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A Narcissist’s Hoovering is a Timeless Control Tactic

narcissist-timeless-hooverTo a narcissist, hoovering is a timeless tactic for controlling a target, validating that control, and periodically checking an ex’s queue-status. And when I say “timeless”, I mean TIMELESS as in time is of NO consequencetime is NOT of the essence…time never runs out…and there’s no time like now to hoover “whomever I want because, well, I want to and because I have all the time in the world!” Now, while the average person reading this (who knows nothing about narcissism in relationships) might ask What the fuck is she talking about?, I’m willing to bet that all my experienced comrades here know where I’m going with this. If you don’t, bear with me and you will in a minute. I have a theory!

As we all know, after a break-up with a narcissist, the discarded partner will often anticipate – and even wait for – the inevitable hoover simply because she’s been conditioned to do so throughout the course of the relationship. The discarded partner knows that a hoover could technically come anywhere from five minutes to five years and longer after a discard or break-up. In addition, the hoover always occurs with the same casual fanfare no matter when it happens which is why we’re intrigued by it at the same time that it repulses us. That the narcissist can deliver a hoover at the post break-up five month mark as if he just left an hour ago and do so as if it’s the most natural thing in the world continues to be a mind-blower.

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As we know, hoovers can come in many forms including the following:

  1. a hang up call from a private number
  2. a call with a lingering silence or soft breathing on the other end
  3. a text from his number or any odd number with no words in it or a text from his number with just one word in it (i.e. Hey) or a text from his number sent to you as a message for someone else (a tactic I call the “phony accidental” hoover)
  4. a FB friend request, an out-of-the-blue de-friend, a sudden unblock from his FB or suddenly becoming blocked from his FB (not that you should be checking, mind you)
  5. ghostly yet familiar taps at the door every few months – a tactic used by my ex that I call the “tap-and-run”. Like a twisted adult version of that childhood stunt where we’d ring a neighbor’s doorbell and then hide in the bushes, my ex would give the obligatory three taps and then simply stroll back to his car sucking on a cigarette, never looking back. The truth is that he really didn’t care if I answered the door anyway, nor did he even expect that I would. The point of a “tap-and-run” is simply to get me wondering – and maybe even obsessing – about those mysterious little taps! Was it him? Was it HIM???

Now, at the same time that we fear the hoover, we kinda sorta hope we get one because then that could mean that the game is still on in some twisted, familiar fashion. We feel empowered when we don’t respond, calling it “No Contact”, but to a narcissist, our non-response doesn’t even matter. It’s a control/validate tactic that takes little or no effort on his part to get our minds reeling – and that’s good enough for him. After all, how hard is it to dial a number and then hang up?? We might claim to go no contact while “forgetting” to close off at least one avenue of communication. Ooops! We begin to see every day occurrences as possible hoovers and we over-analyze them. Some of you even come to my website to have me analyze them for you. I was on FB today and noticed that Ray’s brother’s girlfriend’s son’s father’s mother commented on one of my old posts. Do you think he’s hoovering? I’m only making fun because I did this myself so many times I can’t count. The crazy thing is that we’re usually right! If our gut tells us it’s a hoover, it most likely is.

zari-ballard-consultSo, how does the narcissist justify sending a hoover months down the road…maybe even years down the road…when the break-up itself was so awful and when he knows we’re trying almost everything in the world to avoid him? The answer, to the N, is in the timelessness of the hoovering tactic. You see, the narcissist lives a compartmentalized life where time basically stands still, allowing him to juggle his numerous compartments, break a variety of hearts, go completely silent, and return to the scene of the crime as if nary a second has passed. How does he do this so easily and effortlessly and with a straight face? To a narcissist, it’s easy because time basically stands still.

In my mind, a narcissist views the passage of time during a relationship like this: five years is like five months, five months is like five weeks, and five weeks is like five seconds. Go ahead and substitute any number you like for the “five” in my example. The narcissist never really “moves on” when the relationship ends because he’s actually been moving on (yet standing still) the entire time. He simply has no conception of time unless of course, it’s your time that he’s concerned about and, most likely, inconvenienced by during the relationship. Then and only then does time matter. Aside from that, time is of no consequence at all. It simply does not move along in a normal manner for these creatures and the never-ending or out-of-the-blue hoover is proof of that.

