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Getting Over the Narcissist One Small Choice at a Time

get-over-narcissistThe hardest part about leaving a narcissist is the thought that we’re never going to get over it. Even though we’ve been subjected to a zillion silent treatments and disappearances (and survived!), we figure that once it’s really over, we might as well curl up in the fetal position and get comfortable because that’s where we’ll stay for a long while. We imagine months and months of sobbing incessantly, not being able to work, not being able to eat (or eating too much), and certainly not being able to venture outside where a chance encounter with the narcissist and his new “love” could literally kick us over the edge. From our vantage point at the tail end of the relationship, the future after the break-up looks bleak indeed.

So, how do we mentally get ready to make the final break? The answer is really so simple it’s ridiculous. We start by making a series of small choices and re-train our fucking brain. During the relationship, our co-dependency creates the illusion of there only ever being one big painful choice we can make – the choice to end it or accept that it’s over – but this isn’t true. There are actually a whole bunch of little choices – like stepping stones –  to be made prior to the big one and we all but ignore them. This is crazy because once you get the hang of making small but right choices, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to get on with it.

If there’s one thing consistent about our time with an N, it’s the fact that chaos is involved in every little thing. Make no mistake about it – this is by design. A narcissist will manipulate and distract us so that we are always on the edge of our seat…so that we don’t make the right choices. This is his job in the relationship. In other words, even though we have the capability to make choices, we are, over time, reduced to bundles of conditioned reflexes that are constantly triggered into predictable behaviors.

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In my first book When Love Is a Lie, I describe a pivotal moment towards the end of the relationship where, for the first time in years, I actually made a rational choice about my own behavior and it absolutely changed my trajectory in the relationship. Here’s that passage:

“Over time, by making a conscious effort to change my thought process, I felt things starting to shift in my favor. Now, I never knew exactly how (or even when) things would shift but I would, every once in a while, just know that they had because certain frenetic behaviors of mine would simply stop. For example, for a good part of twelve years, whenever subjected to a silent treatment or unexpected dismissal by the narcissist, I would feel compelled to take to the streets in the wee hours of the morning, five-page letter in hand and butterflies in my stomach, hoping to either catch him in the act of something or at least connect (albeit by proxy…the letter). Over the years, I must have written nearly a thousand letters to the N – all heart-felt pleas for peace, begging him, in desperation, to change his ways, end the silent treatment, and come back to the fold. Sometimes this tactic worked, sometimes it didn’t, but the writing and re-writing, always trying to get the words just right, exhausted me every time. Then came the drive across town and the nerve-wracking moments of tip-toeing to the apartment door to attach the letter, my heart pounding out of my chest. Sometimes he’d be home, sometimes he’d be out, but it mattered not because the anxiety was the same. Minutes later, as I made my way home, then and only then, did I feel the huge wave of relief that made it all worthwhile….the feeling that I’d connected and that perhaps he’d respond and the silence would end. Up until that point, I’d feel absolutely consumed….

…..Then, one night, on my way out the door with letter and keys in hand, I felt a sudden and unexpected shifting in my mindset…kind of like an earthquake shaking loose the petrified pieces of my common sense. For the first time in years, I looked at the clock, thought about how tired I felt, how late I’d get back, and about all of the anxiety-filled miles between my front door and his and simply didn’t go. My heart-heavy weariness and my common sense finally became bigger than the urge to chase the N and participate in the game. I knew, in that split second, that my nightly ritual of driving across town in the middle of the night during a silent treatment was over…that at least my participation in that part of the manipulation had ended…Somehow, by the grace of God, I had been granted a semblance of control within the chaos and I relaxed that night for the first time in years.”

I could have made that simple choice – to not go – any one of the hundreds of times that I made that anxiety-ridden drive and I didn’t do it. If I had, I could have saved myself years of misery. Sure, there had been times when I considered not going but I somehow thought that the anxiety of not going would be worse than the anxiety I felt on the drive over. I was counting on the relief I’d feel after the trip – a relief that was fleeting at best! On that pivotal night, when I did make the right choice, I could have never imagined just how right it truly was. It was so right that I never made that drive again or wrote another tear-stained letter…after over a decade of doing it! The relationship itself hung on for two more years but the driving and the writing – my desperation rituals – ended and, believe me, he noticed it.


