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Is the Narcissist Happy Now? (A Reality Check)

is-the-narcissist-happyWhen we leave a narcissist or the narcissist discards us, there’s always the worry that he/she will move on to become a different person. Although we know he’s still an asshole, we imagine that he’s truly in love now and as happy as can be and we just don’t get it.  Social media may even confirm this for us as we get obsessed about stalking the narcissistic ex on every avenue possible. But how could he be happy? How can he love her and not me? Maybe he ISN’T a narcissist! Even though we shouldn’t give a shit, it’s normal to feel this way given the time that we’ve invested in the relationship.

It’s a SOCIAL MEDIA MIND-FUCK and what do we do about it?

And while it’s natural to feel this after almost every type of break-up (including normal ones), a broken heart never weighs so heavy as it does when our ex-partner is a narcissist. Consequently, in order to move on, we’ve simply GOT to shake that nagging uncomfortable feeling that he’s suddenly happy and the easiest way to do this is by changing our perspective.

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The truth is that no, a true narcissist never changes his stripes – ever. And, moreover, it’s highly unlikely that he wasn’t a narcissist because of all the mind-boggling behaviors that led you to my website and others like it. If our exes weren’t narcissists, we would have never had reasons to goggle things like “my boyfriend gives me the silent treatment” or “my girlfriend disappears and reappears like it’s no big deal” or “my boyfriend keeps his cell phone hidden” or (from my own 13-year hell) “Why would my boyfriend change his cell number 10 times in two years?” The list goes on and on. Bottom line is that you don’t have to wonder about that. Your ex IS a narcissist and a narcissist never changes his stripes no matter who his victim is. Eventually, her story will be just like your story. It’s just a matter of time.

So, is your ex happy in his new relationship? The answer is a resounding NO, he is not. He’s the exact same jerk he’s always been except that, right now, he’s in the Idolize future-faking an unfortunate new target. Rest assured he is following the exact same relationship agenda and, inevitably, as it did with you, everything wonderful will take a tragic turn. In the meantime, though, he’s going to do everything he can to create an illusion of happiness. The narcissist will take to Facebook and/or other forms of social media with a vengeance, posting happy picture upon happy picture in hopes that you will SEE how fucking happy he is and LEARN YOUR LESSON! And if, by chance, you choose to avoid social media post-breakup, he’ll continue to post on the chance that your friends will see it! The new victim, of course, will post as well but with an entirely different intention. Chances are good that she doesn’t even know who you are or that you even existed at all. The poor dear actually believes he really loves her…just like you did. A narcissist never ever changes.

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You see, creating an illusion of happiness is a narcissist’s favorite form of post-breakup damage control. It’s just another narcissistic tactic for casting doubt, instilling anxiety, and retaining basic control over your emotions. The intention of the N now is to quickly reinvent himself – like a chameleon – according to his new surroundings and circle of friends. It will appear that he’s become a completely different person almost overnight but it’s actually a grand ruse. It’s a carefully contrived transformation that suddenly alludes to everything that you never knew him to be. In other words, if he appeared to have no friends while he was with you, it will appear on social media as if he is surrounded by friends in his new relationship. See? I have friends now – all those friends that never came around because of YOU! It’s an illusion…and it will never last. He can create a million disguises but the fact is he is what he is. A narcissist is a pretender who simply rinses and repeats a charade. How long do you think he can keep from telling even the teeniest of lies? How long before he starts playing the Cell Phone Game and giving her the silent treatment? You know this person inside and out and nothing has changed just because you’ve broken up. The narcissist was born a chameleon and he will be a chameleon long after you’re gone.

So, dry your cryin’ eyes, my friends, and let us all be grateful that our ex is someone else’s problem. It’s time to overcome the pain and become free of unhealthy relationships. If you feel a pang one morning, simply play the game of Postpone & Pretend and continue on with your day. As for social media, I can only say stay away from it. An avid Facebook checker (and hacker) during my relationship, I chose to completely avoid it after the break-up and it had everything to do with my recovery. What I didn’t see couldn’t hurt me and it will work the same for you. You’d be amazed.

The only thing that has changed about you OR the narcissist is that YOU are free.  And Amen to that!

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  • Kay

    March 26, 2015 at 3:09 pm Reply

    It’s funny how I always seem to come across the articles that hit home at the very moment I need them. I dreamed about him and the new gf last night. In my dream she wasn’t the horrible witch I fantasize her to be. She was nice and they were happy. She was caring for his children and they were happy too. I felt guilty in my dream for wanting them to break up and wanting him back.

