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Getting Over the Narcissist One Small Choice at a Time

get-over-narcissistThe hardest part about leaving a narcissist is the thought that we’re never going to get over it. Even though we’ve been subjected to a zillion silent treatments and disappearances (and survived!), we figure that once it’s really over, we might as well curl up in the fetal position and get comfortable because that’s where we’ll stay for a long while. We imagine months and months of sobbing incessantly, not being able to work, not being able to eat (or eating too much), and certainly not being able to venture outside where a chance encounter with the narcissist and his new “love” could literally kick us over the edge. From our vantage point at the tail end of the relationship, the future after the break-up looks bleak indeed.

So, how do we mentally get ready to make the final break? The answer is really so simple it’s ridiculous. We start by making a series of small choices and re-train our fucking brain. During the relationship, our co-dependency creates the illusion of there only ever being one big painful choice we can make – the choice to end it or accept that it’s over – but this isn’t true. There are actually a whole bunch of little choices – like stepping stones –  to be made prior to the big one and we all but ignore them. This is crazy because once you get the hang of making small but right choices, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to get on with it.

If there’s one thing consistent about our time with an N, it’s the fact that chaos is involved in every little thing. Make no mistake about it – this is by design. A narcissist will manipulate and distract us so that we are always on the edge of our seat…so that we don’t make the right choices. This is his job in the relationship. In other words, even though we have the capability to make choices, we are, over time, reduced to bundles of conditioned reflexes that are constantly triggered into predictable behaviors.

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In my first book When Love Is a Lie, I describe a pivotal moment towards the end of the relationship where, for the first time in years, I actually made a rational choice about my own behavior and it absolutely changed my trajectory in the relationship. Here’s that passage:

“Over time, by making a conscious effort to change my thought process, I felt things starting to shift in my favor. Now, I never knew exactly how (or even when) things would shift but I would, every once in a while, just know that they had because certain frenetic behaviors of mine would simply stop. For example, for a good part of twelve years, whenever subjected to a silent treatment or unexpected dismissal by the narcissist, I would feel compelled to take to the streets in the wee hours of the morning, five-page letter in hand and butterflies in my stomach, hoping to either catch him in the act of something or at least connect (albeit by proxy…the letter). Over the years, I must have written nearly a thousand letters to the N – all heart-felt pleas for peace, begging him, in desperation, to change his ways, end the silent treatment, and come back to the fold. Sometimes this tactic worked, sometimes it didn’t, but the writing and re-writing, always trying to get the words just right, exhausted me every time. Then came the drive across town and the nerve-wracking moments of tip-toeing to the apartment door to attach the letter, my heart pounding out of my chest. Sometimes he’d be home, sometimes he’d be out, but it mattered not because the anxiety was the same. Minutes later, as I made my way home, then and only then, did I feel the huge wave of relief that made it all worthwhile….the feeling that I’d connected and that perhaps he’d respond and the silence would end. Up until that point, I’d feel absolutely consumed….

…..Then, one night, on my way out the door with letter and keys in hand, I felt a sudden and unexpected shifting in my mindset…kind of like an earthquake shaking loose the petrified pieces of my common sense. For the first time in years, I looked at the clock, thought about how tired I felt, how late I’d get back, and about all of the anxiety-filled miles between my front door and his and simply didn’t go. My heart-heavy weariness and my common sense finally became bigger than the urge to chase the N and participate in the game. I knew, in that split second, that my nightly ritual of driving across town in the middle of the night during a silent treatment was over…that at least my participation in that part of the manipulation had ended…Somehow, by the grace of God, I had been granted a semblance of control within the chaos and I relaxed that night for the first time in years.”

I could have made that simple choice – to not go – any one of the hundreds of times that I made that anxiety-ridden drive and I didn’t do it. If I had, I could have saved myself years of misery. Sure, there had been times when I considered not going but I somehow thought that the anxiety of not going would be worse than the anxiety I felt on the drive over. I was counting on the relief I’d feel after the trip – a relief that was fleeting at best! On that pivotal night, when I did make the right choice, I could have never imagined just how right it truly was. It was so right that I never made that drive again or wrote another tear-stained letter…after over a decade of doing it! The relationship itself hung on for two more years but the driving and the writing – my desperation rituals – ended and, believe me, he noticed it.


