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A Narcissist Hoovering Q & A

narcissist-returns-hooveringNarcissistic hoovering so often becomes our epic downfall after a break-up with an N simply because we allow it so easily to lure us back to the abyss. It is this hoovering – this  preferred narcissistic tactic of our toxic insignificant other – that invariably sucks us in for another no-win round of cat and mouse time after time after time.  It is the hoovering that gets the best of us – more often than not – and makes it nearly impossible for us to put an end to the narcissistic nonsense.

Why do narcissist’s hoover and why does it appear to have such a hypnotic effect on the broken-hearted? I mean, how can this be considering that he who hoovers is, without a doubt, the perpetrator of the original crime? Why do the victims of a narcissist not only expect to be hoovered but will even wait for it, hope for it, and even beg for it at some point in the relationship? Because there are always a slew of questions about the hoovering maneuver in the wonderful emails I receive from website visitors and from readers of my book,  I thought the time was right to create the following Hoovering Q & A:

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What exactly is hoovering?

Hoovering is an “action” that describes how a narcissist tries to weasel his way back into your life after a break-up or after he’s vanished for a period of time (i.e. a silent treatment). A “hoover” is the tactic he uses to do it.

What are hoovering tactics?

Hoovering tactics, which come in many forms (text message, email, letter or card, by proxy via someone else, phone call/voice mail, etc.), are always deliberately subtle at first in order to hide the deception behind it. How the hoovers continue is based upon your response to the first few. Also, because each relationship is unique and your narcissist has created a mental list of all the special things he can use to tug at your heart strings or pull on your conscience, he or she will combine/include what he knows about you with his hoovering methods.

So, for example, text message hoovering tactics out-of-the-blue after a silent treatment could involve:

  • text messages pretending to be oh-so-sweet: “Hi. How are u? Are u ok?” or “R u there?” or “Hey, it’s me:(“
  • text messages on special occasions: “Its my b’day. Really miss u being here” or “Happy b’day. Wish I was there”
  • text messages about the kids (especially if they’re not his): “Hi. I was thinking about Joey today. Is he ok?” or “I know u hate me but wanna wish Suzie a Happy 8th b’day”
  • text messages about a convenient upcoming event: “Foo Fighters r coming. Wanna go? Couldn’t go w/o u”” or “R u going to Maggie’s wedding?”
  • text messages about things you like to do that he’s never been interested in doing with you before (one of my ex’s favorites): “Hey, I was thinking, wanna go bowl a few strings?” or “Hey wud u like to go for a drink?”
  • text messages about bogus family illnesses (including his own) (another of my ex’s favorites): “My mom had a stroke. need to talk to u” or “I don’t no, think I might have cancer. Can I c u?”
  • text messages about sex: “Don’t u miss us being together?”
  • text messages that attempt to flip the hoover back on you: “Did u just text me?” or “Did you just call me?” or “Did u just drive by?”
  • text messages, when all else fails, making bogus accusations to get some type of emotional response (my ex’s all time favorite and it usually worked): “I know what u did” or “U better tell ur boyfriend to stop calling me” or “I know u hacked into my fone” or ” or “I’ve moved on. Why r u bugging me?”

All of the above can be swapped for use in emails, letters, notes taped to cars, voice mails…you get the idea. The point’s all a crock of shit to get a response from you so that communication is initiated and he can worm his way back into your life.

Why does a narcissist begin to hoover?

A narcissist hoovers for a few different reasons (none of them good, by the way) but the main one is to keep you from ever moving on from the pain that he caused you.  Successful hoovering (i.e. you responding) keeps you in the queue with all of the narcissist’s other victims (and there are always others) and this, in turn, ensures that he will never run out of narcissistic supply.

What has happened to the narcissist for him to start the hoovering?

A narcissist only hoovers because things aren’t going his way wherever he’s at – and that’s the only reason. So, if the narcissist in your life starts hoovering suddenly after a long (or brief) absence, it’s because 1) he’s had enough fun with whoever he left you for, 2) his current fling did something he didn’t like and he’s getting ready to blow her off, 3) his current fling is getting too close to finding out about you or others and he knows the end is near anyway, or 4) he’s in need of something you’ve got (i.e. money, transportation, sex, etc.)

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What will happen if I fall for his hoovering tactics?

He will expect the relationship to pick up where it left off with no repercussions from you and the next time he leaves (and he will leave again) he’ll make sure it’s more painful for you than the time before. Nothing good ever comes from falling for a hoover.