That little choice became a turning point because it proved, without a doubt, that making the right decision wasn’t nearly as scary as I thought it would be. Something clicked. So, from that moment forward, here and there, I started making the right choices about the little things and it became easier and easier. Did the narcissist approve? Hell no! He, of course, accused me of not loving him like I used to and not caring – you know, all those things that he always accused me of. Look, if you’re going to get treated a certain way no matter what choices you make then at least make the choices that ultimately are more beneficial to you.

For instance, my ex loved the Cell Phone Game and played it every chance he could get. One of the most maddening rules of this game was that, although he never had to answer his phone (or even have one!), I had better answer mine or risk never hearing from him again. If my phone happened to be in another room and it started to ring, I would literally trip over myself (and everybody else) to get to it. If I was somewhere talking to someone and the phone began vibrating in my purse, I would literally lose my complete train of thought until I answered it or got back to him. Then, one random day, I made a choice – albeit a small one – to not behave like that anymore…to chill out and act normal. While that might seem like a no-brainer to most, for me it was a major accomplishment. Now, if the phone rang and it was convenient to talk, I did. If not, oh well! The first time I tried the new plan, allowing the phone to ring while I calmly cooked dinner, my son came flying out of his room with a panicked look on his face. I knew right then I’d made the right choice – no more.

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Even something as ordinary as choosing to lock my own front door became empowering. Over thirteen years, I avoided ever having to give him a key by simply leaving my front door unlocked whenever I knew he was on his way. The fact that his front door was always bolted tight didn’t matter; he fully expected mine to be unlocked day and night “just in case” and became infuriated when it wasn’t. If he came by and found it locked, he’d pound on it and then demand to know why I had locked it. The only times he ever felt obligated to knock, whether it was locked or not, were the moments he’d appear unannounced after a long silent treatment. Once I let him in, though, he never knocked again until the next reappearance. One night, I’d had enough. I made a choice to lock it all the time whether he liked it or not. After all, it was my apartment and my fucking front door! Since he also liked to tip-toe down the hall and startle me, locking the door allowed me to relax and gave me back control.

Mentally breaking free from the narcissist can start before you ever leave his ass and, in fact, it must! It can start with just a few small, empowering choices. If you don’t feel like having sex but you worry that he’ll leave if you don’t, choose to say no! Just do it. What’s the worst that can happen…he’ll leave like he’s left a thousand times before? So what! Take that chance. If he hates your friends but you miss them terribly, make a plan to go out with the girls every Wednesday and stick to it. The next time that he vanishes for no reason and blocks his phone, choose NOT to go looking for him. Just don’t. Appreciate the silence, In fact, make every day Silence Appreciation Day while he’s gone and get on with things. Again, what’s the worst that can happen? A silent treatment is a silent treatment. Might as well make the best of it!

Even when the narcissist is causing chaos and manipulating your life, you still have the power to make choices. I can tell you, without hesitation, that after that first little choice to not drive across town with that letter, I couldn’t stop making them every chance I got. By the time it was over, when he kissed me good-by after great sex and a nice day together and never came back, I was ready for it. It’s been almost three years since that day and I’ve shed about three tears. Does that mean it wasn’t sad and still isn’t sad sometimes? No, of course not. But it does mean that I took control, one choice at a time, over how I reacted to his awful narcissistic behaviors and the payoff was, for all intents and purposes, a tear-free good-by.

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  • Bernadette

    December 2, 2015 at 12:25 pm Reply

    I have only been married since Jan this year. I left my husband on 17th October 2015 as he fits the abusive cerebral narcissist profile to a tee. He ticks every single box!
    He has sociopathic tendencies too. A friend in the mental health profession helped me see this.
    And yet still I married this man!
    I fell for Mr empty promises hook line and sinker.
    Abusive and I had to leave before he became physically abusive. It was all the name calling put down stuff crazy me stuff first but then it escalated.
    So I had to leave.
    I am a week into no contact and it really really hurts!
    I know this man I fell in love with was an “actor” and a very charismatic con artist.
    The rest of the world sees this great guy. He’s his Mums favourite.( he’s 36. I’m 38.)I get all the spoiled teenager who drinks a lot like it’s going to evaporate! And his behaviour escalates then too. I had to leave.
    I made my escape plan to leave and I did it last week.
    I have to divorce him in January so the no contact rule will have to be broken at some point then.
    Just now because the nervous energy and adrenaline from walking on eggshells has gone so I’m left “missing” this illusionist.
    My heart is breaking that I let him in.
    I deleted and blocked him on my social networks.
    Staying no contact is painful. It’s been just over a week and I want to text him. I know I have to be strong. It’s just so hard!
    And it hurts so much!
    When does it start to subside?

