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Co-Parenting With a Narcissist 101, Part 2

co-parent with narcissistIn Part I of this series about co-parenting with a narcissist, I discussed the simple facts of sharing children with someone who has a narcissistic personality. I explained that, no matter what, the situation is never going to be, for the narcissist, about the well-being of the children. It’s always going to be about you. Once you understand this, all of the mind-boggling behaviors and all of the chaos he/she continues to create will suddenly make perfect sense. Strangely enough, knowing it’s really about you is the very thing that can give you all the power. Do not let this fact intimidate you at all. As the normal parent, this is where you gain the control.

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While there’s no magical formula for dealing with a narcissistic co-parent, the process to follow to take to keep your sanity throughout (see below) are, in and of themselves, fairly simple. This process  may even seem too simple to you but in order to thwart the narcissist’s obviously nefarious intentions in co-parenting, simple is what it takes and, in fact, is how we need to keep it so that you and the children can live peacefully.

Here is my five-step process for keeping the control while co-parenting with a narcissist:

  1. Keep all verbal communication (in person and on the phone) to a maximum of ten minutes and no more. There is nothing that the narcissist co-parent has to say to you or you to them that cannot be said in ten minutes. If you have to keep one eye on your watch, do it and don’t be afraid to let this other person know that the time is ticking away so he/she better make it good. Then, when the time is up, hang up or walk away. Of course, if the conversation is unusually civil and sweet, then, by all means, finish the conversation but don’t fall for the ruse. Ultimately, it’s all about what they can get away with.
  2. Keep all verbal communication between the two of you about the child only and only if it’s necessary information. Moreover, you have to be the judge of what is necessary and what isn’t and then be confident in your decision. This tip goes hand in hand with the first tip above. All communication – even if absolutely necessary – should be ten minutes maximum and no more. Give them a second more and the conversation is guaranteed to take an ugly turn.
  3. No matter what is being said, practice showing only detachment and indifference. Show the narc no emotion whatsoever even if it kills you. Shut the door and then beat the wall if you have to but don’t let the narcissist ruffle your feathers. This is what a narcissist co-parent obviously likes to do. It is, in fact, the intention. My thought here is that we can fake any emotion (or, rather, non-emotion) for ten minutes, know what I mean? At the same time that you’re training the narcissist to see that he/she doesn’t have the same crazy effect on you as before, you will be re-training your own brain via practice to understand the same thing. In other words, fake it ‘till you make it.
  4. Document everything…even if the interaction is a good one. Ten minutes of conversation at a shot is easy to keep track of. Keep a journal/notebook handy at all times OR use that parent website where every interaction such as email or text can be recorded and where the courts have access to see it all if need be. Sometimes we have to take this route when one partner is completely uncooperative. From what I hear, narcissists absolutely hate this website because they are basically forced to be civil. The truth is that, for the most part, they can’t help but be bastards and once it’s logged in, there’s no changing it. As the normal parent, this is also a vehicle for showing the court how civil you really are even when faced with nasty responses.
  5. Be the best parent that you can be when you have your child…she/he will grow up knowing that you did your best and that the other parent was the monster with the smear campaign. I wrote an article about debunking the smear campaign which lends itself to what we’re talking about. Whatever you do (and no matter how hard it is), don’t talk shit about the narcissist in front of your children ever – even if you know the narcissist is doing a job on you behind your back. Your only concern is what your children/child hears coming out of your mouth. This is the only thing that you can control…do you understand this? The children will grow up knowing the difference. I guarantee it!

It goes without saying that, like everything else in life, this process needs to be practiced to become perfect. This process is all about you standing up for yourself and refusing to give in to the narcissist’s absurdity. If you mess up sometimes and engage in a screaming match, don’t beat yourself up…simply do better the next time. Many people have followed the steps and come away successful and you can to. It gets easier as time passes because the narcissist becomes trained accordingly.

Now that the relationship is finally over, there isn’t a reason in hell why you still have to suffer. Take control, stay calm, show detachment and indifference just ten minutes at a time, and watch how the environment suddenly changes. You and your children deserve to be happy – and it is that happiness – at least from an emotional standpoint – over which you really do have total control.