That little choice became a turning point because it proved, without a doubt, that making the right decision wasn’t nearly as scary as I thought it would be. Something clicked. So, from that moment forward, here and there, I started making the right choices about the little things and it became easier and easier. Did the narcissist approve? Hell no! He, of course, accused me of not loving him like I used to and not caring – you know, all those things that he always accused me of. Look, if you’re going to get treated a certain way no matter what choices you make then at least make the choices that ultimately are more beneficial to you.

For instance, my ex loved the Cell Phone Game and played it every chance he could get. One of the most maddening rules of this game was that, although he never had to answer his phone (or even have one!), I had better answer mine or risk never hearing from him again. If my phone happened to be in another room and it started to ring, I would literally trip over myself (and everybody else) to get to it. If I was somewhere talking to someone and the phone began vibrating in my purse, I would literally lose my complete train of thought until I answered it or got back to him. Then, one random day, I made a choice – albeit a small one – to not behave like that anymore…to chill out and act normal. While that might seem like a no-brainer to most, for me it was a major accomplishment. Now, if the phone rang and it was convenient to talk, I did. If not, oh well! The first time I tried the new plan, allowing the phone to ring while I calmly cooked dinner, my son came flying out of his room with a panicked look on his face. I knew right then I’d made the right choice – no more.

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Even something as ordinary as choosing to lock my own front door became empowering. Over thirteen years, I avoided ever having to give him a key by simply leaving my front door unlocked whenever I knew he was on his way. The fact that his front door was always bolted tight didn’t matter; he fully expected mine to be unlocked day and night “just in case” and became infuriated when it wasn’t. If he came by and found it locked, he’d pound on it and then demand to know why I had locked it. The only times he ever felt obligated to knock, whether it was locked or not, were the moments he’d appear unannounced after a long silent treatment. Once I let him in, though, he never knocked again until the next reappearance. One night, I’d had enough. I made a choice to lock it all the time whether he liked it or not. After all, it was my apartment and my fucking front door! Since he also liked to tip-toe down the hall and startle me, locking the door allowed me to relax and gave me back control.

Mentally breaking free from the narcissist can start before you ever leave his ass and, in fact, it must! It can start with just a few small, empowering choices. If you don’t feel like having sex but you worry that he’ll leave if you don’t, choose to say no! Just do it. What’s the worst that can happen…he’ll leave like he’s left a thousand times before? So what! Take that chance. If he hates your friends but you miss them terribly, make a plan to go out with the girls every Wednesday and stick to it. The next time that he vanishes for no reason and blocks his phone, choose NOT to go looking for him. Just don’t. Appreciate the silence, In fact, make every day Silence Appreciation Day while he’s gone and get on with things. Again, what’s the worst that can happen? A silent treatment is a silent treatment. Might as well make the best of it!

Even when the narcissist is causing chaos and manipulating your life, you still have the power to make choices. I can tell you, without hesitation, that after that first little choice to not drive across town with that letter, I couldn’t stop making them every chance I got. By the time it was over, when he kissed me good-by after great sex and a nice day together and never came back, I was ready for it. It’s been almost three years since that day and I’ve shed about three tears. Does that mean it wasn’t sad and still isn’t sad sometimes? No, of course not. But it does mean that I took control, one choice at a time, over how I reacted to his awful narcissistic behaviors and the payoff was, for all intents and purposes, a tear-free good-by.

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  • Carolyn

    September 25, 2015 at 1:30 pm Reply

    Hey Zari,

    I left a comment a few days ago and apparently spoke too soon. After 2 years of NC, and 1 year since he last tried contacting me, my ex emailed me this afternoon. He said he’s worried about me because he heard from our friends that I blocked them on FB. (Of course I did, they were all enablers and I didn’t want spies.) So he’s reaching out again to “make sure I’m okay.”

