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Does the Narcissist Miss Me?

does-narcissist-miss-meWhether it’s during a break-up or a silent treatment (a break-up in disguise), we always want to know what the narcissist is feeling? Does he miss me? Does he think about me? Does he know he made a mistake? Will he ever know that he made a mistake? We obsess about the question of how he (or she, of course) feels as if it would make a difference in the outcome…as if him knowing he made a mistake would offset all those times that he hurt us and we’d live happily ever after OR we’d feel vindicated and be able to move on. So, what is the answer? The answer is that a narcissist doesn’t really feel anything and that this alone must be enough to satisfy our curiosity. It has to help us “get” what this is all about. The truth is that if he missed you in the way that you missed him, he wouldn’t be gone.

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Look, one of things about narcissism is that every behavior connects seamlessly to the next. When we truly grasp this fact, the answers to our nagging questions fall into place. It’s a game of Connect-the-Dots narcissist-style. The fact that a narcissist doesn’t “miss” us like a normal person would miss someone they split up with is because he doesn’t miss anybody. The reason that he doesn’t miss anybody is because he sees every single person in his life on the same emotional level. The reason that he sees everyone on the same emotional level (meaning he doesn’t care about you anymore than he cares about her) is because his life is completely compartmentalized. The fact that he compartmentalizes everything is the reason that he’s so good at being a narcissist! What the narcissist says and what the narcissist does are two different things. Actions speak louder than words and don’t ever forget that.

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No one wants to believe that the person that they’ve spent a good amount of time with doesn’t miss them when they’re apart. Even in the most dysfunctional of “normal” relationships, there is always a time after a break-up where both sides – no matter who was at fault – have to adjust. Narcissist, however, don’t need to adjust because they’ve been adjusted all along! How can he miss you when he never really considered himself a “boyfriend” or you his “girlfriend” to begin with? We agonize over this as if it’s the worst thing in the world when it’s just a simple fact. This is what I’m talking about when I say our suffering changes nothing because nothing changes for the narcissist. Most of us suffer greatly during every silence, disappearance, or final discard – a discard, I might add, which (intentionally) never seems to be final. And while we suffer, wondering how he’s feeling and what he’s doing, life for the narcissist just continues along. It’s just another day!

It took me many, many years to wrap my head around the fact that during all those silent treatments, while I hid under the covers like a scared mouse, my ex just went about his day. I simply didn’t want to believe that! But over time, it was the only thing that could possibly explain how he could just stroll back in days, weeks, and sometimes months later saying, “Hey babe, how are you? I don’t even remember why we broke up but I’m back now!” I mean, how do you respond to that? It’s not like I didn’t try to set him straight on what happened – I did. But for that, I’d get the typical narcissistic stare and maybe a shrug. And so I let it go and time dragged on. Every minute that we ruminate on how the narcissist feels about anything is yet another minute that we’re stuck in the cycle.

How the narcissist feels when we’re gone is the top question I’m asked during consultations and, although no one likes my answer, I eventually get them to change their perspective. It’s all about breaking the confusion of cognitive dissonance. I explain how I turned the final break-up around in my own mind by accepting that my ex didn’t care and seeing that as a good thing. The fact is that I’d much rather think that my ex wasn’t capable of loving or missing me to begin with and that’s how he was able to do what he did rather than think that he did love and miss me as much as I loved and missed him and yet he did all that anyway. Do you understand this? Coming to accept this eliminated the rumination of “How could he do this?”, “Why doesn’t he love me?”, “How? Why? What?”.

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To get over the narcissist and move on with our lives, we absolutely have to change our perspective and I am adamant about this when I counsel people. It’s really as simple as this: If you and I were looking at the same picture and the way that you see it makes your heart break over and over and the way that I see it puts me at a place of peace, wouldn’t you want to see it my way? Wouldn’t you want me to explain to you why it is that I see it that way so you can get to that same peaceful place? Granted, my explanation had better be good and this is why I try to explain it logically. You can get to a place of peace with this, my friends. Connect the dots and watch the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Once this process begins, recovery isn’t far behind.

I promise you:)

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  • Cat

    June 16, 2016 at 4:32 am Reply

    If I can mentally tell myself “he’s dead to me” and pretend he just doesn’t exist, does that make ME a narc?

