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Co-Parenting With a Narcissist (& the Agony of Defeat)

The only thing harder than breaking up/going No Contact with a narcissist is breaking up/going No Contact with a narc who also happens to be your baby daddy/momma. Based on the countless emails and comments that I receive from victims (both male AND female) who struggle to co-parent with a narcissist ex, it’s clear to me that there are no easy solutions. In fact, up until I began to write this post, I was beginning to fear that perhaps there were no solutions but this answer simply wasn’t acceptable to me. How am I supposed to help if there are no solutions? So, I gave the subject a good deal of thought and decided tom put a slightly different spin on this very unique co-parenting scenario. Ultimately, what I decided was that co-parenting with a narcissistic ex AND having a peaceful life can happen because it must and that the Agony of Defeat was not insurmountable.

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Can a Narcissist love his/her children?

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This is the big question, of course, and I believe that the answer to that is ‘no’ – at least not in the way normal people love their children. In fact, it’s not even close. The truth is that a narcissist can no more love his or her children than he or she can love a partner, friend, family member, or anyone else.  I’ve never seen it happen. I’ve never read about it happening. I’ve never heard about it happening. It’s just not possible.  An N is an N is an N. If history showed that even the slightest possibility existed  that narcissists could, in fact, love their own children, I’d be tempted to think that narcissism perhaps was fixable. But there is no history any where that does this…no history, that is, that is based in fact and not in wishful thinking. No, narcissists do not and can not ‘love’ their children.

Now, having said that, do not be misled into thinking that narcissists do not find their children useful under certain circumstances because…oh yeah…they most certainly do. In fact, the N who is a combination “ex-partner” and “co-parent” has the luxury of circulating, surviving, and thriving at levels of evil far beyond that of the typical narcissistic asshole. The narcissist co-parent is indeed a SuperPower in his own right! Yes, he/she who holds this coveted position is awarded the type of false entitlements that a single non-parent narcissist only dreams about. And for the victim partner who wants to get away, a break-up with this narcissist superpower appears too often to be a hopeless situation…a brand new narcissistic show of chaos that promises to be far more damaging than the first, second, and third. And, this time, it is the children who get bumped to the top of the N’s hit list.

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Is it possible to go No Contact with a narcissist co-parent?

No, not in the way that No Contact was originally intended. Victims who want/need the torture to stop but still have to deal with co-parenting issues are left to their own devices without a single one of the privileges that many other victims may take for granted. As a victim who co-parents, how do you block a phone number, move away, refuse to answer the door, blow off the in-laws, and so forth when children are involved? You can’t. How do you flat out refuse to communicate with a parent that the children (bless their hearts) have been duped into loving? How do you deal with the fact that the narcissist talks shit about you to the kids and you can’t even defend yourself (because you choose to do the right thing and stay quiet)?

narcimpressBecause the N is not a normal human, he/she is going to use the children as a narcissistic tactic and weapon of choice to cut you to the very bone. Since the N has no conscience, dragging the children into the dirt is nothing but a thing and the easiest way to hurt you. The N will use every excuse in the book pertaining to the children to intrude upon your new life. At some point, the narcissist may even threaten you – either with CPS or by saying that he simply won’t be bringing them back. Granted, the latter scenario isn’t likely because a typical N honestly can’t be bothered (but the thought is nonetheless horrifying since you know the boundaries that this person will cross both in court and out).  Sadly, you will now have to watch the torture that was your relationship played out towards the children. Since the narcissist (again, male or female) can no longer Idolize, Devalue, & Discard you, he will turn his pathological relationship agenda upon the children. It’s likely he/she will make plans with the children and then not show up.  The N may promise to call and then conveniently forget – for days, weeks, or longer. He/she may even miss holidays altogether, choosing instead to be with a “new” ‘victim’ family and partner. He will relish the thought that even now, with the relationship being over, he can still continue to torture you by torturing the children. And since the children, at least while they’re young, tend to love a narcissist parent unconditionally no matter how neglectful and indifferent he/she may be, the N ultimately gets nearly a life time to make sure you are never happy again!

So, what is the answer?

The answer, first, is to know that the relationship between you and the N is over. At this point, despite how he appears to others, you already know the type of parent that he really is and must proceed to use this information to (for once) serve your own purpose. How much time did the N really spend with the children anyway? Narcissists are historically not doting fathers and mothers or even participating fathers and mothers. Over and over, I hear stories of narcissists walking out just weeks after a child is born. Silent treatments!! Can you imagine that?? Silent treatments when there’s an infant and new mother at home? I hear about narcissists who walk out just days before Christmas, leaving the children with not the slightest idea where daddy went. This may not be exactly the case with your ex-N but I bet its close. Use this knowledge to your advantage. You are a good person. He is not.