    I haven’t spoken to him in 4 years and never once responded to his attempts since going NC. I blocked him everywhere, but his email showed up in my trash. When does this stop?

    • Zari Ballard

      September 26, 2015 at 4:23 pm Reply

      Hi Carolyn,

      OMG…See? I saw your second post first and responded that it would happen! LOL As for when it all stops, your guess is as good as mine, sister! All we can do is stick together to get through the nonsense. The balls of these predators are enormous!

      Zari xo

  • so depressed

    September 23, 2015 at 9:56 am Reply

    have gone the whole no contact. now he posts on craigslist now harassing me. so i posted back defending myself. long story short, i need help. been to the cops, they wont help me cuz he has not threatened me. i need to know it’s really him harassing me before i get the restraining order. he’s e-mailed me through craigslist so i dont know who he really is.i’ve talked about ed ( the narc I know ) on craigslist before. he’s my only enemy so i assume its him harasing me. he tells me in e-mails no man wants you. no man will ever want you. You should kill yourself since that is the only way you are gonna get over ed…YET, ed IS the narcissist. is it possible he isnt really ed harassing me? oh, he also somehow knows me enough to know my last name. but swears he isnt ed and swears we dont know each other and have never met. said he got my full name years ago in an e-mail header i sent him thru craigslsit which isnt true. i dont use my full name. he was reading every post on my facebook page and was harassing me on craigslist about the things i would say on facebook. he also posts my facebook photos on craigslsit. cops say it’s social media, it’s freedom of speech for him to tell me to kill myself. it’s his freedom of speech to call me a fat cunt and say i eat shit and like it. he can bully me and the cops dont care. i feel like taking his advice and killing myself just so whoever he is, will stop hurting me! Havent slept in days. very depressed. i guess he is right, no man will ever want or love me and i should kill myself. maybe that is the only way i will stop thinking about ed the narc.,i deleted my facebook account so now he cant keep tabs on me whoever he is IF he aint ed the narc . i also deleted all my e-mail accounts he would write me on thru craigslist. and i’ve stopped posting on craigslist but he continue to antagonize me knowing i read the posts. is it legal for him to tell me to kill myself? if i kill myself, can he go to jail? i have all the e-mails and harassing postings he’s place on craigslist saved. i dont want to die but i dont want to hurt anymore, either and if i take his advice and take my life, the hurting would at least stop. any feedback would really help. i’m at the end of my rope with whomever this man harassing me is.

    • Zari Ballard

      September 26, 2015 at 7:34 pm Reply

      Hello so depressed,

      Parts of your story lead me to believe that you’ve written to me many times before under different names, am I right? I am going to assume this is so and therefore I’m going to assume that I know your situation. First of all, killing yourself is not an option so I am not even going to touch on that. You know better. And, no, Ed won’t go to jail so if you’ve considered killing yourself to “punish” him, it would never happen. Don’t talk about killing yourself anymore, okay? I can’t help you if you do that because I’m not qualified at all in that way.

      Now, about Ed, this has been going on for DECADES and it is NEVER a positive experience. Leave him be and he will leave YOU alone. You know EXACTLY how I feel about this situation and I’m going to tell you straight-up again, STAY OFF OF CRAIGSLIST AND YOU WON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT. You mention that you’ve “talked” about Ed on Craigslist before? Do you think that’s a good thing to do? Why are you “talking” about him and why, of all the godawful places to be talking about anyone, on Craigslist??? If Ed somehow discovered the posts, then OF COURSE he is going to retaliate. Stop talking about Ed. Don’t even mention him. Don’t post about him ANYWHERE. Drop it. Drop him. He is not nor has he ever been your boyfriend and he doesn’t want to be. I agree that he’s an asshole – there’s no argument there – but you need to let it go once and for all or I fear that this is going to spiral into something awful. Is it possible for you to do that??? We’ve gone over and over this for two years now almost.

