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Narcissists, Money, & The 5-Star Deception

carrieandbigI’ve never really given much credence to clinical narcissist types – classic, somatic, cerebral etc. – because, to me, when we’re talking about the narcissistic mentality, it’s all the same albeit slight variations depending upon the circumstance. Now, having said that, I do absolutely believe that there exists two very specific non-clinical types – that being the Low-Level Narcissist and the High-Level Narcissist – and the major difference between the two is MONEY. I discovered this distinction ages ago in a book about narcissism entitled Freeing Yourself from the Narcissist in Your Life and I’ve seen it play out exactly as the author described over and over.

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Having corresponded with countless victims of narcissist abuse, it is clear to me that whether or not the narcissistic partner has money becomes a definitive relationship game-changer. Not only is a wad of cash and a lavish lifestyle key to how the high-level narcissist behaves and how the abuse plays out over time, it is also key to how the victim reacts to certain behaviors and how long she’ll stay in the relationship. A narcissist with money, like Mr. Big in Sex in the City, is capable of spinning the normal narcissistic tactics to a different level simply because he has a bigger and more expensive bag of tricks. Indeed, the high-level narcissist, like the irresistible but nefarious Mr. Big, is a 5-Star Deception.

My ex, of course, was a low level N and money was a constant source of contention. For 13-years, I always felt the pinch of shouldering the finances in the relationship. It’s not that my ex never had money because, for the most part, he always had a job. However, a low-level narcissist parades through life with a much different mindset of, say, a Mr. Big. A low-level, even with a pocketful of cash and steady blue-collar paychecks, will always appear to have no money at all when it comes to pulling his weight in the relationship. I attribute this to one very important characteristic of low-levels: they do not like to share. My ex was actually very open about this – even during the Idolize Phase. On one of our very first “dates”, I remember voluntarily paying for drinks all night long simply because I was love-bombed and had money. Hours later, as we stumbled into the parking lot, he was quick to remark on my amazing generosity…“Wow. You’re so cool. I hate it when girls expect the guy to pay for every little thing. It’s so annoying.” Just as telling as his statement was my reaction to it: I believe I was flattered. In retrospect, this night set the stage for the rest of the relationship. Low-level red flags don’t get much bigger than that… but when there’s money involved, the red flags aren’t so obvious.

zari-ballard-consultThe high-level narcissist, like a Mr. Big, provides a target with a much different Idolize Phase simply because he can. A high-level N has money and the means to make a whole lot more of it and, thus, the first few dates set a far more lavish stage on which the relationship will play itself out. The target, as the narcissist intends, automatically begins to associate the “fun” of money, gifts, and vacations with love and affection. Love-bombing is ramped up, future-faking begins, and a target begins to live out the fairytale. Even though her gut instinct screams too much too soon and WAY too good to be true, the high-level N will reassure over and over that love is a part of the whole deal. Come on, you worry too much…let’s go away for the weekend. Anywhere you want to go…What girl in her right mind wouldn’t want to believe it?

Now, while a high-level certainly appears to be willing to share, I guarantee it isn’t because he’s particularly crazy about the target he’s sharing with. High-level narcissists like to have fun – lots of fun – and having a date for all the fun is very convenient and beneficial. At opportune times, he will hold all of this fun over the target’s head like a carrot, threatening to withhold it much like a low-level withholds tid-bits of affection and/or sex. Each type of narcissist manages down the expectations of the target accordingly so that the end always justifies the means. I will also add that, because she’s dealing with a Mr. Big, the victim partner of a high-level suffers a bigger let down than the victim of a low level simply because the HIGHS are so HIGH. Instead of someone (like me) who, in response to a Discard, might be thinking Oh My God, how could he leave me like that? We had such a nice weekend hanging out together!, the victim of a high-level might feel Oh My God, how could he just up and leave me?? The cruise ship has barely left the dock!

High-level narcissists are also more capable of pulling off long-distance manipulation and deception. For instance, going No Contact when the narcissist lives 500 miles away can suddenly become as difficult as if he lived across town. One woman I spoke to during a consultation complained that every time she tried to end it, her high-level simply hopped on a plane and showed up on her doorstep. Cheating, as well, gets ramped up a notch or two. Another woman described to me how her high-level not only had multiple affairs, he also apparently arranged extravagant vacations with each so that they ran back to back. She discovered that her N was putting on his best face for for all trips – so much so that each woman thought for sure that a marriage proposal was imminent. Certainly, low-levels string more than one target along all the time but they have to work a whole lot harder with far less resources! Having money makes the process of compartmentalizing  that much easier.

While it may appear to be a concrete method of “figuring them out”, slipping narcissists into files marked cerebral, somatic, and classic just doesn’t work for me. My thinking is that if these categories were pertinent, there would be a long list of behaviors exclusive for each and there just isn’t.  I correspond with literally hundreds upon hundreds of target partners and, for the most part, we’ve all be hanging around with the same guy. Sure, one narcissist may be a tad smarter than the next or more educated or better in bed or funnier or better with lies on the fly or whatever but these variances, in the long run, are nothing compared to the narcissistic behaviors that we all experience…the silent treatment, the soul-mate effect, disappearances/reappearances, the Cell Phone Game, the word garbage and pathological lying. So, all things in narcissist land being equal, the only thing that I see that makes any significant difference at all is MONEY.