Part of me believes that the narcissist’s “problem” with time has much to do with the fact that he (or she) lacks genuine human emotion. I mean, think about it: the conception of time is actually connected to everything that is emotional. We feel better or worse with time, we use time to heal our wounds, we look forward to a certain time or we wish a certain time would never come, on some days time appears to move slow and on other days it flies by, people age with time and attitudes change…it goes on and on. For a normal person, the passage of time is typically riddled with all different types of emotion. A narcissist isn’t affected by emotion because he has little or no capability for it. Therefore, to a narcissist, time stands still!

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My theory would also explain how a narcissist can do the same bad things over and over day after day only to admonish you for “living in the past” when you bring this repetitive bad behavior to his attention. To him, yesterday is NOT the past. He doesn’t know what it is exactly but he’s just knows it isn’t that! It’s just yesterday. This also explains why he keeps all exes on a phantom tether to be yanked back with a hoover at any moment in time. What’s an “ex” anyway, to a narcissist? To a narcissist, an ex is basically is just someone he once had a “relationship” with and who is now being subjected to an indefinite silent treatment.

Does this all sound crazy? Of course it does! Would anyone other than a person who has been involved with a narcissist even begin to understand it? Of course not! The hoover, if we really think about it, is some crazy shit! The hoover keeps us mentally connected to the narcissist even before it comes and long after the relationship is over. If we didn’t have to worry about anticipating hoovers, no contact would be completely unnecessary. After a bit of sadness, we could simply move on with our lives like most people do after normal break-ups. It’s only when we realize that hoovers occur because narcissists basically can’t “feel” the significance of time that we can begin to move on. We have to see hoovers for what they are and accept that they lack real feeling or substance of any kind. Narcissists don’t hoover because they love and/or miss us. By it’s definition according to my theory, a hoover is far less important than, say, the infrequent called-to-say-hi phone call or text from an ex-boyfriend or husband with whom we parted amicably and from whom we didn’t have to block ourselves post-break-up to keep our sanity.

It’s time to forget about the hoovering, my friends. It’s time to stop worrying and wondering if he’ll ever hoover again…if the last hoover was really the last hoover or if every insignificant but related event could possibly be a hoover. There’s no way for you or for me to ever know for sure if our time in the queue will come up. The bottom line is that we have to live our lives as if he’s NEVER COMING BACK – EVER. While we might not always be able to completely destroy every avenue of communication, we have to do our very best to try. The truth is that our exes never went the extra mile to do ANYTHING while in the relationship and they’re not about to start now. Usually blocking social media and all cell phones numbers is good enough to keep them at bay. If you do at least that, you should be just fine.

For 2016, make a commitment to NOT allow the narcissist to move in and out of your life as if time doesn’t exist. If he had his druthers, he would keep you standing still (a.k.a. frozen in time) just like him so that you never move forward. That’s’ the whole point of everything he does. He will try until the end of time (which, of course, is ENDLESS) TO KEEP YOU IN THE QUEUE. And what we allow, will continue. Let’s promise to help each other to never allow this type of life intrusion ever again.




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  • Mz J

    September 2, 2016 at 9:42 pm Reply

    Thank G-d for this article. I left an 11 year relationship with a narc last year and only went real no contact about 3 months ago. Every time I had contact with him after leaving, it made everything so much harder. In any case, in the last month, he’s started with sending me short texts saying “are you ok?”…which were hard enough to ignore….but today I got a doozy. The jist of it was that he was finally “letting me go”. That he loved me, was sorry he hurt and abused me, and hopes I find happiness. Now, mind you, this is someone that ran a smear campaign on me, had physically and emotionally abused me and truly tried to ruin my life. I know that under normal circumstances all that stuff sounds really sweet, but I just see it as so manipulative. I’m not struggling not to contact him because I want him back, I’m struggling because it’s so hard to resist telling him off. I also feel like he’s trying to take my decision to go NC and flip it. I was letting HIM go by refusing to engage…so he sends me this paragraph about letting ME go? Ugh…maybe that doesn’t make any sense, but it makes me so angry. I mean, he already discarded me multiple times in multiple ways. I had nothing when I finally got out. Why keep letting me know he’s letting me go over and over again? Is that just some twisted way to slash the wound back open. Eh…probably so.

  • Zey

    August 28, 2016 at 5:02 am Reply

    I understand the difference between Hoovering and casual contact with an ex boyfriend . Hoovering is manipulation and control .It lacks any kind of true feeling or compassion .Actially it is a compulsion and obsession suffered by the N.
    I had a relationship with N for five years and almost suffered a complete nervous breakdown .He destroyed my relationships with my family and friends . He is still Hoovering . I have had no contact for 4 weeks and he started ringing again from a private number . This time I am strong and laugh at his stupidity .You see we should pitty them for their addiction to other people’s emotion weather positive or negative. Imagine living life this way . I feel good and on my way to true freedom .

