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Narcissistic Tactics (It’s All Smoke & Mirrors)

narcissist-smoke-and-mirrorsEverything a narcissist/sociopath says or does is a trick of smoke and mirrors – a narcissistic ploy – intended to distract from the reality of what he’s really up to. If you pay careful attention instead of reacting to his/her behaviors, you can turn these ploys into your advantage.

Many of us already know that the old joke – How can you tell a narcissist is lying? Because his mouth is moving – is nothing short of the absolute truth. Everything a narcissist does and everything he/she says is a fabrication in some way….a sleight of hand, a devious magic trick…used by the narcissist to distract us from what’s really going on. These tricks are also used to manage down our expectations of the relationship so that we expect less and less and he gets away with more. You may be familiar with the narcissistic tactic of gas-lighting where a narcissist or sociopath diminishes the truth of a victim’s own words to make her feel crazy or to convince her that she’s overreacting and/or delusional. You may be familiar with triangulation where the narcissist uses passive-aggressive means to make you feel jealous about every little thing. Simply put, no matter what the victim is thinking, the narcissist will tell her it wrong, wrong, wrong when the truth of the matter is that her intuition is ALWAYS spot-on.

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You can easily turn the narcissist’s ploys into your advantage. If you want to know exactly what your narcissistic partner is up to, simply listen and observe:

  • When a narcissist partner is being nice, it’s typically because he has a devastating discard or, at the very least, a silent treatment planned for you in the very near future. When a narcissist can catch us off-guard, he gets the most bang for his narcissistic buck. It’s no fun hurting his victim if she knows it’s coming. So, beware of narcissists bearing niceties.
  • Whenever a narcissistic partner accuses you of something, it’s because that is exactly what he’s up to at that moment in his life. If you pay attention to this, you will see that it is fool-proof. Oftentimes, we’re too busy getting hysterical over a narcissist’s ludicrous accusation to stop and and listen to exactly what he’s saying. And while an N will never admit to a wrongdoing, he will, in fact, accuse you of what he happens to be doing. Quietly consider every accusation as an admission and do your investigation from there. Trust me, it works.
  • Whenever a Narcissist unexpectedly feigns sickness or throws a fit and stomps off in the middle of a heated conversation or attempts to otherwise distract you from the topic at hand, it’s likely that you’ve just said something or alluded to something that he’s guilty of. His immediate behavior is nothing more than a distraction reaction. Keep this in mind for the next time it happens…what was the last thing you said??.
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When you’re involved with a someone with a narcissist personality, nothing – and I mean nothing – is as it seems and everything is intended to be a distraction from the real thing. When you get that nagging feeling that something is very wrong behind the scenes, don’t doubt yourself or allow him make you feel that you’re being delusional. When he starts creating narcissistic chaos and turmoil, look beneath the actions to see the actual truth that he’s hiding. When it comes to the N, you’re first instincts will always be right.

Get 2-4-1: Only $5.99
When Love Is a Lie  &
Stop Spinning, Start Breathing

Once you realize the smoke and mirrors antics for exactly what they are, you are well on your way to knowing exactly what this monster is up to during any given moment. Turn his narcissistic ploys into your advantage. Like children, narcissists will always give themselves away. In essence, a narcissist will “tell on” himself by accusing you of what he’s really doing behind your back. The more you know what he’s up to, the more likely you’ll be able to give up the need for closure and go no contact without falling apart from the get-go.

You must learn to read between the narcissistic lines.

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  • Bonnie

    December 23, 2015 at 3:07 am Reply

    I need help. I need support. He ruined my chances for a job. Maybe a home too. Had my son taken. We are in a small town and ihave nowhere else to go. Im still reeling from the shock. He lied to police and made me a criminal. His reaction when I finally got a face to face confrontation couldnt have been more text book perfect. Im sick at how young he likes them. My kids ages. I feel great fear all the time. He purposely lied about my brakes. He is a mechanic. So he knows. I cant find resources for support. Please help me…

    • Zari Ballard

      December 23, 2015 at 3:49 pm Reply

      Hi Bonnie,

      This is awful, girl, and I don’t know what I can do. I’m going to go to my personal email in a few minutes and send you my books in PDF. It’s not much but at least it will give you some insight in what’s happening and you’ll know you’re not alone. Mine got restraining orders and everything on (and I didn’t even know where he lived)…they will lie about anything. It’s just what they do. Even in a small town, there has to be something…friends where you can go? Are you saying he got you a felony? CPS came and took your son. That’s just awful.