  • m

    November 27, 2015 at 9:52 am Reply

    this site is helpful to refer BK to an on our
    bad days concerning the NARC…
    7yrs I wasted time money energy love
    he’s moved onto nxt supply I’m in no contact 22 days blocked evrything I have
    too much respect for me to contact him
    I don’t do Fakebook or social media its a mirage, period.
    he’s in the this is the one mode an its
    holiday time so thy kick it up!
    I’m really poed he just went right BK to his
    NARC mode, supply supply supply….
    thres no way NARCS grow ,change , nobody is the one because NARCS are they’re own one! fake ,ego , zero confidence, no confidence.
    thy hang in same circles, same situations,
    same outcomes, boring!!!!!!! repeat, repeat
    thre are times I get sad, an wtf moments
    I am committed to N/C ….
    thy always hve contacts in their ph, SM , online sme bkup always…..
    if we stay single, its ok. wre ok. getting BK to us, lesson learned! will help us for our future
    THYRE goal is supply evryday
    an thnk ABT this- what girl is gona let sme dude NARC mve in after a month an with kids? dsnt say smart to me FRM her end…. goes for guys as welll its odd.
    Remember NARCS just kp gng, gng, no reality, no emotion…
    family, kids, strangers, SM, thy play too…
    thyell always be a part of us of why w/NARC…
    I’ve graduated ,gng on to more medical cerifications, buying stuff for me, raising my dtr, improving my life, sometimes I have too force myself, I do it..
    strength ,peace ,love, great things for all of us!!!
    all that GLITTERS isn’t gold
    it will come BK around for the NARC
    believe that!!!!!

  • Bradley

    November 26, 2015 at 7:26 am Reply


    I have commented on a few blogs…when I was strong. Having a ” weak day” so will also let you know how THAT feels.
    I am Day 36 of full on NC. Blocked text, cell, and even ” work instant messaging”. My message to her was clear. So am strong as an ox on the NC. But have been obsessing over ” what is she doing/thinking….where is she….is she with those two new suppliers….does she miss me ?” She has not reached out …not once. Has totally moved on…..probably doesn’t even notice I am gone….this is what I am thinking. Not positive I know.
    I have no desire or inclination to break NC…not for a second. But I know that obsessing about her isn’t part of my healing. I find myself “missing her”…..yes…despite being abused, mocked, used, hurt, lied to, cheated on, treated like cr*p…..and truly humiliated.
    So…what to do ? I am trying to bring my thinking back to me….my loved ones…..focusing on the negatives in our (4 year) relationship. Trying to avoid the thinking around ” OMG…it’s over for good…forever”….though I know it has to be.
    In the last 36 days of NC…many ups and downs. Today is a down day….I will fight through it…..but I need to stop wasting energy and time on her. On what truly ” wasn’t”.
    I need to focus on me….my healing. Just writing to all of you helps in some way.
    I also need to :
    1- CELEBRATE that she has moved on…odd as that sounds. I should be happy there is no hoovering… lies, no fake apologies.
    2- REMEMBER….I sent HER a message….LEAVE ME ALONE. So her Silent Treatment is to be expected. I also have conditioned her to know I will ” fall back in line” over the last 4 years….NEVER again)

    Thanks for listening….I appreciate knowing ” we are all in this together”…..I promise to post tomorrow….tell you how I got through today.


    • Zari Ballard

      December 1, 2015 at 1:45 pm Reply

      Hi Bradley,

      Just checking on you….how are you doing? Wanted to to say to be careful about sending out those messages…even if they make you feel better. Any reaction from you is all she needs to deem herself the winner and to feel as if she still has one foot in the door. These monsters will never hold themselves accountable – ever!

