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Historical Rejection: Why the Narcissist Gives Us Up

Narcissistic rejectionI think that when a narcissist discards us, one of the reasons we wait for him to return (aside from the fact that he’s conditioned us to do so) is because we just can’t fathom the fact that he could actually give us up. And that’s what he does – he gives us up.

We think back to laughs shared, to all the things about us that he said made us different from the others, to the great sex, to the way we were always there when he needed us even though the favor was rarely returned, to the way we never cheated on him (even while he was cheating on us), to the way we’d allow him back without asking questions…we think and believe that everything we did for this person over the years actually stood for something. We believe that having a history together is special and, therefore, we assume that our partner must feel the same. We believe in the value of invested time. We imagine that couples who have these long complicated histories must be destined to grow old together, right? Once, while holding my hand and looking into my eyes, my ex even said those words to me…that we’d grow old together. Of course, he said it right after cheating on me as I sobbed over the betrayal but, still, he said it! (LOL)

Throughout the first three years of my relationship, during certain fights where it appeared that my mere presence in the room annoyed him, my ex would look at me in all my sadness and say as coldly he could, “I can take you or leave you”. I can remember in vivid detail the very first time he said that to me…how it felt like he’d reached into my chest and pulled my heart out. Those six little words hurt my feelings sooooo bad that I spent the next 10-years trying to prove to him that we were supposed to be together …that he, in fact, couldn’t live without me! He would periodically make that statement with such narcissistic confidence that I was bound and determined to make him feel otherwise. In retrospect, of course, those six little words were the most telling and truthful words he ever said to me.

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When we lament over the fact that the N can just give us up at a drop of a hat, we have to remember that all of the things we remember that we did for him were about as abnormal and unnatural as the way he reacted to them. In normal, healthy relationships, one partner doesn’t have to do hardly any of what we do in order to “prove” their love for the other partner. By consistently showing us his narcissistic indifference to our very existence, the narcissistic partner basically conditions us to jump through hoops if for no other reason than to show him/prove to him that we’re worth loving. In doing this, we provide him 24/7/365+ full-blown narcissistic supply.

When we first meet the narcissist who becomes our partner, we are usually at the peak of feeling good in our lives. Rarely, if EVER, does a girl/guy hook up with a narcissist at a low period in his/her life. This is why I beg to differ with outsiders who state that it is a victim’s lack of self esteem that keeps her/him in these types of relationship…that allows the narcissist to treat us like shit.  On the contrary, it is our self-esteem and confidence that attracts the narcissist in the first place because it exemplifies for him our future demise at his own hands. This is why he has no problem sucking up during the Idolize phase…indeed, our eventual (and inevitable) fall from grace is well worth it. Everything is a means to an end to someone with a narcissistic personality. Initially, the narcissist makes us feel so special and so connected that we imagine (incorrectly) that there’s simply no way he could really discard us or give us up for someone else. But he does, over and over and over.

How can the narcissist just give us up? The same way, when it’s time for him to come back, he gives up the girl that he cheats on us with. We are no more important than her and she no more important than us in his eyes. Don’t forget that every time a narcissist hoovers and/or every time the narcissist returns, someone else somewhere is getting the silent treatment. Someone else somewhere is asking herself, “How can he just give me up?” In the narcissist’s life, making us feel like we matter is just one way to get to where he needs to be when he needs to be there. Then, when he needs to be somewhere else, off he goes. It’s a glorious game of rinse and repeat, over and over. A history together? What’s that? To a narcissist, ten years together is the same as ten weeks which is the same as ten days which is the same as ten minutes. To a narcissist, all relationships are not only meaningless, they are also timeless. This is why he can give you up.

The narcissist doesn’t just reject us, he rejects the entire history and, I’m sorry, but that’s fucking painful. It’s rejection with a capital fucking ‘R’ because it all means nothing. A narcissist can compartmentalize five different relationships so that each relationship means exactly the same to him. This is what he does. This is who he is. For us, it’s our co-dependency to hope that keeps us from accepting the futility of the relationship for exactly what it is! In your mind, if you could rewind and replay an entire movie of your relationship, analyzing every scene and conversation, you’d see that the N was actually fairly clear about how he felt about you. We just wanted to believe something else and he led us to believe it.

