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A Narcissist Hoovering Q & A

narcissist-returns-hooveringNarcissistic hoovering so often becomes our epic downfall after a break-up with an N simply because we allow it so easily to lure us back to the abyss. It is this hoovering – this  preferred narcissistic tactic of our toxic insignificant other – that invariably sucks us in for another no-win round of cat and mouse time after time after time.  It is the hoovering that gets the best of us – more often than not – and makes it nearly impossible for us to put an end to the narcissistic nonsense.

Why do narcissist’s hoover and why does it appear to have such a hypnotic effect on the broken-hearted? I mean, how can this be considering that he who hoovers is, without a doubt, the perpetrator of the original crime? Why do the victims of a narcissist not only expect to be hoovered but will even wait for it, hope for it, and even beg for it at some point in the relationship? Because there are always a slew of questions about the hoovering maneuver in the wonderful emails I receive from website visitors and from readers of my book,  I thought the time was right to create the following Hoovering Q & A:

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What exactly is hoovering?

Hoovering is an “action” that describes how a narcissist tries to weasel his way back into your life after a break-up or after he’s vanished for a period of time (i.e. a silent treatment). A “hoover” is the tactic he uses to do it.

What are hoovering tactics?

Hoovering tactics, which come in many forms (text message, email, letter or card, by proxy via someone else, phone call/voice mail, etc.), are always deliberately subtle at first in order to hide the deception behind it. How the hoovers continue is based upon your response to the first few. Also, because each relationship is unique and your narcissist has created a mental list of all the special things he can use to tug at your heart strings or pull on your conscience, he or she will combine/include what he knows about you with his hoovering methods.

So, for example, text message hoovering tactics out-of-the-blue after a silent treatment could involve:

  • text messages pretending to be oh-so-sweet: “Hi. How are u? Are u ok?” or “R u there?” or “Hey, it’s me:(“
  • text messages on special occasions: “Its my b’day. Really miss u being here” or “Happy b’day. Wish I was there”
  • text messages about the kids (especially if they’re not his): “Hi. I was thinking about Joey today. Is he ok?” or “I know u hate me but wanna wish Suzie a Happy 8th b’day”
  • text messages about a convenient upcoming event: “Foo Fighters r coming. Wanna go? Couldn’t go w/o u”” or “R u going to Maggie’s wedding?”
  • text messages about things you like to do that he’s never been interested in doing with you before (one of my ex’s favorites): “Hey, I was thinking, wanna go bowl a few strings?” or “Hey wud u like to go for a drink?”
  • text messages about bogus family illnesses (including his own) (another of my ex’s favorites): “My mom had a stroke. need to talk to u” or “I don’t no, think I might have cancer. Can I c u?”
  • text messages about sex: “Don’t u miss us being together?”
  • text messages that attempt to flip the hoover back on you: “Did u just text me?” or “Did you just call me?” or “Did u just drive by?”
  • text messages, when all else fails, making bogus accusations to get some type of emotional response (my ex’s all time favorite and it usually worked): “I know what u did” or “U better tell ur boyfriend to stop calling me” or “I know u hacked into my fone” or ” or “I’ve moved on. Why r u bugging me?”

All of the above can be swapped for use in emails, letters, notes taped to cars, voice mails…you get the idea. The point’s all a crock of shit to get a response from you so that communication is initiated and he can worm his way back into your life.

Why does a narcissist begin to hoover?

A narcissist hoovers for a few different reasons (none of them good, by the way) but the main one is to keep you from ever moving on from the pain that he caused you.  Successful hoovering (i.e. you responding) keeps you in the queue with all of the narcissist’s other victims (and there are always others) and this, in turn, ensures that he will never run out of narcissistic supply.

What has happened to the narcissist for him to start the hoovering?

A narcissist only hoovers because things aren’t going his way wherever he’s at – and that’s the only reason. So, if the narcissist in your life starts hoovering suddenly after a long (or brief) absence, it’s because 1) he’s had enough fun with whoever he left you for, 2) his current fling did something he didn’t like and he’s getting ready to blow her off, 3) his current fling is getting too close to finding out about you or others and he knows the end is near anyway, or 4) he’s in need of something you’ve got (i.e. money, transportation, sex, etc.)

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What will happen if I fall for his hoovering tactics?

He will expect the relationship to pick up where it left off with no repercussions from you and the next time he leaves (and he will leave again) he’ll make sure it’s more painful for you than the time before. Nothing good ever comes from falling for a hoover.

And it only takes one (1) response from you for the hoover to be successful. If you notice, a narcissist will often hoover with a text or email or phone call that gives you hope and then, as soon as you respond in kind, he disappears. That’s his way of just checking on your status in his queue of victims – and then he goes back to whatever or whoever he was doing.

Is it ever possible that the narcissist really misses me and feels bad about what he did?