      So, like you said, just focus on yourself! Hope you had a nice, peaceful holiday and please update:)

      Zari xo

      • Bradley

        December 2, 2015 at 6:21 pm Reply

        Zari and Bernadette,
        Thanks for your support…and yes Zari…I get it. No hint of a win for her. Nothing. Thank you.
        I got through that day…and all the days since. I am focusing my energy on myself and those that ” paid the price” while I waited…and waited…and waited (mostly in vain) for any contact from my ex-N. “bringing me back”… my new motto, along with ” don’t let the f-en door hit you on your way out”. Thanks for the follow up. Day ” 40-something”…..and losing track…so its all good.

    • Bernadette

      December 2, 2015 at 2:49 pm Reply

      I’m having a “weak” day today. I can empathise with what you have said here.
      Reading these posts as well as these articles helps a LOT!
      Thank you for sharing Bradley.

    • Lisa

      December 2, 2015 at 7:22 pm Reply

      Hi Brad:
      There are days when I feel exactly like you, I wonder obsessively what he’s doing, does he miss me, etc. This thanksgiving was wine of my worst days…. You know what I did? I downloaded zari’s workbook and did some of the exercises- I needed to be reminded who he REALLY is and it made it easier to let go ( if even for a day) Even now I pull out those pages to re-read on days I’m not feeling strong, it gets me through it.

      On a side note, and I’d appreciate any feedback on this, his ex reached out to me, thanking me for all I’ve done for and with the girls and asked if she could bring them to see me at my restaurant next week…. I’m thrilled and can’t wait to see them, I will NOT be discussing my relationship with D with her, and don’t think she has any desire to either, it’s about those kids…

  • kika

    November 23, 2015 at 1:32 pm Reply

    I am new to your forum and I must say it is very refreshing to be educated with steps that can help heal your mind and get strong again. I have been in a relationship with a N for several years and I always thought I was so stupid/crazy because I had proof of the cheating, proof of the lies, and proof that he had fathered 3-kids throughout our 8 year relationship but he had a unique way of playing the victim and leaving me thinking I was crazy or as he calls me the devil or the evil person. I started taking back my life last year when I ended up in the hospital a true victim of abuse at the hands of the man I cherished and let me express my love wasnt from anything he ever did for me because that was very slim to nothing. He came with nothing but ended up having a better car than me with no job and no work ethic. This N litterly stole my identity and started to use my words and dreams like they were from his mind. Im just thankful I found you it has really been a healing process!

    • Zari Ballard

      December 5, 2015 at 2:48 pm Reply

      Hi Kika,

      Thank you for sharing and I’m grateful you’re here too! Stay strong and always keep your eye on the prize. If you can , please read my book When Love Is a Lie because you will resonate with my own story. Narcissists are the same worldwide and we can all learn from one another. Continue to heal, girl, and I’m here if you need me:)

      Zari xo

  • Lisa

    November 12, 2015 at 4:12 pm Reply

    I’m on day 10 of NC and was feeling kinda angry tonight, so I thought I would write a letter – after posting below, I’ll delete so I won’t be tempted to send but it felt good to get it out….

    Dear Dave:

    You once told me you wake up every morning with a full blown panic attack and it takes you some time to “settle in” to your day. I took it to mean you needed time to figure out where you ‘fit’ according to what your schedule was that day – corporate guy, dad, boyfriend, etc.

    How sad to live life that way.

    All of your relationships have started and ended the same way – you admitted this. You fall deeply in ‘love’ at first, very quickly. The excitement and high of the new relationship drives you at first but invariably the high wears off and you become bored? That’s when you start the process of discarding the person you are involved with…with no concern or care for the other person’s feelings – was it really love in the first place then? I think not.

    True love is f*ing amazing and the most incredible high you will ever experience, there is nothing like it. I wonder why you have never found this with anyone – is it because you are afraid to show the person your ‘true self’?

    There are very real, TRUE good things about your character – you absolutely love the outdoors – that’s real and one of God’s greatest gifts to the human race. You get lost in music, another one of those special gifts – it can move us and make us feel, and can transform us. Remember when you would ‘speak’ to someone through a song? Was that a way of showing your true self without actually facing it?

    This next part you won’t like, but stay with me…. You are NOT a great dad. Over the last 6 months of our relationship you have used your kids to continually reel me back into the relationship, so you can discard me again. Remember the time you were doing daddy/daughter dances – you were dancing with Abby, Jessie was on my lap and I said to her “ It’s going to be so much fun watching you grow up “ The very next instant she threw her arms around my neck and was sobbing uncontrollably…..