    We do shift work, same workplace. He relieved my post a week ago and he became all boisterous and cheery when he saw I was there. He asked me a direct question about a charity event I’d been in (yes/no type answer “required”) and then made a comment about how we’d all kicked butt from the pictures he’d seen. All I did was give a half-smile, nod and say “mmm” before walking out the door. I’d been NC for 2 weeks at that time. There’s been no further contact from either side….except for his sister who contacts me daily (and I’m in the process of weaning her off that habit).

    It’s not that I’m not hurting, because I am. But he’s “dead to me” and doesn’t exist. It’s almost a surprise when I actually see him. Is this the wrong attitude to take?

  • Mary Slater

    June 15, 2016 at 10:07 am Reply

    I am just reeling with emotions I cannot even define. I had a friendship that turned into an exclusive relationship 2 1/2 years ago. We had so much fun together – in the beginning – but then everything changed. I never knew what I was going to get. He was either overly sweet, or I couldn’t do anything right. My emotions were always on a rollercoaster. Every Saturday night when our “date night” was over, I went into anxiety mode because I wondered when I would see him again because his attitude was so “take her or leave her”. The final straw was when we had our once a week date 2 weeks ago and he got a non emergency phone call and talked on the phone all the way through dinner and all the way home. He completely ignored and humiliated me in the restaurant. I know this was because I had had a disagreement with him earlier in the day because there were rumors swirling that were getting back to me about him and a girl 1/3 his age. I told him how I felt the rumors were embarrassing and disrespectful to our relationship. He didn’t seem to care either way about my hurt. Shortly after that was when he got the phone call. I know he made it pay back for standing up for myself about the 22 year old. He is VERY controlling and I basically told him that I would not put up with his behavior or I was gone, so he had to do something to level the playing field. When we got back to his place, I asked for the key to my house back. He was furious and gave it back but I did not hear from him after that. Mid week, I felt a little fooplish about how I handled the evening. So, I sent him one text and said “Although I still felt the phone call part was rude at best, I apologized for my immature behavior because it stemmed from anger and hurt and could we please sit down and discuss this like adults. He waited 24 hours and wrote back in a text that he didn’t want to work on it. That I needed to look for a “better fit” that could give me more attention. Really? I only saw him once a week for 3-4 hours! I am not a clingy girlfriend. Don’t ask me why, but I miss him so much because the good times were so good. It is all I can do not to text him again but I won’t because he ended it. But to do it over a text? That hurt the most because we promised each other we would never break up in a text. And he couldn’t even give me that. Please help me because I am spiraling downwards fast.

  • Debbie Milne

    May 18, 2016 at 9:19 am Reply

    I just wanted to say Thank You for sharing your experience in this way. I honestly haven’t been able to read (my former favourite ) much for years but for some reason and, like yourself after 7yrs you just knocked the nail on the head. Bought the book from Amazon just last weekend I began and wow. At chapter XIII just felt compelled to say a huge Thanks. I’m from the UK and your ex N personality traits so similar. Trust I’m starting with the NC concept wish me strength.

    • Zari Ballard

      May 23, 2016 at 4:53 am Reply

      Hi Deb,

      Your welcome and I’m grateful to help in any way that I can:) It’s crazy how our lives become all but interchangeable when we’re involved with these fools, isn’t it? If you can, leave a review on Amazon to help get the message out – it would be much appreciated…

      Wishing you strength, sister! NC is the only way and I know you can do it. Be sure to write any time:)

      Zari xo

      • shaza

        June 22, 2016 at 12:14 pm Reply

        I have just left my Np husband of 6yrs. I am on day 14 in my new experience with him has blown my mind, I read all these stories and it’s just like yr talking about him. I always felt that something wasn’t right but couldn’t put my finger on it, then I learnt about the word narcissist, and the light went on. I have indured verbal and emotional.abuse valour and feel confused, sad, angry, worn out etc, lost. I am a kind, caring, honest women who has been shit on, and I can’t understand for the life of me, how they treat ppl like this. There was always the constant feeling he was hiding stuff from me. I could literally feel it. Lies, phone games, internet addition, porn, smoking weed behind my back, cheating as I got 2 STDs, of course he acted shocked and said, he must of had them before we got together and didn’t know. Then the constant game of taking his wedding ring off in front of me and saying ile have to leave it off for few days coz my fingers itchy….he knew it upset me. Always causing dramas, arguments ,especially on my weekend’s off, silent treatments etc etc. I’m mad at myself for allowing this to happen, I should have left him earlier. The hurt that it was all a lie is incredibly painful.

