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Plausible Deniability is the Narcissist’s Free Pass

When the narcissist is confronted with a lie, he will instantly create plausible deniability so that doubt is cast on the very facts/evidence laid out before him (or her!). Within seconds, a narcissist can spin a story to cover a story to cover a story, intentionally confusing the accusing partner who has typically taken great pains to present evidence that couldn’t possibility be denied. It’s amazing how they do it and it’s even more amazing how we fall for it or accept the lie that covers the lie. But this is how the narcissist gets a free pass in everything he or she does.

Plausible deniability is what makes us look the other way, give this person another chance, give the benefit of the doubt. With just enough plausible deniability in a story, a narcissist can get away with murder while holding the bloody knife! This is truly a talent because the narcissist, as busy as he is day to day, must always be ready to create a story on the fly to cover the initial story that he spun to perpetuate the lie – but he does it and he does it well! What do you mean you saw a naked girl running out the back door this morning? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Was my car here? No! What do you think – that I parked it down the street? Yeah, right! I went to work early…call my boss…go ahead do it. Unless you have pictures, you better fucking back off. Somethings wrong with you. And unless you DO have those pictures, what the fuck are you going to do? It doesn’t matter that you saw it with your own eyes!! It doesn’t matter that you chased her down the street!! His car WASN’T there (how convenient!) and you better shut the fuck up! Yes, plausible deniability is an amazing thing.

I really started thinking about this particular narcissistic maneuver yesterday after receiving a heart-breaking comment from a woman who is going through hell right now and happened to stumble across my book. Her descriptions of her narcissistic husband’s crazy-making behavior, the silent treatments, and her manipulation-induced reactions were a chilling reminder of how often I dealt with the same crap no matter how many facts I laid out before my ex. The standard response was always to deny, deny, deny or to completely ignore – and then distract from – the obvious truth by shifting the blame onto me somehow until he had me begging to be forgiven for confronting him. How crazy is that?

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To create plausible deniability is a narcissist’s tactic – a defense mechanism – for automatically kicking back the insinuation that he would even ever consider doing whatever it is you’re accusing him of doing.  It matters not that evidence of his betrayal is front and center. Evidence and fact mean absolutely nothing. Evidence, in fact, will piss him off.

What are you talking about? You’re delusional.

That’s right..just keeping bring up the past!

Now you’re just making shit up. I think you’re bi-polar.  

Now I know why nobody likes you. You’re a liar!

I think you need to get professional help. You’re paranoid.

Oh…and let’s not forget the silent stare (which says all of the above and more).

zari - narcissist-abuse-support

The words used by narcissistic partners appear so amazingly similar and universal because narcissism stems from an ideology that runs very deep…an one-way ideology that spawns the pathological relationship agenda that I talk about in my books.  This particular manipulation is so nefarious and passive-aggressive that it is often referred to as covert narcissism. And, yes, it most certainly does appear many times to be a covert operation, doesn’t it?

Because it is extremely hard for someone normal to fathom thinking in the capacity that it always appears a narcissist is thinking, we choose, instead, to “sort of” believe the lie. Sometimes the narcissist’s lie is so ludicrous that it’s even easier to “let it go” rather than imagine that he really meant to do what you think he’s done. We bargain with logic. Sometimes we’ll let the evidence go in lieu of confronting him at all lest we take the risk of stumbling around trying to get our words right. We develop that crippling codependency to hope that does nothing but get us into trouble. The N, of course, is hip to all of this and counts on our confusion – and his own absurdity – as his free pass to do just about anything he pleases during the relationship and get away with it. We start to count on the plausible deniability ourselves so that we don’t have to deal with it after all!

I mean, it’s not as if we’ve never tried to get the truth out of the narcissist, right? And when we do dare to attempt it? Well, here’s an anecdote from my own relationship archive that describes what happens:

[One time, way back, I was driving my car with the N in the passenger seat and I, for whatever reason, felt triggered into bringing up a still-unresolved situation where I knew for a fact he had lied to me. I wanted the truth and I wanted it right then but he would have none of it. The loud and very heated conversation (that I’m sure many of you will find familiar) went something like this:

Me: (screaming) What about that?? Tell me the fucking truth! Why did you disappear?? Where did you go??? Why did you do that to me??

W: I already told you.

Me: Told me what? No, no, no…what you told me a lie. You vanish for two solid weeks and then text me with a frigging lie about flying back east to see your dad?? I SAW your truck in town and I want the truth!

W:  (very calm) Wow…you’re not well…what is your problem? What brought all this on?

Me: Answer the question! I saw your truck…I checked the airlines. You didn’t GO ANYWHERE. Don’t you get it? DON’T YOU GET IT???