  • janet

    April 22, 2016 at 3:21 pm Reply

    Ive noticed this kind of behaviour is rampent today, by men. I think its simply a way of keeping their sexual supply up. Instead of having a wife or girlfriend, just pretend and offer nothing for as long as shell take it. The narcassists just take it to the next level, by being even more deceitful and callous and enjoying it more. Its never the behaviour of a gentlemen though, and thats what women need to be mindful of. If some man breaks up with you, or does a disappearing act, accept it and move on. Dont look back. They allready showed you who they are and what you mean to them. Even if you did mean something, its not ever going to work if they cant or wont fully commit and come through for you. Definatly dont fall for it, if you’ve found someone else and they see you moving on. Thats alot of the time when they do it.

  • Pas Maison

    April 21, 2016 at 4:43 am Reply

    This interests me, because his silence and disappearance is something I have come to call, “Being put in the freezer.” It’s like if you had too much bread or something, and you just shove it in the freezer till whenever you’ve forgotten to buy a loaf. Imagine we’re are (in his mind) deep frozen, preserved, always there for when he fancies another slice. That would also account for the time thing. We never go out of date. Always ready and waiting. He thinks.

  • Lisa

    April 9, 2016 at 10:00 am Reply

    Thank you for this awesome article. After lots of research, I have been working on accepting the fact that I was in a relationship with a classic narcissist for 3 years, and have been NC for the past 4 months. Before learning about narcissism and hoovering, I used to tell my friends that staying in a relationship with him was easier than enduring what happened every time I tried to end it, but could never adequately explain the insanity of it. It’s so great and validating to read about others who truly understand.

    I did a search today looking for some clues as to how long I can expect this hoover to last, since I have never been able to stay NC for this long before. He is blocked on my phone, but found a way to text via an email account. I think he will always find a way to communicate. Recently after getting no response from me, he has placed himself on the road to pass me on my way to work – last week was in my own neighborhood very near my house. I got weak and unblocked him after that because I figured he would attempt contact and I was wanting to know if his state of mind has escalated and I should be concerned. Sure enough, got a voice mail the next day but was still ramblings of love, wishing me the best, knowing we were meant to be together, etc. The opening line was “I’m pretty sure I’m blocked and that’s good because I wouldn’t want you to actually hear this and be caused more pain”….and then proceeded to leave the message he “doesn’t want me to hear” Ha!! I’m rambling, but from what I read it seems there is no end in sight and he could keep this up for years – which really sucks. I really don’t want to go the restraining order route because I think he will see it as a challenge to push the boundaries (rules never apply to him), and the thought of a court hearing and all makes me sick. The shock of encountering him on my road at 6:30 am waving out the window is no fun either. I’m not sure there is an answer, but for me I’m determined to stay strong no matter what crazy emotions still swirl around in me and hope someday he’s completely out of my head.

    • Lisa

      January 10, 2017 at 7:32 pm Reply

      I had an email notification that there were new posts here, so thought I’d stop back. I’ve been NC from my ex narc for just over a year now. I haven’t responded to a single hoover…..and they have been CONSTANT still. He is blocked on my phone and Facebook page, but my phone keeps voice mails in a “blocked” folder, so I do listen to them just to keep tabs on his frame of mind. After a year of nothing from me, he still leaves 3 minute messages (the max time allowed) all the time. He starts each one with “I don’t know if you will ever hear this but…” Sometimes I won’t hear from him for a couple weeks, but then he’s back. He will do stretches of leaving messages every day, then they will be less frequent, but they have never stopped. He tells me that he drives by my house a few times a week. On New Years Day, I got another “final farewell” voice mail (except that he said he still intends to write me a letter and will request that I acknowledge receiving it), but I have gotten at least 10 final farewells over the course of 3 years so I’m not getting my hopes up.

      Does this EVER EVER end?? How is he still getting supply from me when I haven’t even acknowledged hearing his messages? He prides himself on “staying friends” with everyone he has dated (keep them handy for supply as I now understand), so maybe he can’t allow himself to lose at his game of controlling me? I just didn’t expect this level of staying power after I went totally NC.

      I really don’t want to get a no contact order, because that means facing him at a hearing, etc. and possibly escalating him. He’s not threatening to hurt me, it’s all love crap talk, but I do consider him a stalker. I’m trying to just stay the course a bit longer.