      I had thought you were doing great. What happened? You were feeling confident and clear-headed and all was good. You had all kinds of awesome advice for others and I thought you had finally accepted that Ed was simply not going to happen. I really believe that if you stop instigating your own behavior to get a response from him, all will be peaceful. Of course, I don’t know how far this has gotten so I can only assume.

      Anyway, I don’t know what more I can say. Please look at your life and how good you were doing just months ago. The madness has got to stop, my friend. It has got to stop.

      Zari xo

  • donna

    September 18, 2015 at 1:14 pm Reply

    Hi zari I’ve written to you a few months bk regarding co parenting with my ex narc. As I mentioned in my posts previously he discarded me and my daughter to set up life in the states with another woman. I found out bits of info through his new supply then she denied everything when I called her in the past. However he came bk from the states to spend time in the UK again since May this year . Since he’s come bk he has caused nothing but mayhem in mine and my daughters life. He has been picking up my daughter the dropping her whenever it’s not convenient to him. She only 2. However I initialised no contact with him and he was turning up to my property on a few occasions unannoced knowing my daughter wasn’t there. He would shout through the letter that he wouldn’t leave until I open the door and that he knew I had another man in there. To avoid making a seen into the new neighbourhood I moved into. I had no choice to open the door and drive him away from my property. After that I felt so intimidated so the next day I reported everything to the police. They said if he done it again he would be arrested they took his contact details and said they would call and tell him not to contact me again and go through the correct channels to see his daughter. To cut a long story short his mom has been calling my mom’s phone since last Sunday she was asking for me at first then when she called bk the next few times when my mom asked if there was anything she wanted to talk to me about she said she was calling to speak to the baby. Because I’m not in contact with my ex narc not sure how best to deal with his mom not in the mood to talk to her either

  • Dina

    September 17, 2015 at 3:22 am Reply

    * would.

    I would like to know also if narcssist will hoover after you unmasked him, and if yes why he will do that if you told him the you know who he is?

  • dina

    September 17, 2015 at 3:18 am Reply

    Hello Zari, i eould like to know why your N left you in the end and not came back? what do you think the reason he didn’t hoover you anymore?

    • Zari Ballard

      September 17, 2015 at 11:58 am Reply

      Hi Dina,

      Oh, he had sent text messages (which I never opened except for one many months later) and I blocked him on the home phone instantly. Then I changed both numbers. And there were little taps at the door periodically over the next six months that my son swore was him (because he says he’d know that knock anywhere) but I never checked or answered. We would hide in my room until whoever it was went away. Since I live far enough out of town where no one ever “pops in”, I can only assume. Then, a year ago this past June, I found a folded up note from him on the driver’s seat of my car that I ripped into a zillion pieces as soon as I saw his handwriting. It made me sick to see it. THEN, two months after that, I had both tires on the passenger side of my car slashed. I guess that was the Grand Finale. Since then, nothing. So, there were hoovers but if you simply stop responding or avoid interacting with them, the narcissist WILL go away. Don’t forget that a narcissist ALWAYS has someone else hidden away somewhere (that’s why he disappears!) so it’s not as if he can’t eventually just move on. And, along with that, there does come a point where he knows that you know TOO much and it simply is not worth his while any more. The fun, for him, is over.

      Zari xo

      • Carolynn

        September 23, 2015 at 8:28 am Reply

        I’m relieved to hear you say this, Zari. I haven’t heard from my narc ex in over a year, after his extinction burst when I went no contact. I’ve heard other places online say a narcissist always returns and may come back decades later, but I can’t fathom that. Even if he did, I wouldn’t answer the door.

        • Zari Ballard

          September 26, 2015 at 4:14 pm Reply

          Hi Carolynn,

          I know that it’s hard to fathom that they would return but would you believe that my ex – the NARCISSIST OF MY BOOKS – sent me a FB friend request two weeks ago? I rarely go to FB so when I didn’t respond, he posted a nasty comment telling me to take “all of the bullshit about him” down from the internet. I have yet to figure out how he was able to post to my FB at all since I have everything set to private but who knows? I instantly blocked him. The good thing for me was that, except for the first few seconds of shock, I felt nothing but irritation. My thought is that he tried to hoover first with a “friend request” (amazing!) and when that didn’t work, he got instantly nasty. Sure, I’ll take the books and this website down immediately, honey!