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Everything we do and say and feel in our relationship with a narcissistic partner is about proving our worth and trying to get him to change his mind. We tell him “Mean what you say and say what you mean” but when he is clear about how he feels about us…when he says things like “I can take you or leave you”…when he abandons us for no reason at all…when he cheats on us left and right…we continue to jump up and down, demanding that he take it all back, take us back, that he can’t possibly mean those words or actions because, because, because…how could you just give me up?

How can he simply reject all that history? You see, histories contain memories and we (the NORMAL folk) naturally get stuck on all that bittersweet. Narcissists don’t have the mental capacity to care about history and memories and this is because (and also why) he ‘s so good at being a narcissist. Recently, I discovered a possible neurological cause for this inability (or lack of mental capacity) to care about memories and even though it is not an excuse, it is certainly food for thought. The newly discovered neurological condition is call aphantasia and it is described as a person’s inability to visualize or voluntarily create in one’s mind’s eye mental images, real of imagined, of people, places or things. Literally, a person with aphantasia does not possess a “mind’s eye”. The canvas of this person’s mind is dark…a blank…and therefore, memories do not exist and, presumably, any history connected to relationships. Can this neurological “condition” be connected to narcissism? I do not know but it would certainly begin to put the puzzle pieces of the narcissistic personality together.

To a narcissist, to reject us is to reject all of the history  that comes along…the history that we worked so hard to create in hopes that it would keep him from leaving. But it never does. He leaves anyway. Unfortunately, this is the destiny of the relationship from day one. It’s like putting our heart and souls and years of work into painting a masterpiece for the person we love only to have that person look at it with disgust and leave the room. He never appreciates the love we placed on that canvas with every brush stroke or how carefully we chose the colors. Now, this doesn’t mean that the painting wasn’t beautiful….it just means that the narcissist didn’t see...couldn’t see it.  In all the chaos and desperation of a discard, we have to remember that it wasn’t us. The narcissist didn’t give up on us – he gave us up. And there’s a difference.

Never ever give up on YOU because without the N, the whole world is a canvas and your prettiest masterpiece is yet to be painted.

Stay strong…..:)


REPOST (14) UPDATED 05/2021



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  • Melody

    December 7, 2019 at 6:36 pm Reply

    What a self pitty, low steam sound page.My goodness girls what is going on.Why on earth you guys even start a relationship and why for God sake staying this long in one to get to this point. How insecure are you really?!!! Grow up, get yourself together and heads up,stay alone is better than start an unhappy relationship.

    • Zari Ballard

      February 18, 2020 at 4:34 pm Reply

      Hi Melody, By the condescending tone in the above comment, you give the impression that you feel as if you have it together so much more than myself and the 4000+ others who have commented here. But the truth is that the very fact that you spend time trolling support blogs is contradictory to that impression. Inadvertently, you come across as having a far more serious problem with insecurity than the rest of us here will ever have. So, thank you for writing!

    • Nikki

      June 25, 2021 at 5:45 pm Reply

      Lol this Melody chic obviously hasn’t encountered a narcissist. I hope one day you do since you think you know it all. Miss holier tjan thou , sit your ass down!

  • Patty

    April 19, 2019 at 9:23 am Reply

    I have finally read a couple of books that helped the information finally click in my head . I finally wrapped my head around the fact that I was involved with a lie. Anyone on this site knows what I am talking about, to wrap your head around that….that nothing meant anything is mind blowing. To think now that I’ve listened to his mirroring me comments (our conversations always went to travel…..because he knew that’s what I liked) and I caught myself thinking even before reading anything about a narcisisst wow why does our conversation always come back to traveling together when first we hardly ever did and two is there nothing else to talk about. Then I saw when he would leave how yes my nervous stomach would stop and it would start to feel like a weight off my shoulder. I actually felt better when he went to the other girl (who by the way I met and chastises me everytime he leaves her to come back to my supply), she’s still in denial, (not my problem). And why do the women who he cheats with get made at the other girl, why not him? I always found that weird. I always blambed him, not her, she was just in a fog. The only thing still left in my head is how I am amazed that he can keep going away with not even a blink of an eye. Oh, I’m going to assume he will be back to see if I’m ready for another round which is about 5 times a year for 6 years, but this time, NC, blocked his number so he will have to come to my house. And I’m prepared to say everything is fine, no other insight except I think he be much better if he stays with the other supply (which we know he’ll have to have more than one) and that I’m good with him not being around (cause he never was anyway). wishing myself the best in the future cause God knows I deserve a “normal” person…

    All I can say is wow, hope I don’t meet another, but if I do, it will shine as bright as the sun, clouds or rain, I will see the giant red flags!