    I’ve been really struggling lately with nc and I’ve been thinking about him a lot and fantasizing about him coming back to me. I’m so tempted all the time to check up on him and see if they’re still together. Now, after my dream and after reading this, I feel like it really doesn’t matter if they’re happy or not. He has clearly moved on, and I need to do the same. I’ll continue nc one day at a time and hope someday my mind will be free of him.

    • Christine

      April 1, 2015 at 7:36 am Reply

      Take it from me that you will get to the point where you won’t care any more. I know because I was just like you at one point. I actually had a dream where I was sad looking at a wedding announcement for my narc and a new significant other (which may not sound that bad but it truly felt awful). In fact, my worst fear was somehow running into him with a new girlfriend somewhere.

      Now, I can honestly say that the thought of my narc with someone else no longer upsets me, and I don’t really care how happy or not he is. Now if I really saw a wedding announcement like that, I’d just shrug and move on with the rest of my day. Or I’d pity a new girl.

      I don’t think you’re fantasizing about him, per se, coming back to you…but just your idealized image of what you thought he was (but obviously wasn’t, or you wouldn’t be here at all on a site about narcissists). I realize how tough it is to let go of that dream of what you thought you’d have with this guy, because I went through that too. You don’t need to let go of that dream entirely, but just realize that this specific guy isn’t the one who will make it happen–and when the time is right, you will now have room in your life for the right guy who will treat you as you deserve. As you progress in your nc journey, you will eventually be free of him.

      • Kay

        April 2, 2015 at 12:26 pm Reply

        You are right Christine, it’s the fantasy of what I thought I was gonna have with him. I waited 2 1/2 yrs while he was going through a separation and divorce, with him making excuse after excuse why we couldn’t be together as a real couple. Then he suddenly dropped me with no warning, no explanation, and was having the relationship I had been waiting for with someone else! It’s like waiting two years for Christmas to come and finding out Christmas morning, not only are you not getting any presents, YOUR presents have been given to someone else!

        I know deep down he is not capable of having a loving, mature relationship with anyone. It still hurts so much though the way he erased me from his life. Its the lack of closure that’s so devastating I think. It’s very hard for me to accept that I’ll never see or talk to him again.

        I had a big set back yesterday. A friend texted me and said “I think X made a new fb acct”! Then she sent me a screen shot of his new page. That led to two hours of me stalking his page, his gf’s page, and his friends’s pages, to see what he’s been up to. It looks like he and the gf may have split. Now I’m thinking about contacting him again. Ugh. I wish I could just erase him from my mind.

        • Zari Ballard

          April 6, 2015 at 1:50 am Reply

          Cheryl wrote to Kay….

          I’m right there with you Kay. It is very hard when you have many many mutual friends. He has me blocked on facebook but someone always ends up telling me, whether on purpose or accident. I was cast aside 6 months ago today. I stopped trying to fight my way back in 2 months ago and went no contact. And it is still a struggle daily. Well, not even sure it counts as no contact. I still look at his fb page or his wife’s from time to time. After 2.5 years of being apart from her on the other side of the country, he magically decided to go home not long after I told him I couldn’t play his game anymore. I know this is better for me. I know there is something very wrong with him although I will never know for sure what that is. Right now I pray for the day when he is not the first thought in my head when I wake up…for the day I don’t break into tears and don’t even know why…the day that I don’t miss him or don’t wonder how he is. I try and remind myself that it doesn’t matter how he is. It won’t change anything. Nothing today is any different from yesterday. He is the same. And when I think I just want him to give me an explanation or say goodbye I have to remind myself that anything he said probably can’t be trusted. If I could trust what he says and believe his promises I wouldn’t be sitting here in front of this computer reading your post.
          Good luck! I will say a prayer for you.

          • Kay

            April 6, 2015 at 10:40 am

            I broke nc and contacted him over the weekend. I sent him a short message asking how he was and if we could talk. He read it and did not reply.

            I actually feel kind of relieved. I had been wondering if he would try to contact me when he was no longer with the new girl. Now that seems unlikely. The difficult part is that I’ll never get the closure I want. He could’ve replied and said “I’m not interested”, or “don’t contact me anymore” or simply “no”. But he won’t give me that. All I get is silence because in his mind I’m not worthy of a reply.

            At least I know nothing has changed. He is still the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think of before I go to sleep at night. Praying some day that will change.