  • Caro

    May 17, 2016 at 12:04 pm Reply

    Another great article, Zari. Thank you.

    I think my turning point was the day I asked myself, “Is the narcissist worth thinking about?” Until then, I’d always been thinking about whether I was validated in the narcissist’s eyes, instead of doing what I ought to be doing in the first place: deciding whether he was worthy of my time. In essence, whether *I* truly wanted to validate *him.*

    I decided his behavior sucked and he wasn’t worth my time, in essence rejecting him, and then I ghosted him. Six months later, when he came back and discovered I was no longer there, he panicked. Oh well.

  • Deanna

    May 17, 2016 at 11:05 am Reply

    Hi Zari it’s been a minute since I posted out here but trust me I still come often very often. Zari you and I know what it’s feel like to be discarded over and over. Me 17 years asking that same crazy question (I call it crazy on my be half does he miss me?) hell no. Like you said he does not and i have been coming here since 2014 and I was a mess. Ladies and guys this site and Zari blog helped me get over this N. Yes he left me Zari but I’m good but I have my days like I had today but I want to say you are always on point every time and I will continue to come here. It’s hard some days but I can truly say they never disappear at all. But guess what I DID blocked his ass every way and yes he tried but he can’t contact me. Zari this is just an update on myself and I’m so good now and thank you for the awesome blog and articles and yes not letting my guard down I will continue to be coming to your blog. Like you said the only way I have healed and sttill healing from my 17 years with the Narcissist was to realize he never cared and I’m so good with that now and yes I have my days and when I do remind myself by saying the Narcissist asshole I had in m life of 17 long hard years never cared.

    Thank you for listening Zari I look forward to more articles and blog.


    • Zari Ballard

      May 23, 2016 at 4:59 am Reply

      Hello Girl!

      My God…you disappear and I’m thinking…”Oh this isn’t good. Where the hell is she???” LOLOL Thank you so much for the update, sister. It’s good to know that you’re here in spirit, reading in the shadows, and now that I know that, I won’t worry. I know that it’s a long road and you HAVE traveled a rugged journey in the last couple of years but you DID it…you just keep it up and keep the faith and always keep your eye on the prize. I do think of you and I’m here if you need me….

      Zari xo

  • Christine

    May 17, 2016 at 8:40 am Reply

    Zari, time and again you amaze me with your cogent explanations of narcissistic behavior. I hope everyone eventually gets to the point where they no longer care how the narcissist feels, and only look after their OWN feelings. I have my own sentence after “Does the Narcissist Miss Me?”…”Does It Matter?”

    In short, no, the narcissist doesn’t miss you. From my relationship with my fiancee, I’ve learned that the person who REALLY cares about you doesn’t voluntarily spend enough time away from you to “miss” you to begin with. We love each other’s company so, of course we want as much of it as we can get. Not to say we don’t also retain separate lives and interests (i.e. I occasionally have dinner with a friend and some girl talk, he’ll have guy time)…but even then, we never disappear on each other. We let each other know where we’ll be and that we’ll see each other again in a few hours. In fact, the minute anyone disappears on you…you should make plans to also disappear on THEM!

    If it’s any consolation, while the narcissist may not feel the pain that we do…they also never feel the love that we do either. Everyone here might not see it now, but they’ve dodged a bullet…in no longer giving love to someone who will never return it and never deserve it.

    • Zari Ballard

      May 19, 2016 at 6:11 pm Reply

      Thanks again, Christine, for your words of wisdom! I’m always grateful for it:) And I’m so, so glad that you found yourself TRUE love, sister.

      Zari xo

  • TooOldForThis

    May 17, 2016 at 4:11 am Reply

    Thank you so much for posting this! I have been moving forward from the N over the past three weeks since running into him and him treating me like I have the plague. I write and do the workbook exercises.

    But then, the N had a birthday. So I stupidly decided to send him a birthday message. I know he saw it because shortly after I sent it, I could see him online.

    He didn’t even bother to say thank you.

    So this threw me back into the pile of tears and worthlessness I was feeling a month ago.

    Here is the main issue. When I read about low quality and high quality supply and I read about hoovering and he is just completely ignoring me, I feel like I am worthless. And I feel worse knowing that he is actually a total loser. You know, lives at home with mom in his late 30s, could never make up his mind about a career, holding on to a girl in her early 20s. But why is he ignoring ME. Am I THAT worthless that someone like him sees no value in me?