No. A narcissist has no conscience and, although he knows the difference between right and wrong, he doesn’t care about that. He doesn’t miss you or love you or miss the kids or have nostalgic thoughts (not like we do anyway) or feel sorry for what he did or for hurting you. Nope, it’s none of that. He might be missing the sex but that will only be temporary because after you’ve let him back in, he will eventually leave again to go back to wherever he was because he now misses that sex.

Well, I hope the above clarifies the hoovering method of the narcissist a little. As always, no contact is the only way to rid yourself of the narcissist. The more we understand the reasoning behind each and every hoover and that it’s all a big crock of shit, the better our chances of recognizing and ignoring future hoovers.


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  • Shard

    May 12, 2016 at 10:39 am Reply

    Hi Zari,

    First and foremost thank you for the info . I visit your site daily for reassurance and to gather information about my ex . It hurts . We dated for a year & throughout our relationship we would have lots of highs and lows . We would be great for one week and then after that week he would usually do something to push me away , I would get mad and we would both go into a silent treatment sort of ordeal until he text me or called me saying sorry and returned like nothing happened . .during those times I would be love sick waiting by the phone . I found out about two months ago that he had a baby on the way. That should have been enough to drive me but I forgave him because he got her pregnant before we got together . Still he lied .

    Recently he came over and spent a week at my house with me , told me he wanted to move on , and then poof disappeared for 4 days . During the four days I grew frustrated because he either would not text back , or would text back every 5 hours . . I asked him things like so what are we doing as far as our relationship goes & his response would be , “I just can’t think right now” . Then I found out that he stole money from me . I cannot 100% confirm that he did it , but he was the only person in my home & when confronted of course he lied about it . Feeling frustrated and hurt by the betrayal, mixed signals, and lack of communication I cut his clothing up that he left at my home and sent a picture of it to him. I know it was crazy and unstable . He then went on to tell me that I’m psycho and that he would never speak to me again. It’s been four days. I know that I was wrong for how I reacted, but does that mean that I may to be a narcissist for how I reacted . Will he come back and Hoover ? Why do I care so much if he does when he treats me like shit ? Help please , any insight would be great !

    • Zari Ballard

      June 11, 2016 at 3:21 am Reply

      Hi Shard,

      I realize it’s been a while since you’ve written and I’m sorry for the delay. Anything could have happened so please do send me an update. Your new post will get bumped to the top and I’ll be able to give you a more relevant response. The bottom line is that this guy is a complete asshole. Don’t be so sure that he got this girl pregnant before you got together. I don’t believe that…I just don’t. Why do you believe it? Because he told you? Unless you go to the gyno w/ this girl, you will never know the truth so I’m telling you it…the lie is much worse than you thought. HE DESERVED TO HAVE HIS CLOTHES CHOPPED OFF. He actually deserves to have his DICK chopped off but we obviously can’t go there. So what if he thinks you’re a psycho? Who cares what some narcissistic lying bastard thinks at all about anything? You did it, it’s done, now let that be the end of it.

      Please download my book When Love Is a Lie from Amazon. I explain exactly why you are feeling as you do and I also explain WHY he is doing what he is doing and how he gets away with it. EVERYTHING he does is about what he can get away with and if he can string you along forever, he sees no problem with that. He will do that to this other girl as well and to any others that come along.

      Anyway, get the book if you can and please send an update….stay strong, sista! You deserve so much better than this piece of shit.

      Zari xo

  • Shahi

    March 24, 2016 at 12:01 am Reply

    Thank you for this website and information.
    Since I know about “hovering”, I feel more confidence about the sms and emails of my ex.
    First I was really shocked and sad as well, to know that my ex is narcissist.
    In one point I am not sure, that all narcissist/Hoover actions are done with not good reason.
    My ex always check on my status every 1-2 months. And this person really wants to come back together with me and regret and is sorry for everything. But I keep telling that I am in a new relationship and that I am in love and so. Than after knowing this, my ex says sorry for disturbing and wishes me all the best. Than disappears.
    So only if I don’t fall for that Hoover tactic and maybe I am in new relationship, than this is the best case to still having contact with a narcissist ex?!?
    Because my ex is a really really good hearted person and I actually “want to help” my ex. I could imagine to be friends. I was really shocked to know my ex is narcissistic. Is there any help for narcissist? What if they don’t know and after all information realizing it and willing to change? Is there hope?

    • Zari Ballard

      April 30, 2016 at 1:51 am Reply

      Hi Shahi,

      Girl, there is NEVER a good reason for someone to “disappear” if that’s what he did throughout the relationship. Since you don’t share what happened before you broke up…just that every once in a while you hear from him now and after you tell him you’re in a relationship, he disappears again, I can’t really tell what’s going on. What came first….If you get a chance, download my book When Love Is a Lie from Amazon because it will confirm your experience if indeed he is a narcissist.

      And to answer your question, NO…narcissists can NOT be fixed…not with all the love, therapy, or any magic pill under the sun. They are UNFIXABLE and there’s no exception to the rule. So, if he’s a narc, forget it. I can’t really give you my observations based on the information you shared in your post. If you’d like to elaborate, I’ll gladly give you my opinion.