          • Zari Ballard

            April 26, 2015 at 12:39 am

            Hi Kay,

            Sorry so late getting back in touch! Look, no harm no foul with breaking the NC. Hopefully, you jumped back on the wagon and hunkered down for the ride. Please let me know what happened. And before anything else, you simply MUST block him at all costs. Leaving any avenue open for him to contact you in any way will only hold you back because, even if you don’t think that way, you’ll be waiting for it. Trust me. I know. I did it a thousand times.

            You’re going to be okay, sister:) It can really only get better….but you must allow the Universe to work its magic. Block block and block some more.

            Zari xo

          • Kay

            April 26, 2015 at 4:54 pm

            Thanks for your reply Zari. The support here is so helpful. I never got any reply from him and haven’t tried to contact him again. I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that it’s really over this time. For a while I was thinking/hoping he would contact me once he got sick of the new girl. Now I know it’s unlikely I’ll ever hear from him. He does not want to answer for what he’s done to me, and he doesn’t need me, he always makes sure he has plenty of girls in his harem. I’m still struggling with the fact that I meant nothing to him. Like you said so eloquently in your most recent article, I meant no more to him than a stranger on the street. That part is still hard for me to accept but I’m getting there. I don’t think about him every minute anymore. I’m not waking up in the morning thinking maybe today he’ll contact me. I’m starting to think about trying to date. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. It really does make a difference.

  • rosebud

    March 21, 2015 at 7:08 pm Reply

    Hi! I am 1 week now NC. I was with him for 1.5 years and XX breakups (always over petty things). Last breakup reached a new level of aggression over something I said that he took offense to and as we argued, I remember thinking “what is he accusing me of saying?” He felt justified because I was insulting his best friend when I thought my remark was actually showing concern. Somewhere this week I read ” From what I have seen it’s either twisting the truth to suit their means or they are simply detached and not really aware of what really happened…or a little of both.” We had another argument about 6 months ago that I honestly could not remember saying what he accused me of. This time in our argument or me trying to defend myself, he said that I was a cruel liar and making excuses. Everyone I have known (some for years) has always said I was the kindest person they know. I’m always helping everyone. This whole 1.5 years we have done what he wanted or took care of his needs and never what I needed. I have walked on eggshells which I read is common. All his friends that met me had nothing but good things to say about me. He claimed in our last argument that his love for me blinded him to the real person I am. I have bent over backwards for him. Why would I put up with him for that long if I was such a bad person? I made excuses for his behavior and hung in there thinking either abusive step father or last NS dieing unexpectedly made him act the way he did. (BTW… I did not know any of NPD traits or ‘supply’ untill 6 weeks ago when I researched “silent treatment” and stumbled on NPD.) I think what upsets me now is that he is going to tell all these people (I do not personally keep in touch with and mostly his coworkers) lies about me and how I was not the person he thought I was and whatever it is that he is accusing me of saying that was so evil and they are going to believe him. All to validate his breaking up with me.

    I find much relief reading thse posts and explanation to my behavior as well as his. If any of my friends would describe this relationship to me, my advice to them would be get out but yet, I kept hanging in there. I continue to discover things that explain his behavior and also to fear his next move. I am sorry that I gave him so many chances and feel bad for everyone that has gone through this.

    Thanks Zari and everyone posting here!

    • Christine

      March 26, 2015 at 6:42 pm Reply

      It sounds like you already know why he made those accusations about you–to validate the break up! Obviously it woudn’t make him look very good to break up with a kind and loving person, so he needs to make you into this cruel one, to tell himself he’s doing the right thing in breaking up.

      I also think that there is a great deal of projection involved, where he’s projecting all of HIS worst qualities (the cruelty, lying, etc.) on to you. Somewhere I read a very good analogy that the narcissist’s worst qualities, for them, are like holding a scalding hot potato–like, I don’t want this so here, you take it, catch! He doesn’t want to face the ugliness in himself so he passes that on to you.

      I know his smear campaign will be upsetting but, anyone with a brain in their head won’t believe it. By your own words even his friends had nothing but good things to say about you. He can say it until he’s blue in the face but that doesn’t guarantee that people will believe it. And anyone who IS stupid or ignorant enough to believe his lies is either not your true friend, or someone not worth your time anyway–so who cares what those people think? If anything it’ll be a good opportunity to find out who REALLY knows you and who your true friends are. My true friends and people who really know me stuck by me. And I frankly don’t care whatever my narc’s “harem” thinks of me from whatever he told them. None of them really know me well, so their opinions of me aren’t worth giving much weight to when they won’t be based on real solid knowledge (I only met his roommates and casual acquaintances very sporadically–and hey, none of these people were around us behind closed doors so what do they know?) There is a reason courts base evidence on personal eyewitness reports, not hearsay!