    She knew the drill. She knew I was out the door before I did. She was SEVEN.

    JW was right, you should have never let me near your kids – I fell in love with them fully and unconditionally, and they loved me back. You fucked up.

    As for us, believe it or not, I have no regrets. Yes, you hurt me several times, but I realize that was on YOU, not me. I went into the relationship with you and the girls with my whole heart, and loved completely…. Because I CAN.

    I’ll leave you with two songs –
    The first is Adam Levine/Slash “Gotten” ( ‘you get me like I’ve never been gotten before’) – yes I do. I know exactly who you are.
    The second- Gotye – you are just “Somebody that I Used to Know”

    • Zari Ballard

      November 14, 2015 at 8:09 pm Reply

      Hi Lisa,

      One of the saddest letters to a narcissist that I ever read. But – girl – it is so true! They hurt EVERYONE they touch and then they move on from all of us…lovers, kids, family, friends, you name it. Sometimes we have to get it out…to tell the narcissist exactly how we feel. It doesn’t even matter if they get it or not because the good-by…the closure…is for us (even if we have to make it).

      Thank you for sharing and please come back to visit often! I’m always here to support you…

      Zari xo

    • Bradley

      November 26, 2015 at 8:22 am Reply

      Hey Lisa….just read your post from Nov 12th. Thank you. It helped me. By my count…and since I KNOW you are strong…you must be on Day 24 of NC. Good for you !!! I am on Day 36….and some are good…some not so much. I liked your idea of a “Letter to the N”. Gets our thoughts and emotions out without caving on the NC. Great idea. May just write something like that myself today (its obviously a rough day for me). Thank you. Stay strong.

  • Ele

    November 11, 2015 at 10:58 am Reply

    I gave in. I replied to his VM after a 4 month silent treatment. I didn’t run to him though. The other me would’ve been in my car waiting for him to finally ask to come over. This time, he did his subtle “lets get a drink” routine. I came up with 20 excuses. He didn’t get mad. he said OK how about Sunday and I said maybe…. and there it is!!! Now I sit here, writing this sick of myself. Actually considering it.

    • Zari Ballard

      November 11, 2015 at 8:39 pm Reply

      Hi Ele,

      Unfortunately, any response at all to a hoover is akin to you running to him. They don’t care HOW you respond…the point is that you did and now it begins (again). Mine would disappear and then a few months later I’d get that same stupid, mother-fucking text…”Let’s get a drink”…and I’d go for it. Sure, I might put it off, trying to make a point, but he’d just be patient because he knew eventually I’d cave.

      Until you block him from ever being able to contact you…cutting him off from phone, text, email, social media, whatever, you will never be free. This game of cat/mouse and seduce/discard never ever gets old for the narc. It just gets better and better as long as he can continue to make you suffer.

      Don’t go! Block him! Don’t answer the door! You’re going back down the rabbit hole if you do. I know you know this…I’m just trying to validate the message for you! LOL Stay strong, girl. And, if you can, read (download) my book When Love Is a Lie from Amazon because it will help you to see the light. I guarantee it. I’m a survivor of the same bullshit and you can be too…

      Zari xo

  • Boppy

    October 26, 2015 at 9:59 pm Reply

    My GOD you get it. You really, really, get it. Yes to everything in this article. You are gifted at this.

    • Zari Ballard

      October 27, 2015 at 3:49 am Reply

      Thank you and thanks for reading, Boppy:)

      • Boppy

        November 6, 2015 at 10:35 pm Reply

        Zari, I blocked the lunatic on my cellphone! Finally! I have tried to a couple of times and hadn’t done the right technological things on the phone. Then I found out what they were, but couldn’t bring myself to do it. Today I did it. I rang him and a man was there and he was panting when he answered the phone, I don’t actually believe he wasn’t making some kind of sex act with this guy! How’s that for “trust”! If you can’t trust that your boyfriend isn’t having sex with a man when he answers his phone, there is no trust. I know that there is no trust, but today was different for some reason.
        I think I’ve seen the futility of it in so many different ways now, it’s enough. The futility is complete, it’s total. This is an absolutely futile situation.
        So that’s a bonus. I’m going to buy wine!

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