W: (talking over me) There is something wrong with you. I’m sick of this shit. I don’t think I want to do this anymore.

Me: Don’t try to twist this around. Just tell me the truth. For once, tell me the fucking truth. Where were you those two weeks? Do you have PICTURES of your trip? A boarding pass? ANYTHING?

W:  Oh my God, just shut the fuck up.

Me: No, you don’t. You just expect me to believe a ridiculous, stupid story. You don’t even own a suitcase! You’re not going to tell me, are you? I just have to let it go, is that it?? Is that my only option to everything??


Me:  What?? That you went back east?

W:  YES!!

Me: But IT’S A LIE!! I saw your truck and Chris saw you!

W: Really now? Did Chris see me with someone?

Me: No, but that’s not –

W: See?? What more do you want from me? Shut THE FUCK UP!!!

Me: Stop telling me to shut up! The fact is that YOU WEREN’T AT YOUR APARTMENT FOR TWO WEEKS!! You were somewhere with SOMEONE, now tell me the truth!


Me: Stop lying! Oh my God, I’m begging you to STOP LYING.

W:  You’re just a bitch. You never believe anything I say anyway, so what’s the point?

Me: (sobbing) Please…the truth. Just tell me the truth.

W:  That’s it. I’m done. Let me out of this car!

Me: It never ends…oh my God…

W:  Yeah, tell me about it. You must really, really hate me. I am so sick of this.

Me: Over and over and over….please…

W:  That’s right…just keep bringing up the past…

Me: The past? How can you say that? We’re talking about last month!

W:  We were having a great day and you just had to fuck it up, didn’t you? That’s what happened here so don’t try to blame it on me. No wonder everyone thinks you’re a bully.

Me: A bully?! Who’s everyone?? Name someone!

W: See? This is what I mean.

Me: What the fuck are you talking about? That’s a distraction! I know what you’re doing…

W: Oh yeah, I forgot…you know everything. You’re just so much smarter than everyone else. Tell me, how does it feel to be so smart?

Me: Oh my God…you are so mean. Please stop.

W: Stop what? I didn’t start this. You did, you moron!

Me: (sobbing)

W: Yeah, it’s always my fault. If I’m so bad, then what the fuck are you with me for?!

Me: All I wanted was the truth. I don’t even know.

W:  Yeah, well, that makes two of us. You better just take me fucking home before I lose it.]

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Sound familiar? I have a name for this type of manipulation – the distraction reaction – and if it wasn’t so despicable, it would be actually very funny. We’ve all been there and I’m sure most would agree that the above conversation describes, more or less, one of the more fairly common manipulative, word-twisting narcissistic scenarios that occur whenever we dare to request the truth.  And, although it’s exhausting for us, for the N, it’s just business as usual. The narcissist enjoys The Lie so much that he’ll lie even when the truth is a better story.

Yes, I remember it well…the stuff nightmares are made of. It is these types of conversations that should remind us how just how sacred No Contact really is…how beautiful and calming is that lovely sound of silence.

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  • Finallyfree

    February 19, 2017 at 10:57 pm Reply

    This is exactly what I just went through!!!! Was with my bf for years, lived together the last year and a half. I found out not only had he cheated numerous times, but also had used the services of prostitutes. When I confronted him on the cheating alone (had proof! Texts describing the cheating between him and the other girls and him inviting her over while I’m at work) he turned it all around on me, took no responsibility, then called me a whore and accused me of sleeping around, also managed to bring up my past to use against me. He then threw me out in the middle of the night saying I was out of control although I hadn’t raised my voice or called him a name. After reading all the info here I feel relieved and lucky to finally know what I was dealing with. He still texts me calling me a whore and saying I’m sleeping with someone when I don’t reply. Then says “don’t think you’re superior for not responding. U abuse and harass me. Leave me alone” it’s fucking insane!!!! And there is absolutely no reasoning with him. For years I felt sorry for him thinking he was depressed or maybe had some other mental health issues and wanted to help him, now I finally know the truth and can be free