      Hang in there, these are his issues and don’t say anything about you!

      • Rosebud

        March 31, 2015 at 3:24 pm Reply

        Thanks Christine. I am still shocked and hurt by his name calling. He said he regretted not breaking up sooner. Really!! I put up with so much of his crap and HE regrets it?? We went on a road trip vacation 3 states away. He got angry at something I did (I made a hotel reservation without consulting him – he was in the shower) and was going to fly home and leave me there to drive home by myself. That is when I really should have ended it. I called his bluff and he wanted to “talk” but that always means I give in and agree he was right and promise to never say/do whatever again. The really ironic (hypocrit, that he called me) is that when I leave his house and drive 5 miles, he always asks me to call when I get home.

        He said he had a girlfriend/fiancé for 10 years and I have asked him how she stayed for so long thinking she knew the secret or he treated her better or numerous other reasons and then I see some women here have stayed longer than that. I feel bad for her now instead of envy. I also asked why they didn’t marry and he said they did in another country but it wasn’t recognized here. Someone told me that was bullshit. But I also googled him and found out he was 10 years older than he claimed and had 2 marriage licenses and only 1 divorce. Maybe that’s why it wasn’t good in the US.

        I have a fear of him reappearing. I don’t think it will be to reconcile but to get more insults and put downs. I have refused to respond to any texts and emails. NC only a little over 2 weeks. Thanks to everyone telling there stories here.

        • Zari Ballard

          March 31, 2015 at 8:52 pm Reply

          Rosebud saidI called his bluff and he wanted to “talk” but that always means I give in and agree he was right and promise to never say/do whatever again. How true! It’s amazing how it works out that way even if it’s the narcissist that wants to “talk it/work it out”. No Contact is the only way, girl!

          Zari xo

        • Christine

          April 1, 2015 at 7:20 am Reply

          Good for you on the no contact. You are truly better off without such an irrational person! Not to mention, an apparently deceitful one. It makes me thing of Meghan Trainor’s song “I know you lie, cuz your lips are moving” (yeah, it’s like that) Good riddance!

    • Cheryl

      April 2, 2015 at 11:57 pm Reply

      I’m right there with you Kay.
      It is very hard when you have many many mutual friends. He has me blocked on facebook but someone always ends up telling me, whether on purpose or accident. I was cast aside 6 months ago today. I stopped trying to fight my way back in 2 months ago and went no contact. And it is still a struggle daily. Well, not even sure it counts as no contact. I still look at his fb page or his wife’s from time to time.
      After 2.5 years of being apart from her on the other side of the country, he magically decided to go home not long after I told him I couldn’t play his game anymore.
      I know this is better for me. I know there is something very wrong with him although I will never know for sure what that is. Right now I pray for the day when he is not the first thought in my head when I wake up…for the day I don’t break into tears and don’t even know why…the day that I don’t miss him or don’t wonder how he is.
      I try and remind myself that it doesn’t matter how he is. It won’t change anything. Nothing today is any different from yesterday. He is the same. And when I think I just want him to give me an explanation or say goodbye I have to remind myself that anything he said probably can’t be trusted. If I could trust what he says and believe his promises I wouldn’t be sitting here in front of this computer reading your post.
      Good luck! I will say a prayer for you.

  • Cheryl

    March 19, 2015 at 1:20 am Reply

    I think this might be the hardest part for me. That tiny little doubt that maybe he isn’t as messed up as I think he is. Maybe it was just that he didn’t love me. Even though he spent 3.5 years saying he did.

    My situation is a little different. Like you, I had known him for a long time. We went to highschool together. Were not friends exactly but we knew each other. We had become what I thought was friends about 6 years ago. Mostly through facebook, emails and then phone calls. During the entire 3 years when we were just friends, he said that he had no real relationship with his wife…yes, he was married. In all that time, I never saw any evidence that there was any intimacy or affection between them. He said they were just together for their kids. We have many mutual friends and they all felt it appeared the same.

    Anyway, trying to make it short. So things changed, I divorced. He lived 2,000 miles away. We hadn’t spoken in a while but he came to town and when we talked he said he was getting a divorce too. So, things progressed and before long I was in love with him. He said he was leaving his wife. He wanted to get another job, make more money so that he could leave and take care of me and my children as well as his. Not that I ever asked him to take care of us. He said he needed to do all this so he could move back to the same city as me.