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  • Emma

    August 19, 2021 at 4:37 am Reply

    A fantastic app is talking parents. My ex refuses to use it but if you can convince your co-parent to use it, everything is documented and recorded.

  • Inge

    July 4, 2019 at 3:31 pm Reply

    I really like your advice. And I would share it with anyone.
    I’ve needed time to come to terms with this… I needed time (3 years) to found out with what kind of person I was dealing with, to climb out of the valley I myself had been dealing with the 8 years I had to get through in this (sick) relationship. Now I know that leaving didn’t help being without the manipulating and worries about my ex, I’ve gained more worries about the co-parent and the way he raises our children.
    I’ve noticed he and even his new partner try to make me their secretary for school and other things related… If I don’t communicate school information that they can access through the online school platform, the children suffer… They get punished for not informing them (even when it’s through the school platform) or I get called out on not informing them… I have a family with 6 kids, I work fulltime, my household takes up most of my free time and next to that, I am recommunicating information the schools provide online, in (double) lettres(, which never gets checked and stays in the communication folder of the kids the entire school year)… Which I don’t need to do, but do because I want to safe my children from any kind of punishment that they would have to take because the other “side” isn’t interested in it or doesn’t want to put in the effort…
    The kids have grown used to it and tell me they don’t care if their being punished for it, because they are used to being punished for it or any other reason. In my eyes, this is not normal, yet in Belgium the law is really behind in time on these sort of things…
    To give you an idea what I’m talking about… 3 years ago my ex literally told me he wanted nothing to do with the kids. 2 months later (and 1 week before we had to be in court for holiday settlement) he wanted the co-parenting settlement back. I said no, because I finally had peace in my family beacause of the difficulties my kids had with their father “not wanting them anymore”. I tried to find my kids and myself help with this entire situation… all the help Ifound, was used as “I couldn’t handle my kids” and “the motherly surroundings are unsafe”. That’s how Belgian law works… 3 hours of letting a social worker in my home, with my kids and me expressing my worries about them and the situation and that’s what I got… since than, my kids are forced into co-parenting… all 3 of them against their will… knowing that narcissism is not aknowledged by court…
    What I do is, every time they come back to me, let them out their frustrations, strenghten them and encouraging them for school and life. And every time they leave, I know I will restart to build them again. Because in a weeks time, he’s broken them.

  • A N

    September 23, 2018 at 3:15 am Reply

    Everything on the site is spot on. It is my story. I read something that explains the sex addiction w a narcissist. It’s bc they use it as a means to end a fight or silent treatment, so we associate the sex w an end to our suffering. It’s bc of it’s intensity when used this way, not intimacy, that fuels our desire. It’s a form of abuse and a manipulation tactic. Of course, they are good too bc they have a lot of experience from all the cheating. But if our brains actually associate sex w resolving the conflict and ending the suffering we become attached to it as a way to feel better quickly. The sex was great, but lacked intimacy.

  • Shereen Warwick

    August 15, 2018 at 6:45 pm Reply

    I have been divorced for four years and have three kids with my ex. Two of these children are 13 and have fragile X syndrome. I feel like I could be at the point of Full custody. It seems like it’s in a never ending battle with him and if it’s not one thing it’s another. He’s hiding income and not paying child support. He’s not helping with healthcare and therapy expenses or childcare. I want to take him back to court and fight for full custody instead of joint custody but I fear that my children will hate me for taking them away from their father. How do you walk/help your children through this type of situation when you know that it’s so toxic but they still love their dad? I’m already seeing the effects on my youngest daughter.
    Any advice?

  • Monica

    July 13, 2018 at 5:58 am Reply

    This may just through a Christian aloof! Raised Christian, found through cross comparrison how amazingly deep the Quran is and how Zionists have brainwashed us to fear Islam. There are MORE rights for women than imaginable that the Bible does not possess! In fact, sadly I have found the Bible tends to PERMIT ABUSE OF WOMEN more than I ever thought in my wildest dreams. Interesting how we judge and scrutize that which we truly do not know. According to Islam, a woman or a man HAS EVERY RIGHT TO DIVORCE an ABUSIVE OPPRESSOR AND move on in life to marrying someone else! This is a HUMAN RIGHT! Humans have needs as we all know…it is only human!

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