As a co-parent with an N, you, too, must strive to be a SuperPower! You must develop thicker skin than you ever thought possible so that every nasty comment he throws your way rolls off your back. You must be able to take an emotional beating without anyone being the wiser. You have to learn to detach, detach, detach and commit, commit, commit to setting boundaries and making rules of engagement. Communication, if possible, should be limited to text, email, and the sporadic phone call…and it must only concern sensible/reasonable issues about the children (and, really, how many of those can there be that have to involve the N?). Above all else, do your best to react to nothing (the point of the N’s game, after all, is to make YOU the psycho co-parent) unless it’s life threatening to the children and even then pay no attention to him/her specifically.

Do not worry about and/or feed into the enormous amount of trash-talking going on behind your back. In fact, say nothing and simply observe, allowing the N to talk trash about mommy (or daddy) all day long if he/she wants to. Sit quietly on the sidelines while the pathetic narcissist digs his own parental grave – and he will dig it because he just won’t be able to help himself. Take comfort in the fact that children are strong, resilient, and smart. They will grow up one day and see the narcissist parent for what he/she is and you will come out the winner. The mask always slips and that’s a fact.

From co-parenting with a narcissist, nothing good ever comes… this we already know so where else can we really go but up?  You must believe in your heart that no matter how hurtful the narcissist is or how evil his intention, you are still free! The relationship is over. You may now look upon the Narcissist as nothing more than an annoying sperm donor and treat him accordingly. He deserves nothing less, nothing more. For years, the narcissist has been methodically managing down your expectations...preparing for this very day….setting the stage for this break-up because he knew it would come…it had to come. The narcissist co-parent counts on the fact that his passive-aggressive conditioning of your responses to his words and behaviors has stuck and that you still fear what he could do, might do, will do.  He counts on his control in this situation and your emotional fragility. The fact that he gets to use the kids against you is just an added bonus!

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Turn it around by having no more fear. It’s time to up the ante.

First, if the narcissist has a girlfriend, tell him you want to be communicative with her about the children. Now, the N will hate this but that’s too bad. Normal couples in normal break-ups speak to “the others” all the time. In fact, you should simply refuse to send the kids unless you at least get to speak to her on the phone for five detached minutes about Suzie’s sort throat. If you show that you’re willing and actually prefer to communicate with the OW, the N is likely to begin behaving immediately to ensure this never happens – and that’s fine too (it’s what we want). I’d be willing to bet that, within a short amount of time, the narcissist will begin to back out completely since the fun of making you suffer will have been taken out of the equation. Using this particular communication twist clearly sends a message to the N that says: I don’t care about you anymore.

Do not allow fear to keep you from being free. You have to let it all go (narcissist included). Do not let your emotions rule your actions. You can still initiate and implement your own version of No Contact with the narcissist co-parent. You can still move on with your life. Chances are high that if you show indifference, detachment, and a refusal to play the game on his terms in any way, the narcissist will do what he has always done and vanish anyway. The children will still grow up to be wonderful people. In the end, you – as the co-parenting ex victim – will be stronger than any of us who have embarked on this journey.  Your decision to end it with the N despite the fact that you have children together will always be the right decision.

I tip my hat to you, sisters and brothers. It’s going to be a challenge but I know you can do it. Change your perspective and change your life. Do not let the N twist the rules of the game to serve his/her own purpose. Allow no more manipulation because that part of your life is over!! Don’t allow the co-parenting dilemma to become an excuse to stay connected with the N.  Instead, beat the co-parent narcissist at his/her own game by playing by the rules. You can win. I know you can!


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  • Mud

    October 30, 2018 at 12:56 pm Reply

    Once again brilliant advice to a toxic manipulative beast on how to get everyone to believe their ex partner is a narcissist. “He this” “he that” go “no contact”, etc. “He” tries to maintain contact for child benefit and is treated like the person “he” is dealing with. A brilliant strategy for any woman trying to alienate a father. Thank you very much from the millions of estranged fathers dealing with this sort of manipulative treatment. Now please – feel free to tell me how much of a narc I am. Its a psychological mine field that you are not qualified to advise anyone.