    • Zari Ballard

      May 4, 2019 at 12:37 am Reply

      Hi Patty,

      You wrote…All I can say is wow, hope I don’t meet another, but if I do, it will shine as bright as the sun, clouds or rain, I will see the giant red flags! That’s the ticket, girl! Go forth and be happy!


  • Aldo Salas Jimenez

    October 5, 2018 at 9:52 am Reply

    Thank you so much for this, I cannot believe there are so many people that I can relate to, I thought I was alone, I’ve been broken for two months now but stories like yours help me to get up, to get up and fight, my wife had been hurting me emotionally for about four weeks before she abandoned me, she couldn’t admit that she was capable of such a thing, not her, not this saint that she protected. All of her family knew that we were having problems but she allowed everyone to think I was the aggressor, especially her two daughters, my daughters so I thought, the day before she left she told me GOD had let her see that she was guilty, that she was hurting me, she asked me for forgiveness, me being grateful that she finally admitted quickly accepted bue I asked her to fix thing with her daughters because it hurt me to think they would see me as a bad person, she said she would, Next morning before I went to work I asked to take care of this first, she promised me she would, when I came home she was gone, she took our 7 year old son. I haven’t seen either since, it’s been two agonizing months, She passed herself off as the victim and went into a woman’s shelter for battered women and put a complaint on me for family violence, I was in utter disbelief, no one and I mead no one, not even my own family believes me, I’ve been alone in this ever since, I had been thinking she left here confused and since I couldn’t get access to her or my son I thought she was just confused and needed me to rescue them, I just realized yesterday she know exactly what she’s doing. She wants to take my son from me and me pay child support and the child’s education, I do that anyway, and we can talk about visitation times, VISITATION TIMES???? She left me here all minced and took the most important thing in my life and now she will see about visits…..I have decided to get up and fight for him, he deserves that, and she doesn’t deserve him. The best thing is that my wife is a narcissist but she’s just that, just a narcissist, she’s not to smart and all her allegations against me are lies that I can expose, I need a good lawyer but I lack funds and I am on my third already, this one thought the deal was good and I should take it. Nobody understands who my son is, he’s worth a lot more than I am and I will fight to the end for him. Thing is that her lawyer is not so bright also, I live in Mexico where there is a Parental Alienation Law, I am going to unmask her in plain view of the court, her family and I just happened to meet a fellow that retired from a career in the media, I’ve been working non stop for over a week, I thought it was to save my wife, turns out it’s to bury her. Pray for me, but mainly pray for my son. Thanks once again, PEACE

  • kellie

    July 6, 2018 at 5:25 am Reply

    Dear Zari, my ex-narcissist has caused me extreme pain, especially via the discard. He has not blocked me on phone or social media. His child (whom I know) is currently in a critical condition in hospital. I have heard that he is not coping well with the tragedy. Do I text from time to time out of concern for his well-being in this crisis, or is it not a good idea? The empath in me, I fear. I care. Thank you.

    • Zari Ballard

      August 12, 2018 at 1:55 am Reply

      Hi kellie,

      I hope things have improved for the child because no one ever wants to see a child in pain. However, if you’ve re-connected with the narc over your concern for how he is handling it, watch the behaviors carefully. A narc will also try to make the situation about himself whenever he can or make you feel as if you aren’t doing “enough”, blah blah. You know what I mean…

      Certainly, in these types of situations, things can get tricky. When my ex’s mom was dying at the age of 62, we had been broken up for two years. He came knocking at the door and left me a couple of FB messages which I didn’t see until way too late. Anyway, he came to the door and I cried like a baby but I didn’t answer it. I knew that no one in his life could possibly understand the love/hate relationship he had with his mom but I just couldn’t do it. And sure enough, she passed away and I never heard from him again except from other people who said he was doing just fine! So there you go….


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