          So, as you said, don’t answer the door! Sometime, somewhere, they show up and the farther you’ve distanced yourself from the nonsense, the better! Stay strong, girlfriend!

          Zari xo

          • Carolyn

            October 4, 2015 at 8:51 am

            So these parasites have enough self-awareness to recognize themselves when other people complain about their behavior, but they refuse to change. Amazing.

          • Zari Ballard

            October 10, 2015 at 12:28 am

            Hi Carolyn,

            Yup, that’s it in a nutshell. Amazing it is.


  • Christine

    September 14, 2015 at 3:04 pm Reply

    Yet another great one Zari! I hope that everyone here, who is still with narcissists, eventually gets to the point of leaving, as I did. However, I also understand that getting to that point doesn’t happen immediately for everyone (it didn’t for me either). So if anyone isn’t quite there yet, just take a few baby steps, here and there, to slowly “wean” yourself off the narcissist. Don’t look towards the top of the staircase and think about how hard it’ll be to get up there. Instead, just keep taking the tinier steps right in front of you–then you’ll eventually reach the top when the time is right.

    Before I eventually left and blocked the narcissist, I first took a few little baby steps to gradually detach myself from him. One of the little things I did was stop being hooked to my cell phone and waiting for his every little text, phone call, etc. Instead, I got busy thinking and doing things that had nothing to do with him at all. Luckily, I’m a bookworm and can get mentally carried away by a good book. So I went ahead and did that–which ended up taking a lot of time (hey I picked thick books!). Then I stopped noticing the hours of silence from him, wondering what he was up to, etc. I also went out and spent more time with my good friends. I also looked back on old photos with friends and family, to remind myself of the good times I had enjoyed before the narcissist came into my life. I thought that if I could have good times without the narcissist before, I could again! Chances are, the narcissist will leave you with some moments of silence as he/she goes off doing whatever (or whomever) they want. So take advantage of that by nurturing yourself and making it all about YOU again, not them! No, we can’t control what these human turds do, but we can at least control how we react to them. The idea is to gradually become less dependent on their attention and approval–and learning to live without it. After being able to go through short periods of time without him (and feeling A-okay about it!), I was mentally more prepared to go my whole life without him. So to everyone out there, those baby steps will eventually help you take the drama-free break from them you need.

    • Zari Ballard

      September 14, 2015 at 8:26 pm Reply

      Christine wrote...No, we can’t control what these human turds do, but we can at least control how we react to them. The idea is to gradually become less dependent on their attention and approval–and learning to live without it. After being able to go through short periods of time without him (and feeling A-okay about it!), I was mentally more prepared to go my whole life without him.

      That’s EXACTLY what I’m saying, girl! Just because we haven’t technically broken up with the dude doesn’t mean that we can’t be prepping our head for it. EVERYBODY, USE THE ABANDONMENT TIME TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!

      After I got the hang of Silence Appreciation, whenever I’d hear that pathetic little tap at the door after a 2-3 week disappearance, instead of feeling relief, I’d look up from my desk and yell to my son, “Oh Fuck! Already???” One time I even stomped to the door, flung it open, and said “You’re early. What’s up?” and then headed straight back to my office. Oh, he was not liking THAT at all! That was definitely the beginning of the end of Zari & Wayne. LOLOLOL

      Zari xo

      • Christine

        September 15, 2015 at 9:59 am Reply

        Wow, who did he think he was waltzing back in after weeks of disappearing for no discernible reason??? I guess he wanted a hero’s welcome but instead got what he really deserved LOL!

        Everyone here, turn the narcissist’s so-called “punishment” into a reward! When the narcissist isn’t around to distract you with his/her garbage, you’ll be amazed at how much clarity you’ll gain over the situation.

