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Narcissists & The Silent Treatment

silent-teatment-narcissistNarcissists will invoke the silent treatment for days, weeks, and longer with no explanation as a way to control and demoralize their partners. Narcissists are fond of using the Silent Treatment as a cruel (but not unusual) punishment for you doing nothing wrong at all and, from experience, I can tell you that the affect of this method of passive-aggressive control is sheer torture. The first time it happened to me, I felt as lost, sad, and helpless as the puppy in the picture. I thought my ex surely must be dead on the side of the road to not have called me for three days. Well, those three days turned into six weeks. Little did I know that that particular silent treatment was the first of literally hundreds to come. I simply couldn’t believe that anyone could do something like that on purpose to a person that they supposedly cared about.

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My ex-N of 12-years executed a narcissistic silent treatment, on an average, about every 3-6 months (and, during one stretch, even every two weeks),  depending, I assume, upon how his other sources of supply were faring. Each silent treatment would last anywhere from two to three days to six weeks to six months before he hoovered back or before my begging at his door and endless onslaught of desperation letters forced him to give in. The Silent Treatment, for my ex and for many others, is a powerful narcissistic ploy and/or tactic and it gets the point across.

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No matter how he goes about it or why it happens or when it happens, the Silent Treatment always sucks. The fact that the victim of a narcissistic partner rarely knows why they are receiving the silent treatment only compounds the mental torture. I remember reading an article where the writer described the narcissist’s silent treatment as particularly demoralizing because the N is clearly making a statement – in unspoken terms, of course – that you, the recipient, aren’t even worth acknowledging…aren’t worth a moment of his time…that, in fact, you are a worthless piece of shit on his shoe.  How true that is? We all get the point and fast!

“How long will the Silent Treatment last?” is always the big question. Will it go on for a day, a week, a month or even longer? Keeping us in the dark about when it will end (or even why it’s happening) is an intentional strategy designed to create as much anxiety as possible in the recipient. And it does. The longer it lasts, the worse the separation anxiety becomes and the more likely you are to feel depressed, jealous, confused, isolated, unworthy etc. The more desperation we feel, the harder it is to follow the no contact rule and to give up the need for closure. We become the puppet and the Narcissist, the Puppeteer.

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The silence is meant to hurt you. It is meant to teach you a lesson. And, make no mistake, the silence is always a way for the narcissist to buy himself some free time for being with someone else or for hustling up new sources of supply.

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Most victims  – myself included – will describe the days and weeks of silence as an agonizing torture that leaves us broken and desperate, willing to try anything and everything to get a response. If this means apologizing for the sole purpose of apologizing even though we know have done nothing wrong, then so be it. When you’re in the thick of it, the pain of the silence is far worse than the pain of being a doormat. Meanwhile, the narcissist goes on about his/her business until, for whatever reason, he feels his victim have been punished enough or the girl he’s seeing does something he doesn’t like. When this happens, he will usually return offering no explanation – or at least no logical explanation – and he will expect to pick up right where he left off and as if he’d never been gone.  So dismantled and dejected, the victim often demands no answers anyway, keeping her mouths shut and choosing, instead, to revel in the fact that her anxiety has passed. This particular response, by the way, is an intended result of the silent treatment so that the N gets away with the entire debacle. This is just another narcissistic strategy for managing down our expectations so that we expect less and less and he gets away with more and more.

Understand that a partner using the Silent Treatment for any type of punishment – let alone one for a crime not committed – is not normal under any circumstances. When a narcissist uses the silent treatment, it is just one more requirement he has filled in the overall pathological relationship agenda. No one ever deserves to feel unworthy of attention or undeserving of love and loyalty. No one …not even one time.

In my book, Stop Spinning, Start Breathing, I devote an entire chapter to a step towards recovery that I call Silence Appreciation. By learning to actually appreciate the silence given and by using the time wisely as yet another step towards mentally freeing oneself from the narcissist, you’re life will begin to make miraculous changes. It did for me and I know it can for you as well….

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  • Phychopath are better

    September 7, 2015 at 2:38 pm Reply

    ive been on the journey with a narcissist. I was questioning myself after the final pschotic rage, which devastated me as there had been one only 6 before, for which I forgave as a one off.
    The final rage was so outrageous, so humiliating and sadistic I was silenced on,y to slip away leaving behind belongings so as not to alert him.
    It has taken me months to recover, I’m still frightened of this dangerous man. He on the other hand started a new relationship a few weeks later, he didn’t contact me to let me know “we” we’re over.
    His new relationship is 6 months in, yet he’s hoovering me, even managed to uoset me accusing me of the silent treatment.
    This man is in a very responsib,e executive role, he’s intelligent ? Yet he’s a petulant child at his core. Very dangerous person, no apology, no remorse, couldn’t give a damn about me. Strange controlling behaviour even down to my wardrobe. I play it safe by not encouraging the Hoover, mirror each communication and say zilch about my life. Luckily he was busy during my most vulnerable time so I got beyond the sympathy. My sympathy is for his latest conquest only.
    He deserves his miserable life as he has dished it out to a number of women including his shell of an ex-wife.