      Zari xo

  • Heather

    March 21, 2016 at 1:32 am Reply

    HI Zari.
    I’m not sure why i want to talk about this some more?? It’s very strange how these people work. It’s been 2 years since we’ve split up..and also 2 years since he’s been anywhere near the house we shared. I am so much better now. I have a good job all new friends, and the house is almost all mine! The trip to the mail box on Friday afternoon had me laughing out loud (all you lovely people will get to that point one day..i promise!!!) His drivers licence still has my address on it. I have to admit i do not understand how this guys mind works, still!!!! I’d like to know if this is yet another tactic to get my attention or does the loss of his licence just not matter to him? He’s tried using resumes with my address and cell phone number, calls from several personnel agencies for over 5 months, coupons and samples to my address, in his name, directed at female problems. A few weeks ago his sister sent me a friend request in answer to a message i sent to her after her brother and i split up, she pretended not to know who i was? Does this sound like the usual stuff they do?

  • sarah

    March 5, 2016 at 7:55 am Reply

    pls zari help me. i need advice.

  • sarah

    March 2, 2016 at 4:23 pm Reply

    my question has been moderated out.

    • Zari Ballard

      March 3, 2016 at 10:27 am Reply

      Hi Sarah,

      I never moderate a question out. I just have to “okay” the first one so that all the others show. If that post was your first, that’s why it is held. It sometimes take me awhile to get to them all. Barring SPAM, I post everything.


      • sarah

        March 3, 2016 at 12:52 pm Reply

        Ok, thanks Zari

        I just needed some advice on my current situation.

        My narc ex bf seems to be using hoovering techniques. It’s been exactly 12 days since I went NC. On Money I received a money transfer from his in my account. I wasn’t sure at first who sent it to me but I realise now its from him.

        According to him he sent it for my expenses because he knows I need the money and he has it.

        Is this a form of hoovering?

        • sarah

          March 3, 2016 at 1:06 pm Reply

          yeah, exactly 5 mins ago I received a text saying this

          “your welcome for the money I sent you on monday, I just wanted to make sure you could pay the rent. I always want what’s best for you”

          all this after constant abuse. Is this a form of hoovering? It seems he wants a response. Should I sent the money back?

        • Zari Ballard

          March 5, 2016 at 5:39 pm Reply

          Hi Sarah,

          Yes, of course sending money can be a type of hoovering. Anytime that you’ve gone NC and they try to communicate, it’s a hoover. Narcissists with money will usually use money to that effect…especially if they know you need it. Ask yourself…what else it could be? Whether you take it or not is up to you. No matter what, stay with NC. Even if you spend the money, if he’s got more, it’s no skin off his back anyway. If by taking it, you feel “obligated” to contact him, then I’d find another way to support myself.

          Stay Strong!


  • Wanda

    December 15, 2015 at 6:51 pm Reply

    What happens if the hoovering doesn’t work?

    • Zari Ballard

      December 18, 2015 at 2:53 am Reply

      Hi Wanda,

      Well, if the hoovering doesn’t work, the narc will typically get annoyed or even pissed and disappear for awhile. A narc is never alone, even when they’re hoovering, so it’s not as if he won’t have anything to do. But here’s the deal: if you block him at every avenues (text, calls, emails, social media…), you won’t have to worry about it. Because the truth is that you’ll get used to the hoovering (even if you’re ignoring it) and feel empowered because you’re not responding. You start counting on it to happen and checking for it – even though you’re not together. Then, when the hoovering suddenly stops cold, the empowered feeling starts to fade and you realize he sucked you right back into the cycle without even having to talk to you. This is also his intention. BLOCK HIM and you won’t have to worry about whether he’s hoovering at all.

      Stay strong!

      Zari xo

  • marty

    November 18, 2015 at 1:47 pm Reply

    I’d sure like to meet some of these women that were abused the the narc man. I’m a guy that was discarded by the narc wife. Can’t the abused get along better with each other, or do we need the sicko in our lives to make us feel “normal?” I’m working on myself, I have long term recovery with support groups. There’s got to be a good match out there.

    • Zari Ballard

      November 21, 2015 at 1:47 pm Reply

      Hi Marty,

      How funny – you are so right and I’ve thought the same thing myself! I’d like to think that, yes, there’s GOT to the potential for a whole lot of good matches between the abused and that, no, it’s not about having sickos in our life. During a relationship with a narc, it’s our emotional addiction to the very drama that we hate that keeps us going back over and over. Once we break this addiction, the world opens up and we see how ludicrous the addiction really was. I can honestly say that of all the hundreds of women and men who have shared their stories here, not one has ever written the words…”I hate men” or “I hate women”…not one! I am always thankful for this because it shows that we all know exactly what we are/were dealing with and that we KNOW that truth in love exists.

      So yes, there’s got to be all kinds of great matches between the abused and I’m going to have to brainstorm an idea for getting that going!

      Stay strong, brother! I’m here to support you:)

      Zari xo

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