2020 at 1:01 am Reply

      Who said anything about co-parenting “peacefully”? Narcs will use the kids as a pawn as long as they know it will get under their ex’s skin…this is a given…and of course they suck as parents. They are narcs, after all. I assume all of this is why you are divorced. As for MyFamilyWizard, of COURSE it’s not about “communication” to a narc because that’s not what he does. However, let him act like an asshole in words all he wants where it all becomes documented. As long as he looks like the unreasonable and uncooperative parent and you appear as the level headed one, who cares? My ex threatened to call the cops and DID call the cops for ridiculous reasons during and after the divorce but he looked like a complete fool. Narcs are cop callers…that’s a fact. You can certainly be angry but keep your cool and you will win. The best defense to a narc’s smear campaign is no defense at all. As long as you react with fireworks and anger, he wins. Take away your reactions and the wind gets sucked out of his balloon. There are obvious things about the divorce you can’t change, you can only change your reaction to it. Never discuss or comment about dad when you’ve got the kids. Just don’t do it, no matter what he does or says. Your kids will know and appreciate this even if they are little. It works every time to stay quiet. The kids learn soon enough who is in the wrong even if they love this person. When I “got this”, it changed everything. You may not be able to co-parent peacefully, but you can definitely be the peaceful co-parent. Stay calm, don’t ever give him him more than ten minutes of your time to talk or text then cut him off, let him call the police but have no reaction, walk away and shut the door to his bullshit, don’t talk smack about dad to the kids behind his back not even to defend yourself…it’s just not worth the long term repercussions….it’s not easy, but when I stopped losing it, it put me automatically in control. Narcs will always be assholes and this is why we divorce them. Change your perspective for you and for the kids and see how miracles happen. Your suffering changes nothing so given this fact, we can choose not to suffer. It’s the only thing that breaks the cycle, girl. Been there, done that….you can too:)

  • Esmeralda G.

    March 19, 2019 at 11:11 pm Reply

    Do narcs ever just leave their kids alone? I’m thinking about leaving mine soon (we have a baby together and I’d be leaving the state). Is there anything I could do to make it more likely for him to just drop us like two hot potatoes?

    • Zari Ballard

      May 4, 2019 at 1:15 am Reply

      Hi Esmeralda,

      lol…Leaving the state would help but narcs DO like the world to think they are great parents so he will likely stay in contact for awhile. If he is paying child support, he will feel ENTITLED to stay in contact but only until the child has a mind of its own and can think for himself or herself. Usually, at this point, the narc fades away. Keep your fingers crossed. It can go either way but the means to an end is the same…to stay connected to YOU and continue controlling your life. Simply do NOT allow it and he just might disappear a whole lot quicker….


      • Mud

        May 4, 2019 at 4:18 am Reply

        You encourage someone to act with entitlement by moving a child away from a parent and then have the audacity to lecture about entitled behaviour???? You are poison to children.

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