  • s. estores

    February 12, 2017 at 5:14 pm Reply

    So what does it take for the victims to recognize that 1) obviously there is a pattern going on here, 2) accountability is the key to their problem, 3) while they are trying to keep this slimebag in their life, they are wasting all the “good” years of their own life, 4) the best way to get even is simply to start taking decisive action, take a lesson from the N: doers get what they want, the rest get what they get. Stop being a weak, vacillating ninny that can only REACT to what’s being done and said to you, Make the effort to either verify their lame-o stories, whether that means hiring a private eye, enlisting a friend to play nancy drew, whatever you can do to find out the truth without having to ask the N directly for the answers. Be in control of your own emotions. You don’t have to take everything they say personally, try to detach yourself and let insults roll off your back by sticking to the facts and not resorting to name-calling. If they try to distract you from the point you are trying to make, DON’T LET THEM! Say something like, ok, That’s not the issue here, we can discuss that at another time, if you like, but right now we are talking about ____, please stick to the topic. Then disregard anything they say that does not have to do with the topic. Continuously reject all personal character swipes they might take at you, and tell them calmly, that was uncalled-for and totally off-topic. The only reason they get away with this childish behavior is because you LET them, by getting so worked up about nothing, they know they can throw you off their track so easily, and you continue to fall for it. every. time. You need to have a plan before trying to talk to these people. Have a specific goal in mind, what point do you want to make by having this convo? Keep it simple and try to stick to one topic at a time. Don’t get emotional, don’t get side-tracked. Stick to the facts. Hold them accountable. Don’t stoop to their level. Know what you want. Know how you will act if they exhibit certain behaviors. KNOW YOUR BOUNDARIES, and walk away if they insist on trampling them.

  • bebrave65

    February 8, 2017 at 7:54 pm Reply

    There it is again. ” the distraction reaction” is so important in coming to terms with who they are. They really DO this all the time !! Then we try to figure them out and you are correct there is NOTHING to figure out. It’s just who they are and what they do. I was told all the time I ask too many questions. If something happened the day before and I questioned the next day. He’d say ” why are you bringing up the past !?!? He would never ever admit the truth. I lived for the day when he would just come clean. Tell the truth and stop changing stories and shifting blame. It’s just what they do and how they live. Communication is impossible and a total waste of our time !! Nothing truthful, or loving , or kind will come from them. Give up and walk away and save your time for someone who wants it. My ex N is 50 years old. He will continue to work his schemes and ” magic” on women that are needy and / or are looking for the same ideal love that he claims he’s searching for. The thing is a normal person has a chance to truely find it while they have absolutely no chance at all. That is why they hate us , are jealous of us , and envious , they will never find what they think they are looking for because to them. The perfect mate is JUST THEMSELVES !!!

  • Marvin Garret

    February 7, 2017 at 9:36 pm Reply

    OMG !

    With these kind of people, there is no way you can communicate. Its either you’ll have let them win without much of fight for yourself OR if you stick to yourself, its a VERBAL COMPETITION, but never a communication.

    I use to have exact type of conversation with my ex-girlfriend. Every time. She slept with some college friends when she got drunk (that’s how the story went on). Whenever she was out of town she totally denied of any conversations. If i stated any kind of problems with her, the talk went straight at me and i had to defend myself for no reason and i ended up feeling guilty.

    We were in relationship for 17 months. Whenever i felt hurt, i tried to walk away, but she always came back, cried and i took her in. In hope for a better relationship ahead. She was very mean and bad to most of my friends, my family and with me. Get mad at me if i went out with my friends. Get accused of cheating for no reason. I asked her to drop the relationship many times, but she just lead on and i didn’t know what to do. In my head i was in love with her and was prepared to anything (call me a fool). Lost many of my friends while in relationship with her and relationship with family also went downhill.

    Suicide threats a couple of times when i tried to end the relationship. And i began to feel as if the problem is me.

    I was 15 months into the relationship and was depressed and hurt. She use to get mad at me for being sad. I didn’t understand. I began to act in a way i never thought i would. I wanted to hear the truth of whatever was going on, i wanted to communicate. But wasn’t happening. Though i cared about her i wanted to hurt her, i wanted to hurt so she could feel how i was feeling.

    One day, somewhere in the 16th month. She went to the guy’s house with whom she cheated on me before. I lost it. I tried to ask questions. She wouldn’t answer, but didn’t let her leave. I was ready to beat her up bad just to hear out what the f**k was going on. I never thought a simple straight answers to things that were important for the relationship was that hard to come by. I slapped her four times and she got my best friend involved into it. She begged and cried and got to my feet saying ‘she never opened her legs to anyone’. I didn’t know how to react.

    But the next day, for her, it seemed it was nothing for her. like it didn’t even happen. I wanted to protect the relationship so tried to be patient one more time. Same week she left the town for 10 days and like always communication was a major concern. She got mad at me for buzzing her too much, so i just decided to keep quite. After the trip was over, she called me and asked ‘why wasn’t i calling her’. I didn’t have an answer to that. Few days days later, and after a long continuous fight. She said, she could not offer her anything more in the relationship. I could do nothing about that. So i told her that we needed to talk as we were involved in the same startup, we started together. I told her to call me when she was ready to talk. And if she didn’t want to talk. It was okay. I had a strong feeling that the relationship was going nowhere anyway.