A narcissist with money creates the 5-Star Deception! And the 5-Star Deception means hell for anyone caught up in the narcissist’s fairy tale. You must be willing to let the 5-Star lifestyle go in order to recover. You must be willing to realize it’s a deception and that you are worth far more than the most expensive vacation he can take you on. What good is an extravagant vacation or a beautiful gift if it has the potential to be a very bad memory? Always remember that even with all his money, he will still use you more than you can ever even begin to use him.

The only way to win is to go No Contact and stay no contact. Whether the narcissist has money or not, his “bad” is still as good as he’s ever going to get.

Stay Strong!

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  • TT

    November 13, 2018 at 12:19 pm Reply

    Oh so true, I had to always pay for everything. He was always so selfish.

  • Mark

    May 15, 2018 at 12:02 pm Reply

    Hello Zari,

    This article is something else. Don’t know if you remember but I was discarded by a covert narcissist (Co-Worker) and she has continued the silent treatment since June of 2017. Going on a year next month. She has since selected an other co-worker as her victim and where I would pay for lunch, movies and stuff not only for her but her kids as well. This new guy, she brings him lunch, buys him lunch and have been told they are going on a trip to Florida on her dime. She is not high end or Mrs. Big as you describe it here, but do low ends as well go in debt to try and get supply? What is the purpose of going in debt if a narcissist knows at some point they will discard the guy?

    Good news for me is now I can come into work and for 95% of the time not even feel hurt, depressed or feel like dropping on the floor crying. I now just feel sorry for the girl knowing that she lives a life of cat and mouse (control /validate control as mentioned in one of your articles). I cant see how she is missing out on such a wonderful life of intimacy and love. She is now eating lunch with us all as before; if you remember she would hide in her cubicle. She is now starting to smile at me as we pass by in the hallway and also making glances at me when we are near each other. I smile back due to courtesy, but keep looking down or at my phone when she does look over.

    If you could please give me further insight on the first paragraph, as this just baffles my mind now. I should of become a shrink as this disorder makes me wonder how the mind really operates.

    Tahnk You Zari

    • Zari Ballard

      June 7, 2018 at 2:18 pm Reply

      Hi Mark,

      Kudos to you for making it through the pain and coming out the other end and thank you for sharing that with us! The reason why they might be willing to go into debt is because they don’t think about or care about consequence. It means nothing. When a narcissist is with you, they are not thinking that they will discard you in a week, a month, it’s just what they DO. If they go into debt over you, it’s just another thing that they will hold against you when it’s over. She can be the martyr. It appears to work in different ways when they are with other people but that’s only because narcissists are chameleons. Do NOT feel sorry for her because she’s really okay with it. This is just what she DOES. She doesn’t curl up a fetal position and wonder how her life has gotten so bad or why she can’t keep a man or find a good one. She just goes with the flow, causing destruction because she lives on the superficial side of life. Does that help to put it in perspective?

      Stay strong,


  • Ann-Marie Teasley

    February 20, 2018 at 7:53 pm Reply

    This was a great read! I needed this…Thank you !

  • Andy

    December 14, 2017 at 9:50 am Reply

    Reading some of these comments just makes me ill. It does so because I am struggling with the realization that I have become a narcissist (my sense of empathy with my wife broke somewhere along the way) and I a appalled at what I have become.

    Reading through your pain and experiences just humiliates as I ponder the way I have behaved with money (I never cheated and am hard-wired for monogamy) with my wife, and how I have poorly managed our resources, leaving her with no way out financially.

    I do not think I was conscious of how I was disempowering and abusing her, but that really doesn’t make it any better.

    I pray that since my empathy was not always broken, this is a condition I have evolved into and can therefore move away from. I have loved this woman since I first laid eyes on her (22 years ago) if I cannot devolve back into the man she came to love, I can at least start doing what is in her best interest and support her as she moves on. I think I had rather lose her than have her hate me and I certainly cannot abide myself as the person I have become.

    I wish all of you the best and am grateful for sharing your pain and abuse. In at least one case, it is helping to change one person and take him out of this horrid, self-absorbed place and I educate myself on how to translate “the best of intentions” to real, positive change. It is the hardest realization and lesson I have ever had to learn.

    • Zari Ballard

      December 18, 2017 at 12:50 am Reply

      Hi Andy,

      Let me assure you that the very fact that you are here and that you feel badly about things you have done…the very fact that you learned by your mistakes and took the time to come here and share…tells me LOUD AND CLEAR that you are NOT a narcissist. You may have done bad things and misbehaved and been hurtful and even cheated and ACTED in ways that were narcissistic but that doesn’t automatically make you a narcissist. Make your changes and promise yourself to be the best person you can be going forward. If you beat yourself up too much, you will only waste more time. Again, you are NOT a narcissist by the definition of what we discuss here. Trust me…if you were, you wouldn’t feel badly (you would still feel JUSTIFIED in your behavior and ENTITLED to behave that way) and you certainly wouldn’t be here apologizing for it. Best of luck to you, brother…


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