    • Zari Ballard

      November 8, 2018 at 11:56 am Reply

      Hi Mud,

      There’s not much I can do about the “he said” since this blog is about my experience and it happened to be with a boyfriend. Obviously you didn’t see this article that (actually – an apology letter) that I wrote to the guys about the very thing you speak of. I’m the first one to say that the female narcissist is the worst of the worst and that she has the male narcissist beat hands down in the evil department. I speak with guys everyday in your situation and if you look at the comments under that article you will see that you are not alone. I don’t claim to be a psychologist. All I can do is give advice based on my experience and from the thousands of people I have corresponded with and speak to. And why would I tell you how much of a narc you are? I don’t even know you. I’m sorry that you feel the way that you do and I am sorry also for what you must be going through. It is a very difficult situation with many complicated facets ESPECIALLY when you are co-parenting. I wish you the best…


      • Cai

        November 12, 2018 at 11:47 am Reply

        Hi Zari,
        Pretty much straight after making my comment I wish I hadn’t written it. I thought to myself “she didn’t deserve that” so I sincerely do apologise. It was out of frustration of desperately trying to search for help on how to deal with such toxic types in a family court setting, which I have been doing for about two years now with absolutely no joy. Sadly, the only advice available (to date) is from mothers advising other women to push and frustrate the toxic individual out of theirs and their children’s lives. This is where the psychological mine field begins for us men. If we show any frustration to this frustrating attitude, we are branded as narcissists. If we come across as desperate to be involved with our children, once again we are branded. Walk away from it all (go “no contact”), I need not reiterate the attitude that brings on us. This is why I assumed you would do the same, for which again I apologise. I have received pretty much that judgement, or similar by everyone I go to for advice, whether they be friends, solicitors, judges, etc. I called my sons nursery to ask for an update on his development after months of court battles asking for more information, to only be denied any opportunity to know anything about my son and to be spoken to like I was a threat to women and children. When I asked the judge at court if I could be granted the information on where my son lives, he lost his temper with me. I dared to ask any more questions after that. I think the reason for this attitude is that sadly there is a wealth of information on the internet (just type psychopath into netmums) nowadays that can easily be used by the wrong personality type for negative purposes (personal gain). All good and well intended advice that’s sadly all too readily available to paint anyone you don’t ‘like’ a narcissist, or simply want to justify brutally selfish intentions by refusing to take responsibility.

        Being the type of people we are means we want to help others. The idea that the information we provide could be used for totally the opposite reason doesn’t even occur to us. The world is full of dangerous people and the internet is a perfect library to find the information one “wants” to hear. Narcissism is out of control in modern society and the internet supplies the justification.

        Anyway, enough of my ranting. I think you’ve had more than enough of me by now. I just wanted to apologise and retract my comments. I haven’t replied to any other threads before and I chose the wrong person to air my frustrations. In fact I’d like to thank you. Having the time to reply with such sincere thought was uplifting for me in itself. I doubt anyone can help me or my sons situation but at least having an understanding person somewhere out there means we have hope there might be someone else.
        Many thanks Zari.

        “Hugs can do great amounts of good, especially for children” Lets hug narcissism out of society. x

        Kindest regards,


        • Zari Ballard

          November 17, 2018 at 5:30 pm Reply

          Hi Mud,

          It’s all good, brother! No harm, no foul. I know how it is and you are in a difficult situation. With the courts, it can go either way. Seems of late that it doesn’t matter whether the narc is a girl or a guy, the narcissist is winning and I find that odd because for a long time, I felt that judges were catching on. I think that they likely were but those in authority are getting complacent now about everything and they’re not paying attention. It’s not a good sign. I agree wholeheartedly that the world is FULL TO THE BRIM with dangerous people. I see it all around me and it scares me for all of our children. After we’re gone, I don’t want to imagine:( I’m sorry that you were treated like that. I know you are in the UK but I fear it is no better here. We can only hope that the truth will prevail.

          Listen, I sent a PDF copy of my book (that I wrote for the guys) to the email that you used for this most recent post – the “apology” post lol! So, please look for it. Maybe it can give you comfort in some way. Write anytime….like I said, recovery is a team effort….

          Zari xo

  • Corinna Yerbich

    September 12, 2018 at 9:03 pm Reply

    Also, I am not only a survivor of a Narcissistic relationship but then watched in complete horror as my daughter went through it herself! It was unbearable to see and hear my daughter defend him and stand by him for years while he tried to turn her against me (I was a single mom) until she had a child of her own and realized that she couldn’t put her precious baby through it. Now, on the other side of it FINALLY! She is forced to coparent with him. My God! When does it end?!?!