    He did get another job. I was by his side supporting him through all of the interviews etc. After 1.5 years he got the job but had to move to the other side of the country. So still 2,000 miles away. He has been there for now almost 2.5 years. During all this time it has been on and off. He went back often to “visit his children.” The on and off has been to his silent treatments and disappearing.
    I told him I wasn’t going to do this anymore at the beginning of October. It was in a text since he wouldn’t call me. I had been to visit him just a few weeks before and had a wonderful time. He talked about the future and making plans. But he was still married and after all this time and the n type behavior, I guess I just stopped believing he really meant any of it or would ever actually get the divorce.

    So…he had not one word of response for me. After 3.5 years of the relationship. And I thought we were friends before that. I thought he was my best friend. He hasn’t spoken to me or tried to contact me once. I tried to communicate for a while…trying to get closure. But he vanished. He was off facebook for a while. But he returned and starting friending our mutual friends….including the ones he knows I am closest to…people he had no relationship with. And just like you said he has been flaunting the wife and acting like he is so happy in his marriage.

    Funny….how there was nothing between them for all these years and suddenly she is beautiful and he is so lucky. I think you are right. He can’t continue anything for any period of time. I know the cycle will come around again. It’s just really hard when those little doubts creep in. Those moments when you don’t know what is real and what isn’t anymore because everything is so skewed and messed up in your head. And the fact that he has gone back to her in a sense. He claimed to have ptsd from combat and for a while I thought that’s all it was. I really don’t know anymore. So many of the things you describe are dead on and so accurate. Except he never yelled at me. We never really fought at all. We would have conversations about how things weren’t progressing and such. But that is not usually when he disappeared. That was always completely out of nowhere. No fight, nothing. One day we would have a great conversation. The next he was gone. Stone cold without a word. The first time was 2 weeks. The last time was 3 months. And now since October, it is almost 6 months. So I think he is done.

    I suppose I’m just writing because it helps to get the thoughts out of my head. But this post came at a time I needed to hear it. I’ve read both your books. I’m in counseling for almost a year. It’s been 6 months since he has spoken to me. Almost 2 months of no contact. Once I heard about the posts he was making on fb I went no contact. I had told him many times in the 3.5 years that he should go back to his wife if he wasn’t going to get a divorce. He always said no.
    So after 6 months of silent treatment and 2 months of no contact I still wonder if I will ever be free of this. I still feel like it has a hold over me that I will never be able to shake.

    Thank you for your books and the site. I really feel like it’s what helped me to be able to cut contact. It’s really the only thing that makes me feel like I’m not crazy.

  • Diane

    March 16, 2015 at 7:56 pm Reply


    Quite frankly, I could give a rat’s a** if he is happy now. My biggest desire is for ME to be happy, at peace. October was the launch of this final silent treatment–just before my birthday and the holidays. While I fully accept him for the emotionally and spiritually underdeveloped turn that he is — I spent much of last previous summer by his side comforting him through his baby brother’s illness and eventual death– I can’t quite shake the ugly way his behavior undermined my confidence in myself. God knows we are both adults and it could have been just as easy to have a straight conversation telling me this isn’t working instead of having me spend time and effort planning for trips we weren’t going to take. If you recall, his silent treatment was in the middle of a conversation with him about travelling to Jamaica and then planning for a trip this Spring to Paris. It’s as if in the middle of a sentence he changed his mind and decided he didn’t want to do this anymore.

    Do I care about whether he is happy now? Heck no. But i suspect he remains the same, miserable old fart, listening to his old Nat King Cole albums and lusting after young women with big behinds.

    His action are reprehensible, unforgiveable and still unforgettable and oh so confusing. Months later, I still find myself struggling to prop my spirits up, get nails and hair done,questioning myself and wondering why me. I am tired of my memories of him.

    Zari, I don’t give a damn about him or his happiness or well being. Summer’s coming and I want to be able to laugh myself silly, dance until the sun comes up and enjoy the company of people who don’t bring along a truckload of drama, chaos and confusion.


    • Zari Ballard

      March 21, 2015 at 5:26 am Reply

      Diane wrote...I don’t give a damn about him or his happiness or well being. Summer’s coming and I want to be able to laugh myself silly, dance until the sun comes up and enjoy the company of people who don’t bring along a truckload of drama, chaos and confusion.