  • Cheryl

    September 14, 2015 at 8:51 am Reply

    This is all so true. I want to say thank you. Your book and blog are the only things that help me feel like I wasn’t crazy.

    It’s been a year since I’ve seen my N…Almost a year since I’ve heard from him…Just over six months since the last time I attempted to have any contact with him. It has been hard and I am still learning to retrain my mind. I wish I was as good at training my mind as he was!

    I’ve also been in counseling for over a year and a half. It took about six months, even with professional help, for me to finally make the choice to end it. I won’t lie. It has been very hard for me. There are days I still think about him. But at least the thoughts are changing. I don’t feel the same. I honestly can’t even describe how I feel but I know it’s different.

    And while I can’t say I am completely over him and this whole thing…because they do leave a mass of destruction behind them….but I have one thing I know he will never have…hope. I have hope that there will be a day I don’t think about him. Hope that there will be a day when the pain is gone. Hope that I will find joy and love and happiness again. Things I know he has no hope of ever having, much less understanding.

    Thank you for taking your experience and sharing it to benefit others. I know that God is using all of this for my good, even if I don’t understand it. 🙂

    • Zari Ballard

      September 25, 2015 at 12:47 am Reply

      Hi Cheryl,

      Thank you so much for your beautiful post – it made my night! To be able to help in even the smallest of ways is truly my privilege and I wish you nothing but the best. I know that there will be those days where the memory slips in but, as you know, this happens less and farther apart as you move through the process of recovery. The important thing is THAT YOU HAVE SAVED YOUR LIFE. You have awarded yourself the opportunity to be happy finally and forever. It was a long road through a dark tunnel and you came out the other end! Always give yourself the credit you are due. You are the only one who could have made it happen and your post is indeed inspirational!

      Others here can always use the wisdom of those who’ve made it through so feel free to reply to other posts to share the journey. That is how I chose to pay it forward in the Universe and it changed my life. God has a plan for you, sister, and it’s going to be awesome!

      Stay strong!

      Zari xo

      • Bradley

        November 26, 2015 at 7:41 am Reply

        Zari….I just posted something about my ” bad Day 36 of NC” and then read your exchange with Cheryl. Thank you. You reference ” appreciate the abandonment and silence”…..that’s what I am trying to focus on today. Good days and bad days in my 36 day NC journey. Last 24 hours tough. All I can think about is ” she is having the time of her life….doesn’t know I am even gone…doesn’t miss me…is still laughing at me…..has her two new suppliers….and I am (dare I say it) MISSING HER”. I have to focus on all of the bad, the hurt, the lies….and then park ” all that” and get back to healing me. Thanks for your guidance and support….all of you.

        • Zari Ballard

          November 26, 2015 at 9:07 pm Reply

          Hi Bradley,

          Hang in there, brother, because it does get better. I realize now that to think too far in advance when your in the recovery period is non-productive. Focus on the hurt one day at a time and don’t worry about what she’s up to…or rather, don’t focus on what you think you might be “missing” because you already KNOW that and thank God you’re missing it! There’s always a period about a month or two in after the break-up that we get a wave of relationship amnesia. As long as you’re aware of it – which you obviously are – you can get through it. It’s just your heart trying to play tricks on you. No matter what you think is happening in her world right now, you already know how it will end up because that’s how her world works. It always ends the same way. Take it one day at a time and, yes, appreciate the silence.

          Stay strong and don’t be sad – be mad. We’re here to support you all the time, any time!

          Zari xo

          • Bradley

            November 26, 2015 at 9:16 pm

            Thanks so so much Zari !! I made I through today…..and turned the day around, by focusing on my son….who sacrificed much while I ” waited around” and ” adjusted my schedule” to wait on my N to contact me….for the last three months. I cannot believe how much I believed ” my world revolved around her”…..and how I felt I couldn’t live without her. I TOLD HER THAT three times…..must have been music to her ears. I am laughing….because she sure must have been patting herself on the back when I told her that. Like the ” gold medal for Narcs”. Never. Ever. Again. Thanks again…..your blogs and advice are simply invaluable….so empowering. Thank you. So much.

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