  • Corinna Yerbich

    September 12, 2018 at 6:25 pm Reply

    So, you’ve hit the nail right on thr head for most of this. However, in my daughter’s case her ex N now has a girlfriend who is trying to steal my daughter” little girl away. She has told my precious granddaughter to call her “Mommy”, she has taken her for her first haircut without my daughter’s permission, taken her to a different eye Dr than the one my granddaughter was referred to (a pediatric opthalmologist) and the list just keeps on growing. When does the hurt end? I have seen my daughter suffering through this since she was a teen and now this.

  • Roberta

    September 8, 2018 at 5:23 am Reply

    My question is are they truly happier with the new woman? I was beaten, repeatedly cheated on, used, lied to, verbally and emotionally abused. I am lucky in some ways my children have seen him for who he truly is and want nothing to do with him. I am taking them to counseling in the hopes that they will heal. When my stbx calls to talk about the kids it often goes from talking about the kids to him telling me that his 17 years with me was miserable and how much happier he is now with the new woman. We are not yet divorced. He repeats it over and over it has a brain washing effect on me. I spend days feeling horrible and worthless. I wonder how he could be so much happier now. I adored my husband and gave up/lost everything but my children. In a lot of ways my children and I are doing better. But I don’t know how to handle these attacks. He has started to have his mother send my kids pictures of their dad with other women and friends with captions saying “your dad is so much happier now that he has left your mom, look at how much fun he is having now. You could be happier too.” I was disgusted! My husband has left us multiple times for other women going months with little to no contact with his kids. We left 6 months ago he has tried to call only one of our children one time. He will send a text once every other week usually to the same child. Even though the older child wants nothing to do with him it still hurts her that he doesn’t even try. This older child stood in front of him so that he couldn’t hurt me. I later learned that she thought he was going to kill me. After everything we have been through why does it hurt so much to hear that he is so much happier now? Is it because deep down I think that I’ve sacrificed so so much and now someone else gets the amazing guy that I only saw on occasion?

    • Zari Ballard

      September 17, 2018 at 2:52 pm Reply

      Hi Roberta,

      Woow..I am so sorry for your troubles. First of all, you do not have to stand for these attacks. I have two other articles on co-parenting and one of them outlines a strategy for sanity that includes not giving this man more than TEN MINUTES of your time during any phone call or conversation. If this means that you have to set a timer, so be it. In your case, I dare say FIVE MINUTES would be enough. This man is really awful and extremely narcissistic and you do not have to put up with any of it. YOU are NOT the problem. It’s about time that you stood up for yourself and got that divorce moving along.

      A narcissist’s whole life in everything that he does and with whomever he engages with is all about what he can get away with. You don’t have to be part of that and you should also NOT ALLOW his mother to enable his atrocious behaviors by flaunting this new woman around to your children in pictures. Who DOES that? It is unacceptable. Thankfully, your children see what is happening. Children are very smart and they will know what happened and always see you in a better light. I am sure they are grateful he is not under the same roof to continue the abuse to the family.

      As for whether or not he is happy, here is an article for that too. A narcissist never changes but that doesn’t need to even be your worry. Somehow, you must move beyond the sadness and get your spirit back and it starts by NOT engaging in conversation with this man. Why does he need to talk to you about the kids? It is up to YOU whether or not you have these conversations. Put your foot down! The attacks should NEVER be happening. Break the spell by slamming down the phone or simply not answering it. You have the RIGHT to do this because YOU are NOT the problem.

      He’s not and never has been an “amazing” guy. Your children, however, sound VERY amazing and this is where you will find your solace. You are obviously a lovely person and caring mother and don’t let this asshole tell you differently.

      Sending you hugs across the miles,


  • Alexander Michael Bird

    July 30, 2018 at 11:56 am Reply

    Hey it been a long time since I checked in with you. But things are going as good as can be. Once again me and my ex have gone to court, one would this k that she would get tired of it. She got a two hour ads chewing from the judge. It seems that she has gotten worse so e I have been in a relationship for over a year and my daughter likes the women I’m dating.
    My ex has taken my daughter to the police station on multiple occasions with false accusations of child abuse and has sent DCF to my door twice. Both the PD and DCF are getting tired of her as well. Is there any thing I can do to stop this latest game.

    Thank you
    Alexander Bird

    • Zari Ballard

      September 17, 2018 at 4:06 pm Reply

      Hi Alex!

      It sounds as if she is out of control. I’m sure this is because you are dating. Narcissists do not like this because it means you have moved on. Is there any way that you can file for full custody?