    It is really bothering me, and I know part of this goes back to a childhood of feeling this way all the time.

    I keep asking myself what is wrong with me? Why doesn’t he want to contact me? Even though I know intellectually that he is an asshole and has the emotional mind of a five year old. Why can’t I get my heart to the same place my mind is? Why am I letting this person make me feel so worthless? I didn’t even have a real relationship with him and I am married to a wonderful person who is putting up with my deep depression.

    I am tired of feeling that only a word from the N would make me feel better.

    Now, I am old enough to not email him, call him, text him. I never begged or let him know this is how I am feeling.

    The funny this is that people from the outside who know him tell me that he is a loser. My husband actually met him and said he felt sorry for him because he obviously has very little success with women. (husband has no idea how deep my obsession is). I asked my mutual friend if he had seen him or heard from him and my friend told me he had not seen him since this all went down. Then he told me that many years ago he tried to hook up with a good friend of his and this friend pushed him away because he was way too intense (probably a person who did not fall for the love bombing) and that the N did not have contact with my friend for over 3 years afterward. My friend thinks he is totally humiliated and that is what motivates him to not see him (the mutual friend).

    I feel like the N discarded me after he revealed too much of his true self. The one full of rage and the one that compartmentalizes people into boxes. I guess the need for closure is what I really want.

    I wish I had not sent that birthday greeting because it has pushed me back too much.

    For anyone reading this, staying NC is essential. Even if they are ignoring you, stay NC.

    • Zari Ballard

      May 19, 2016 at 6:52 pm Reply

      Hi TooOldforThis,

      I’m thinking that you should consider booking some talk time with me so that we can speak about it one-on-one. I know that you know what the right thing is to do but you can’t get your brain and your heart to communicate in this matter. The truth is that he IS a loser – and especially for the way he treated YOU. He was/is nothing nice at all. Based on what you’ve shared, your husband is a wonderful guy, right? Now, (not that we should EVER gauge self-worth on ANYONE), this being true (about your husband), I wish you could “base your self-worth” on his love for you and not on the demeaning behaviors of the asshole narcissist. It is always those that are truly worth NOTHING who go around making others feel “worthless” and I hate even using that word. Did you feel “worthless” before the narcissist came along? I know you were having problems with your hubby, but did you feel “worthless”? You use such strong words, girl, and this guy is such a douchebag. He has absolutely NO BEARING on anything in this life – let alone your worthiness.

      Look, life isn’t perfect and either are we. We can’t deem ourselves “worthless” or “asshats by default” every time we interact with unsavory characters. Shit happens and we have to move along. Don’t worry about the birthday message – it’s no big deal. We’ve all done it! Whether you sent it or not, he’s still – OBVIOUSLY – the same snarky person you ran into at the cafe…THE PERSON HE HAS BEEN ALL ALONG.

      Have you blocked him? I don’t see where you say that but maybe you did. NC is not NC unless you block him. No Contact is about REMOVING the avenues of communication (email, phone, social media, etc.) from HIM TO YOU to the best to your ability. It’s about giving you the silence….it’s about removing the anticipation of waiting for a text to come in and his ability to do it. It must take place for NC to have the full effect. When we have to literally UNBLOCK this person to send a message that we shouldn’t be sending anyway, it makes a difference and can be quite a deterrent. Makes us think twice.

      Anyway, sister, consider talking with me. I can feel your struggle and I think a conversation would help. But if you’re not ready for that, then please continue to write here and I’ll keep reiterating! As you know, writing it out can be cathartic and very healing. I’m here to support you either way and no matter what! LOL

      Zari xo

      • TooOldForThis

        May 20, 2016 at 1:06 am Reply

        I would love to book a session with you when I get back from my next business trip

        • Zari Ballard

          May 23, 2016 at 4:48 am Reply

          That would be great, girl. I’ll look forward to it:)

          Zari xo

      • TooOldForThis

        May 20, 2016 at 1:12 am Reply

        P.S. yes, I have held on to a feeling of worthlessness since childhood. I was in a abusive and broken family as a child and suffered extreme neglect. I have no idea how I met my husband and he stays with me. He is cool! Even when I am crazy!

        • Zari Ballard

          May 23, 2016 at 4:48 am Reply

          He sure sounds cool….we could all use one of those! LOL

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