      • Zari Ballard

        January 14, 2017 at 11:42 am Reply

        Hi Lisa,

        No, it will likely never end because he knows you are paying attention. It doesn’t even matter if you answer or respond as long as he knows you are listening and, therefore, he is in your head. You don’t have to get a NC order, girl…you just need to block him once and for all. You need to call your carrier and have his number blocked permanently so that he can’t leave messages AND keep him blocked on social media so that it is OVER. The fact that he can leave a message tells him that you are still on the hook and listening. He knows that you haven’t taken that final step and made it so he can’t call at all. Why do you need “to keep tabs” on his state of mind? I bet you didn’t know he drove by three times/week until he told you and I’ll you this: I bet he DOESN’T drive by like that at all (he just wants you to think he does).

        The phone message situation is what is keeping him going. And I’m sure that you know that he isn’t pining for you at all…he is going about his narcissistic business as normal. When he calls and can’t leave you a message, he will likely fade out because to REALLY get in touch with you then will be too much of an effort. Until then, he is controlling you and keeping you from moving forward…you might not think so but he is and he knows it. I’m not sure what you mean when you say you want to “stay the course” a bit longer. It’s already been a year too long as it is.


  • Charlotte

    March 9, 2016 at 3:03 am Reply

    I´ve only been in relationships with Narcsissist, I realized now when I´ve started to read about it, and that I am a codependent is pretty clear to me now.
    I Think it is so painful and it scares me, afraid to get stuck in it again. The last man I was involved with was a nightmare…. all the talking down never know what mood he was in, how I should be to fit in, and leaving me 10 times for 18 mounth, all of time from a day up til 2 weeks.

    Got us pregnant and regreat it 5 weeks in the pregnancy, so I had to do an abortion. I asked him several times if he was shore about doing us pregnant, somewhere I was afraid that it could be complicated. He said yes and I´ve belived him and hoped somewhere that a family might give him some Peace and stability,
    I am 39 years old so I was so happy that he wanted and saw me as a potential mother.

    Two weeks after the abortion he moved out after Another argue. I tried to find our way back after the abortion but it was hard and with his temper and trietment of me I was totally broken… two weeks after the “separation” he wanted back again, he did´nt meen to move out, he said I pushed him out.. but I didn´t, he never wanted to talk to me about anything, texting about the moving, texting about the abortion! I beged him to talk to me. It was so painful that he didn´t care more and didn´t want to at least talk to me about this big issues. Just some text over the phone, nothing else, then it was over.
    He wanted to move back the same night, I couldn´t belive what he was saying, I didn´t trust him so it was not possible, he found a own Place after a while and we kept seeing, but it didn´t last long Before the next break up. Now I finelly realize that it is never gona be anything good in relationship with him. He is not going to change, he has been like that from the first begining and I feelt sorry for him and hoped that I could change me to make him better. I am still broken, mostly about how much I actuelly put up wíth. But also for the brooken Dreams that I hade and Always hade about a family of my one.

    Thank´s for a very good page It is comforting to know I am not alone and crazy.

  • Juliet

    February 20, 2016 at 5:03 am Reply

    Hello everyone, and thank you for posting such an interesting article Zari, I find these posts very comforting as I have had four years of an on/off narcissistic relationship.

    After Christmas this year ( yes he gave me the silent treatment over the festive period) I finally decided to do the no contact thing, and when he started calling and texting, I left it. He went frantic, calling and blitzing messages every day…more messages than. I ever received during our time. Sadly I realised this wasn’t about wanting to be with me… Just getting a panic over not controlling me. Anyway, after a month I had a low point… And I made the mistake of replying. My God what a colossal mistake, after a few days of smooth talk he then got his own back by telling me he was going on holiday with his ex wife…. Lovely and hurtful for me! So please, take Zari’s advice as I should have done….the Hoover results in more pain if you respond.

    I am Juliet but he definitely wasn’t Romeo!

    Take care everyone, keep strong, your thoughts and comments help me at this time.

    • Zari Ballard

      February 24, 2016 at 7:13 pm Reply

      Hi Juliet,

      Your Romeo will come soon enough, sister! Keep to NC and amazing things eventually begin to happen. At first, recovery seems ions away but then one day you wake up and the sun is shining brighter than you ever thought possible. It just happens if you stay the course. If I can do it, everyone here can to….

      Stay strong and thank you for writing…I’m here to support you….

      Zari xo

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