  • T.L

    July 23, 2018 at 9:47 pm Reply

    Thank you so much for this read. I felt like I was the only woman dealing with a “N” ex. Everything you have written described our situation to the end. He gave me the silent treatment often for years. I didn’t accept it because we had a child together. He got into a relationship for years with a woman, nice respectable young woman. I found it easier to communicate with her especially when my daughter visited. He decided to exclude his girlfriend from certain topics relative to our daughter. He told her, it’s between him and I let him deal with it. I guess because we communicated so well. He would then go back to his silent treatment, never addressing. It was a mess and very hard for me to understand. After 10yrs, they broke up, he convinced himself that I was still interested in him. Somehow, he associated all my phone calls and attempts to get him to be more active with our daughter as signs I still wanted him romantically. When he spoke, I realized a softness in his voice, more of remorse so I went along with it. He would call me pouring his heart out about he’s getting old and lonely. I played along out of boredom and to hear him apologize over and over again. It gave me a slight gratification. I know he doesn’t mean what he said, he’s said it before. He never stop loving me and his daughter. He f**ked up.. blah blah blah.. He didn’t have anyone else to call but the mother of his child. I would flirt with him over the phone a little back and forth.
    I had the opportunity to give him the silent treatment as well, but I don’t. That’s not who I am and because deep down inside I really wanted to believe he was sorry for neglecting his daughter. I really wanted to believe he was going to put in the effort. I was honest when I told him he can camp out in my living room. I had no intentions of ever letting that man touch me again. I don’t hate him, but I don’t like him neither. However, i believed maybe we could be friendly. To get him to put effort into his daughter I was willing to lead him wherever he wanted to go. Although he talks down about me to our daughter every time she visits him. The last time our daughter visited him, he exposed her to his new girlfriend. She took the opportunity to run a knife deeper into their relationship by exposing all the negativity he shared with her about me to our daughter.
    But after all my efforts, he goes back to the silent treatment again only this time I don’t care. I seen the truth. My daughter who had to grow up without him realized his truth years before I did. I learned children are resilient, and not to underestimate the power of faith and love.

    • Zari Ballard

      September 16, 2018 at 10:16 pm Reply

      T.L. wrote…But after all my efforts, he goes back to the silent treatment again only this time I don’t care. I seen the truth. My daughter who had to grow up without him realized his truth years before I did. I learned children are resilient, and not to underestimate the power of faith and love.

      Thank you…so, so true! xo

  • Kate

    May 23, 2018 at 7:56 pm Reply

    I have just been made aware that I am in an emotionally abusive relationship with my husband. I had no idea until I started uncovering truly unbelievable actions that he has done with my name and our finances. I thought our relationship was close to perfect before January 2018. (we have been married for 12 1/2 years!) We have three young kids together. I am beside myself that I most likely will need to end this relationship. But, how can I possibly end this and ‘save’ myself and not the kids? I have had moments to myself of a refusal to leave because I feel like I’m leaving my kids behind in an emotionally abusive relationship..which I would be! I have so much fear that if I am the one to say ‘we’re done’, he will manipulate the kids to such a greater extent that he would if he were the one to leave. My biggest fear is that he will do everything he can to come across as the best, most amazing and loving father to our kids..he will build this image to them that will be so hard for them to see and, meanwhile, he will be severely damaging their relationship with me. I have been a stay at home parent for 9 years and have given every ounce of myself to my kids. I am devastated and afraid. I also don’t know what to do next as far as the legal side of the financial destruction he has caused. He took out a loan in my name, emptied my retirement without my knowledge and, in order to do so, has had to falsify major documents and forge my signature. I’m afraid to go to the police and file a report (which would protect me and ensure that nothing would come back on me legally). If I do that, all hell will break loose. If there is no real recourse for his actions and I’ve filed a report, then I feel like I will be in a VERY bad spot. How do I navigate this?

    • Zari Ballard

      September 29, 2018 at 1:54 am Reply

      Hi Kate,

      I realize I am late in responding but I would love to hear an update and see if somehow I can guide you through it. Please contact me through the Contact Me page on this website and it will take you to my personal email. Without knowing the details, it’s hard to tell you which way to go. Obviously, you feel some sort of intimidation and if you truly believed that your marriage was “near perfect” up until this past January, something very horrible must have happened. If you are the victim here, you can leave and take the kids with you but yes, first you need to take care of that legal part. I am assuming he does not know that you know although he may by now.

      I am hoping you are okay. Please do send me a message, girlfriend:(


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