And it only takes one (1) response from you for the hoover to be successful. If you notice, a narcissist will often hoover with a text or email or phone call that gives you hope and then, as soon as you respond in kind, he disappears. That’s his way of just checking on your status in his queue of victims – and then he goes back to whatever or whoever he was doing.

Is it ever possible that the narcissist really misses me and feels bad about what he did?

No. A narcissist has no conscience and, although he knows the difference between right and wrong, he doesn’t care about that. He doesn’t miss you or love you or miss the kids or have nostalgic thoughts (not like we do anyway) or feel sorry for what he did or for hurting you. Nope, it’s none of that. He might be missing the sex but that will only be temporary because after you’ve let him back in, he will eventually leave again to go back to wherever he was because he now misses that sex.

Well, I hope the above clarifies the hoovering method of the narcissist a little. As always, no contact is the only way to rid yourself of the narcissist. The more we understand the reasoning behind each and every hoover and that it’s all a big crock of shit, the better our chances of recognizing and ignoring future hoovers.


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  • Andrew J

    July 12, 2021 at 2:04 am Reply

    Are hoovers meant to re kindle ? my hoover does not seem to fit in most categories,its been 2 years since i split from her i just went no contact after 8 yrs of our time together i never contacted her or any of her family including her 3 daughters of which 2 were married and the youngest in university. i put everything behind me never once connected back to any of them especially this daughter in uni as she was closer to her mum than the others.just this month i received an out of the blue e mail from the ex it contained 3 photo,s of her daughters graduation in law,there was no calling me by my name in it or signed off by her name it just was 3 photos and brief words which were her daughters title now.. the honours she got ..and the “im so proud” sentance .i left it for days pondering why she had done this was it in error ? as in an e mail to all contacts.i decided to reply politely as this daughter i had seen so much of so i just wrote would you send her my best wishes etc,its been a long time coming and this is the best thing thats happened for her,i hope she continues to succeed,i never put my name at the foot of the email..
    after a week a reply came..and quite odd in its context my ex wrote…
    she was wondering whether to reply or not as she did not want a back and forth e mail episode and me say it was her fault when none of it no longer matters,she then decided to do exactly as she had done before we split ,using more or less the same sentances as then and ripping me like before and doing her best to ensure the same points got across,and even suggesting i was in touch with her oldest daughter who she does not like as she calls her evil and a narcssist..once she had finished her attack it was time to tell me just how much she had done to the house and all on her own and how good it looks,although she did miss my DIY as everything i did was always perfect,then she went onto family matters disgussing grandkids her mum and the evil daughters house move. and a there you go why on earth did she send that intial e mail it was not a re kindle the e mail should have had her daughters name on the subject line as in its about the daughter but my ex put her name in the subject line as it was about her that she wanted to get across in the fact she is proud which yes thats expected but i class this 1st e mail as bait ! but not to get me sick is this manouver when 2 yrs have passed did she really need to go at me again ive just forgot her untill now.

    • Zari Ballard

      August 18, 2021 at 1:32 pm Reply

      Hi Andrew…no, not every hoover is meant to rekindle. A narcissist really doesn’t care if he or she is with you physically as long as they’re in your head. The pictures were meant to do just that…get back into your head…and it worked. She simply wanted to see if she would get a reply…and she did…and after that, it was on. The reason it was so nasty is that your reply to the picture was very casual and you didn’t even sign it. I would have preferred you ignored it but next to that, you did it right. THAT’S what annoyed her and so she confirmed for you what a bitch narc she really is…not that you needed confirmation. Best thing is to forget it happened, laugh it off, throw away or delete the pics and keep moving. It only takes you back a few steps if you allow it. She may reach out again, this time with an apology for being mean or whatever. It means nothing. Don’t over analyze AND DON’T ENGAGE EVER AGAIN IN ANY WAY.

  • jim

    July 15, 2019 at 12:21 pm Reply

    Why does this have to be a gender? My EX (F) is a narcissist. She continues to attempt to hoover, long after the break up. I have never replied to any contact other than her showing up at my place and it leading to me telling her to leave. Then me walking in and closing the doors.

    • Zari Ballard

      July 26, 2019 at 1:01 am Reply

      Hi Jim,

      I’ve written an article for the guys on this website which explains – and apologizes for – the gender reference. Search for “Male Victims” in the search at top to find it. Since I am a girl and my narc was a guy and I write from and about my own experience, the gender is going to be “he”. That’s the only reason. Personally, I think the female narc is the worst of the worst!


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