    She called me and asked me to meet her. I went to meet her only to suffer 5 hours of silent treatment.

    That day, i ended up spitting her in middle of the road and got beaten my some guys in the road for spitting on a girl.

    We finally broke up. Grief, extreme pain, anxiety, anger, curiosity, begging, apologizing, self-loathe, suicidal thinking and complete shut down was the after math. Took me 6 months to get a bit better and return to regular life.

    After the breakup, suddenly she seems to have befriended my friends she use to hate. Still hangs out with my best friend. And i don’t understand anything at all.

    Its been 10 months since the breakup. And i still wake up some days in week hurting and crying for no reason. Crying makes the hurt a bit bearable. Got to know about the Narcs and Empaths for the first time. Discovered i was an Empath and many other things about self. Was Emotionally, financially and psychologically damaged, but recovering slowly. Life has changed in a way i never thought of, as if i am learning everything from scratch at the age of 28.

    Connecting with new people is difficult now. And ability to trust is somewhat gone. I dunno what to feel about these kind of changes in me. Still looking forward with bit of hope.

    Thanks for listening.

    • Zari Ballard

      February 7, 2017 at 11:00 pm Reply

      Hi Marvin,

      Thanks for sharing and I am sorry for your pain, brother! I just re-wrote this entire article (LOL), adding and updating it so please re-read and also be sure to read the 80+ articles (and all the stories in the comments) on this site because they will give you comfort. Our suffering changes nothing and once we accept this and understand it, we can actually breath. She will always be who she is – there is nothing you could have ever done to change anything. Stay hopeful because YOU are perfect just the way that you are. You CAN get through it. It’s all about changing your perspective and one day it will just “click” and you will be free. I promise you:)

      Stay strong and I’m always here to support you…

      Zari xo

  • Val

    October 31, 2016 at 4:42 pm Reply

    Oh geez, I had similar conversations with my husband, gone for now, over the last 5 years. You truly feel like you’ve lost any sanity you had, arguing with a moron, adult equivalent of a child’s tantrum. A dog chasing it’s tail is at least having fun, this isn’t! The circular projections, nonsense of the N defies all logic and emotion. I need to have this as his final exit. Just learned he found a new or prior victim during the last year. I need to make a lasting break. Thank you and everyone for sharing in this unfortunate process.

  • Sara Jane

    August 5, 2016 at 5:51 am Reply

    My Narc mother denies everything. I am her carer, and live with her, as she threatened to remove me from her will and my inheritance, if I did not move in with her 🙁 She uses denial – nothing is her fault. She has thrown out important documents of mine, then yells and screams denial.

    Her latest one was where she re-stuffed my saggy draft excluder ( which I had not even told her about, as I was going to fix it myself when I got round to it) – then she yelled and screeched she never touched it, as she doesn’t go near any of my things OR enter my room, when I am not there. I asked who re-stuffed my draft excluder, if it wasn’t her? Her answer (her favourite) was that a GHOST must have done it !!!! Amidst a temper tantrum. WHY could she just not tell me the truth??

    Also important letters of mine which were on my table vanished, when she used it for her visitors. She said she never touched them – and I did NOT clear my table, as I had been sick with a virus, and forgot to put them away. Another screeching tantrum ensued – blaming the ghost again. I have no hope of ever getting those documents back, but it’s hopeless to argue with her.

    My nerves are shot to pieces, and I am on anti-depressants given by my doctor, when I was close to a nervous breakdown because of my mothers Narc ways. No contact would be amazing, and I look forward to the day when I am free from her. A horrible thing to say, yes, but you have to live with a Narc to understand how the adult child feels. My friends won’t visit because of my mother, and I have lost relationships with men, because of her. It’s a living nightmare – and not one I am going to wake up from, for a very LONG time!

  • 2days19hrs

    July 30, 2016 at 4:45 pm Reply

    Reading that convo and really your whole blog has my belly in knots, my stomach ready to heave. Had those same damn arguments with the Narc over and over again. I hate that deceitful bastard and his whole family because they are all like that. Liars, manipulators and above all else LOSERS. The circular stories and conversations, the lack of remorse. I wish i had left him earlier or killed him seriously.

    I hate him with terror level red hate. No chance to reconcile or hoover me ever again. I don’t like horror movies (his favorite thing was watching murders and torture) so I will not deal with that soul sucking zombie vampire on coke. Fuck that shit.

    Andddd…. I got involved with another Narc right after… NC on his corny ass right now too. Caught him also in multi lies as well and bullshit convos just like the one above minus the cussing at me but his ass covering and how ge threw me under the bus about somethings lets me know that shit is on the horizon as well.

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