      Right on, girl…You are so right. And the memories ARE tiring…what a perfect way to describe it. There will never be a good explanation or reason for the despicable behavior and how it ended. These monsters will continue to spin their web of lies and deception right until the end – and so be it. All we can do is keep going and I promise that there are much better days ahead once the bittersweet has passed.

      Thank you for checking in, sister, and please continue with updates. I love the way that you write and it’s always good to hear from you:)

      Zari xo

  • Christine

    March 16, 2015 at 6:21 pm Reply

    Well, I hope everyone here gets to the point where they don’t care how happy the narcissist is–and focuses on their OWN happiness. I am seriously at the point now where I don’t care that much what my ex-narcissist is doing, or with whom. The only reason I even gave my narcissist any thought at all recently was because I was at a party, and a friend-of-a-friend said she was glad I wasn’t still “seeing that douchebag” (which made me laugh, I have to admit).

    However, earlier in the recovery process our minds have all gone there, so it’s great you addressed this Zari. I think the answer is an emphatic “no”. Narcissists don’t have the qualities it takes to maintain healthy relationships. Relationships (or at least, the good ones) involve emotional connection to another person, empathy, healthy communication, and honesty. We know, in our heart of hearts, our narcs aren’t capable of any of this! And they never will. Mine in particular had a string of broken, dysfunctional relationships before me. I can’t believe he can be like that all his life, and then suddenly become a better person (especially when he doesn’t see the need for change or self-reflection).

    In a weird way, I got lucky that mine was so cagey about his Facebook and never added me on there, so I never saw any post-breakup social media. Even if I ever had been on there, I would have blocked him and never looked back, as I did with my cell. Social media have a blocking function for a reason, use it!

    • Cheryl

      March 22, 2015 at 2:30 am Reply

      I am working on getting there. It’s still pretty fresh for me. Although it has been almost 6 months since I’ve heard from him. And 2 of no contact for me.
      Some days I feel like I haven’t made any progress. But my counselor says that she doesn’t think it is that unusual for what I have experienced and the loss it is to me. It helps to read the articles and comments here. I feel like less of a freak because it seems like nobody understands or gets it. I feel like they think I am crazy and desperate for clinging to this for so long.
      So thanks to everyone willing to share here.

      • Christine

        March 26, 2015 at 6:17 pm Reply

        I’m glad you’re getting some validation and understanding here. Only people who have gone through it will ever get it. Your counselor is right that what you’re going through is normal, so you’re not a freak at all. I should add that I’m at 7 months of no contact–but earlier on I was a wreck! I was exactly where you are but am now reaching a state of indifference, so it is possible.

      • m

        November 12, 2015 at 6:20 am Reply

        this site does help. narcs never change, never.
        invested time, money, emotions they erase. they can’t be safatisfied, its always about them.
        they think Thyre the bomb, actually Thyre boring, they do exactly the same over&over!
        I think Thyre wl always b a teeny part of all of us being with a narc
        of why?
        hang tight ,focus on you
        lesson learned!!!

  • Adri

    March 16, 2015 at 7:19 am Reply

    Hi Zari,

    I been reading your blogs since 2013 it has helped me so much my ex narc disappeared on me for about 10 months I thought I’d never hear from him again sadly he came back into my life with a excuse of why he vanished. At this point I already been over him and clearly don’t care about him. He even was narcissistic enough to ask me was I waiting for him lol. I talked to him to get a idea of how narcissistic he was and boy did I see through it all it was laughable pure comedy I cut to the chase and told him I knew exactly why he decided to come back and luckily he decided to leave me alone. I want to say thank you for the help these bastards don’t change and do the same thing to the next victim I’m sure during his vanishing act some other poor girl was getting used up now he want to come back and use me again but it isn’t happening not in this lifetime. I suffered to much to go back to that hell of a rollercoaster.

    • Zari Ballard

      March 22, 2015 at 2:22 am Reply

      Adri wrote... I suffered to much to go back to that hell of a rollercoaster. Right on!

      Hi Adri,

      Thank you for writing and also for reading here since 2013! I’m grateful to be able to help but it’s YOU who deserves all the credit in escaping the madness. Stay strong and keep reading and writing. Your wisdom to others will always be appreciated.

      Zari xo

  • Katie

    March 15, 2015 at 2:35 am Reply

    Hello Zari! How are you?? I’m okay I have my good days and my bad days….. Ofcourse! As time goes on it gets better! I should Be happy that he is not in my life causing problems! But when I have my bad days it usually is thinking that it’s all going great with him and her! I hate that feeling!! I screwed up and looked at her page and she doesn’t advertise being with him and there are no pictures of them. I know I shouldn’t of looked and I will stop that I just had a weak moment! Or a few! But he has become friends with his cousin and his friends. Which hurts I know it’s only Facebook but it does bother me, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised that he puts her up to that… So I would see that! He knows I have looked!