      I will send you my books right now and please update me…..I hate being far away from everyone. I just wish there was more I could do! Look for the books…I will send to the email you used to post your comment.

      Zari xo

  • Fabi

    December 21, 2015 at 10:39 am Reply

    I was in a relationship with a narcissist for 4 years and that ended last night. I guess I learned how to read him. He would accuse me and all the while it was him. At least I’m not looking for closure and I’m not falling apart. This is a sickness, not love.

  • Ava

    December 12, 2015 at 12:40 pm Reply

    Zari., Thank you so much for sharing your experience with a N. I needed validation to what I was suspecting years ago of him being a N. Last night I read how you were pleading for the truth from your ex N., he kept telling you ” I already told you” . This could if been written by me . I’ve finally accepted that yes he is a N. There have so many eye openers for me., but I always still didn’t believe he really was a N. But now I do., I was involved for 12 years with this monster . It hurts a lot., but I’m accepting he DID NOT LOVE ME., I never knew that another human being could be so cruel to another . I tell myself there is nothing to miss or cry about., because it never was REAL anyways. That’s the hardest part it was all a LIE.. , When will I stop hating him so much ., I just don’t want to feel any emotion towards him at all

    • Zari Ballard

      December 21, 2015 at 11:16 pm Reply

      Hi Ava,

      Look, go to Amazon right now and download my book When Love Is a Lie.. It’s a cheap and easy read and it will open your eyes to EXACTLY what happened. You will get all the validation you need to finally close this chapter of your life. It’s the story of my experience for nearly 13-years with an N and you will see yourself on every page.

      My book will show you exactly how I managed to mentally break free from the nonsense. You can do it too. I guarantee it.

      Stay strong!!

      Zari xo

    • Bethd

      December 22, 2015 at 7:37 am Reply

      Once you truly accept what they are and stop fighting it you will start detaching. No contact is paramount. It’s when we start fighting what they are that’s when the confusion and angst set in. I’m years out and I hAve limited contact now. Occasionally do business and of course he will do the holiday greeting text Hoover. I actually look at him as this pathetic loser now. He has money, women and prestige yet totally miserable. I have a great guy now and I am happy and at peace. I can’t say it was an easy road but stay the course. Keep reading, keep no contact and listen to Zari. She has Narcs down to a science.

  • maria

    December 11, 2015 at 8:12 am Reply

    I purchased your book, still have no delivery of it; I emailed you and still havent gotten a response

    • Zari Ballard

      December 11, 2015 at 6:30 pm Reply

      Hi Maria,

      You should have it by now and I think I sent you three books to hopefully make up for the delay. I’m still a one-woman show here and I’m going as fast as I can, girl:) Let me know if you still did not receive. Gmail doesn’t always play well with Yahoo. Maybe I’ll resend from my gmail account just in case because it just may be that.


    • Zari Ballard

      December 11, 2015 at 6:34 pm Reply

      Okay, just forwarded my original email with the books to my Gmail and sent it to you again.

  • SeriouslyTrue

    December 2, 2015 at 8:32 am Reply

    Many women nowadays are Narcissists much more than men, especially these days.

    • Zari Ballard

      December 2, 2015 at 2:26 pm Reply

      Nope, you’ve got no way of knowing that. There are 3+ million narcissists walking the planet and nobody has a count. If I was to base an opinion on the number of the gender that visits this and other websites like it the most, I’d have to say it’s the male that is in ample supply. The only reason is might appear to be more of the female is because society allows them to get away with their behaviors (because they’re girls) and, therefore, they don’t feel a need to hide it.


  • samia

    November 30, 2015 at 8:10 am Reply

    those articles helped me a lot. thanks

  • Shant

    November 28, 2015 at 12:14 pm Reply

    Cliff accuses me of cheating poisoning lying gangstalking gas lighting you name it. What doesn’t add up to me is if he REALLY thought that -why not leave me? Right? He says its because he is not going to let me get away with it. That I destroyed him and now I owe him restitution.

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