    I know he is not going to change for her either… But right now I think I’m fighting with my self esteem that he had a huge hand in messing up by lieing and cheating and manipulating an down grading me all the time. An then coming back like nothing happened! It’s been 9 months since we talked or had any communication and I’m getting better. He always comes back no matter what but this time I’m just goin to just ignore him and not respond in any way! That’s where I get sucked back in and then he knows he can do it again and I will take him back.

    This girl lives with her parents and has a job making less than him and I think he likes that cuz he doesn’t feel threatened by her like he does with me. I make more money than him and have my own house with a guy roommate who is my best friend. Which he didn’t like at ALL! He had mentioned that I should kick him out a handful of times but I would never happen! I know you remember my story about him…… And your right I do sometimes doubt that he is a narcissist. Just by me telling you my story do you think he is??

    Your response is always appreciated!! Thanks Zari!!

    • Cristina

      June 29, 2015 at 9:08 pm Reply

      Hey Katie
      I can totally relate to what you are saying. I also fear my ex narc will be different with his new girl,.. and I don’t know why cause it doesn’t matter. He has so many other bad traits either way. I don’t know why I care. I’m the one who broke up with him… yet it still bugs me someone else would put up with his stuff!!
      Lately I also have been having thoughts that “maybe he isn’t a narc”. I hate feeling that way cause it makes you feel like MAYBE it could be your fault if you can’t blame it on a personality disorder. Yet from how these guys behave, they can’t possibly NOT be a narc! Yours sure sounds like one to me.
      My ex narc has a “crazy” ex he still supports and won’t 100% leave her (he has every excuse in the book for that…total victim). He has given me silent treatments when I called him out on a way he was disrespecting me, then hoovers like crazy, etc. After knowing all this I still fear he is not a narc some days, and that he will go on to live happily ever after with the new girl when he couldn’t change his ways with his ex for me. It must be part of the mind f’k they do to us! Truth is the new girl seems to be more of a doormat putting up with how he is with his ex, etc, unless she just believes his lies more. Either way she is just better supply than me! Neither of us liked it but she jumped right in with him and they live together when I would have never done that. I broke up with him mainly cause it was questionable whether he still had a relationship with his ex or not. He would convince me they were only ‘together’ for their kids but then he took her out with him and the kids all the time. Like your story, his new girl has less than I have. I am not judging her but she has no car, no job. His ex also has no car, and no job! Seems pretty convenient for him that he can control both of them and they can’t come driving to find him when he is with the other one!
      So, what are we missing? Nothing.

      • Christine

        July 2, 2015 at 9:00 am Reply

        Katie and Cristina, I’m so glad the narcissist is someone else’s problem rather than yours right now! I feel I can speak on this from the other side because I WAS that “other girl” you speak of. I can tell you from experience that the narcissist won’t treat that other girl better than he treated you–and, in fact, probably treats her much, much worse because he knows that she doesn’t have the resources to get out as easily. There was a time in my life when I was forced to move back in with my parents for financial reasons, because there were budgetary cutbacks and salary cuts at work (so I couldn’t afford my rent any longer). I can tell you that it was a very unhappy and stressful time for me. It took such a hit to my self-esteem and pride to live off of them like some overgrown kid (the one upswing is that I saved up enough emergency savings so that when things got back to normal on the job and I moved back out to a new place–I’ll never have to move back in again because even if things go south with the job, I will have enough backup savings to live off of until getting other employment).

        While living with the folks, that’s when I met my narcissist. I can’t even begin to tell you the crap I put up with, that I normally wouldn’t have, since my self-esteem was in the toilet. The narcissist was smart enough to pick up on my vulnerability. Then, when I was in a position to be able to look for a new place again, he tried everything in his power to persuade me to stay with my folks longer (and of course he would. He really seemed threatened by the idea of me being self-sufficient again). If anything, I pity these other girls because I know firsthand what that’s like. I hope you don’t spend even one minute wondering if he might be better to them and just relish your narcissist-free state!

        • katie

          July 2, 2015 at 5:00 pm Reply

          Omg i so needed that today!! Thank you! And im glad your back on your feet and away from your narcissist! Im getting stronger and better, i have learned to just accept it which helps alot!
          My ex N left me last summer out of no where for someone else, it hurt more than anything, i stalked her page for awhile until it got old, i heard they were on and off and later down the line i found out it wasnt as great as i thought, well he jumped into another relationship real quick from her and this girl was his friends ex of 12 years, so here she is fresh out of a 12 year relationship and very vulnerable and ofcourse my ex jumped on that one saying everything he needed to say like he is such a sweet guy! She is eating it up but he is her rebound!! He is renting his cousins house as of just recently (he doesnt know how to take care of a house) but she moved in as well, they only been togerher for a little over a month! So that’s why i think your totally right about the victum being vulnerable because she is right now totally! And i think it bothers him that im ignoring him completely, other than him sending me a text at the end of april and me ignoring it, i just got a call a few days ago from his friend that i was never friends with only when i was with my ex, he cranked me then texted me saying sorry wrong nunber and then tried talkimg to me, i knew damn well my ex was behind it!!! His name was written all over that one!!!

          • Christine

            July 6, 2015 at 10:12 am

            I’m so glad I could help right when you needed it! I just had to speak out because I was in the same position as those vulnerable other women and really know what it’s like firsthand (and this next relationship will be no better–come on, she just got out of a 12 year relationship and will need some time to heal from that. He’s even more despicable than I thought, picking someone fresh off a rebound). There are some narcissists who pick strong women, to relish bringing them down later…and then there are ones like these, who pick more vulnerable women who they perceive as being easier to control and manipulate, like mine and apparently yours. I say, go a step further and just block him out of your life completely, he is not worth your time! Block out any and all of his cronies too, you owe these people nothing whatsoever!

        • Kiki

          December 27, 2015 at 6:10 am Reply

          When I broke up with my boyfriend, around time you wrote this post, I had to move back to live with my parents. It was shock. When I came back to reality after a month, my colleague (married) slowly pulled me in his world, secretly and conivingly. When he sucked me in, I was completely lost. To the world. I was really his toy. Lost my two good friends for him. Stopped going out. Stopped everything. Stopped loving myself. Hurted lots of people because of him. Lyed bilions of times because of him. Lying still now. To protect his marriage. He has found other supplies. I do not know what he does with them. But it drives me mad.
          I wait for the day I will stop care for him.
          Now I am free from him. But not free in my head. I am still under trauma. I had to go for a drink with a male friend the other night. I was really scared to go with him. Scared because my narc was really jelaous. I succeded to go out. And it was my little victory. But I see my narc every day at work. Relive triggers every day. Failing at no contact. Hating my self over it. Living alone in my little world of chaos everyday. I have good friend that helps me. I would be lost forever witout her.
          I want to be happy for being free. But all I think is to get him back.
          It is hard to fight with myself all the time.

    • Marie

      April 4, 2016 at 8:22 am Reply

      I just read your blog and it really did help me. I have been in a really bad relationship for 5 years and I used to be very fit and happy even being with him in the worst of times but in the past last two years I would say I had to go back to school to be a nurse after being a teacher for 9 years and finding out more and more about his lies and deceit ruin me. I gained weight anyways long story short is he basically cheated on me with a girl that I would always drive to his house and see her car there he would always pick fights with me he would always tell me it was my fault I didn’t give him what he wanted I never moved in with him. Kind of hard to move in with somebody when you can’t get along for more than one week when in my opinion it was his fault for us not getting along. He would make life so difficult in my opinion that nothing I did was right and I would start feeling like he would look for any excuse to break up with me anyways long story short he had another girl that he always had over whenever we would quote fight or he was unimpressed with me blah blah blah and trust me she was a drug addict and a drunk and all these other horrible things and he would tell me that he just used her to occupy his time while we were at Goodwill it turns out now for the last few months they’ve been together seriously and just the other day he sent me pictures of her and him kissing and happy and it honestly has felt suicidal before I’m on anti-depressants and his behaviour has made me want to just jump off a cliff yet again I do not how do not know how to differentiate truth from reality anymore and as he said to me when I try to express my feelings he told me that I had the best thing that I ever had and I threw it away by never moving in with him and never giving us a quote fair shot in my heart I know that this quote fair shot would have never work because you couldn’t get along for more than a week and he would be fighting with me and he would almost in my opinion be fighting just to go bang her for a night so her and I wish the worst on him and I know that I shouldn’t but a part of me feels like they’re so happy now even though in our past I know he’s cheating on her with me and try to make things better with me can you please help me I feel psycho

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