  • Smartie

    September 2, 2015 at 3:31 am Reply

    I think I am getting better at noticing that someone is narcissistic. I just ended the contact I had with a guy. I met him via a datingsite and I quickly got the impression that he was rather controlling. I met him once and saw again some controlling tendencies but I did not want to pass a final judgment yet. After our first meeting he asked for a second one. I was willing to meet him again and told him but also explained to him that because of some exams I had to take it would only be possible in a couple of weeks. But I reassured him I would stay in contact by email. After that no reaction from him. And I felt that it was because I postponed a second meeting, so I felt punished. So after two weeks I contact him to say that I am surprised that I did not hear from him again. He replied that if I only wanted to see him once a month (which was not true, we did not know each other long enough to already have established frequency pattern in our contact – after the exams I would have a lot more time), it meant that I was not interested enough in him. He said that I was just trying to stop the contact in a soft way (as if I was not able to be straight to someone). He also told me that he did not want a contact that consisted merely of emailing (again, since we did not know each other for a long time there were no clear patterns to our contact yet). His email was really long so I sent him a rather long reply trying to answer to everything he wrote. His reply: “I started reading your email but I stopped halfway. Sorry! Wish you all the best.” I thought that was very nasty and I told him to no longer contact me. I feel like I dodged a bullet.
    I was in a relationship with a narcissistic guy and when it ended I felt like he had sucked all the life out of me. I was beginning to feel the same thing with this guy and we were not even in a relationship.

    • Zari Ballard

      September 19, 2015 at 5:11 pm Reply

      Hi Smartie,

      Yes, it seems that you dodged a bullet. I’m so grateful that you recognized the weirdness. The long email and the final email were dead giveaways. But do be careful, the dating websites, FB, and all of social media are stomping grounds for narcissists on the prowl. The narcissist that you dodged sounds like a novice but the next one might be much, much better at it.

      Stay strong!

      Zari xo

  • karen

    July 8, 2015 at 12:05 am Reply

    I was being emotionally abused by a Narcissist. I fell in love with him and I was blind to all the signs. My mother is a narcissist and has been for years. I have been practically emotional abused all my life. The guy I have been dating started off nice until months later his true colors started to show. I felt my self worth and self esteem slowing fading. He took advantage of me sexually, emotionally, and mentally. If i didn’t do something he agreed with or give him what he wanted he would give me the silent treatment. When I wanted to discuss our relationship he gave me the silent treatment. I realized I had had enough i stood up to him. I told him he didn’t love me. He was using it to get what he wanted. He replied with a statement to make me feel guilty for standing up for myself. The only regret I have is I had unprotected sex with him twice. I have been cHecked for STDS NEGATIVE. His plan later was to get me pregnant I soon found out. I started reading and researching and became more empowered. He has given me the silent trearment cause I stood up for myself and for the first I dont care! I am so happy! I will def not b contacting this a**hole again or responding! Blocked blocked and blocked

    • Zari Ballard

      July 28, 2015 at 7:32 pm Reply

      Karen wrote...He took advantage of me sexually, emotionally, and mentally. If i didn’t do something he agreed with or give him what he wanted he would give me the silent treatment. When I wanted to discuss our relationship he gave me the silent treatment. I realized I had had enough i stood up to him. I told him he didn’t love me. He was using it to get what he wanted. He replied with a statement to make me feel guilty for standing up for myself.

      Hi Karen,

      Thank you for writing and if it’s any consolation, we’ve all been there, rocked that. You are not alone. If you get a chance to read my book When Love Is a Lie, you will see that our lives are just about interchangeable. Every narcissist is exactly the same at the core of the matter and, as you know, they can never be fixed – ever. Blocking him from every possible means of communication is a great start and the ONLY method for breaking it off with these assholes that works. It’s time to work on YOU because you deserve to be happy. Life is too short and nothing they can ever give us will ever be worth the trouble.

      Stay strong and know that I’m here to support you:) It may take me awhile to get back to you but I promise that I will….

      Zari xo

  • Katy

    July 1, 2015 at 4:51 am Reply

    I like your articles. I just found out my boyfriend (Xboyfriend) of 3 yrs is a N. I never knew what that was before. It is so refreshing and healing to know someone finally gets what im saying. I can’t believe how textbook he is.
    His silent treatment started after the first 2 months. I was devastated. I really liked this guy (because i had no idea who he REALLY was yet). I cried for 2 weeks strait. When he called a bit after, i was thrilled thinking, omg, he DOES love me! This went back and forth for the next three freaking years. (I know, i judge me, too.) And with me not knowing what was actually happening, everytime he returned i thought, he really can’t live without me!
    Now, as far as supply goes, everyone is fair game to him. He didn’t always leave for ow. He had a circle of male friends he would cycle through. That doesnt mean he wasnt messing around, i KNOW he was, that part went along with wherever he was, but was rarely the ultimate goal. He treated his male friends with silent treatment, as well, but i chalked it up to them not understanding him and saw him as the victim. (Why do we make excuses for them and how does that even make sense???) What’s funny is with men, he’s an ass kisser. He is in the “cannabis industry” and never hesitates to use them to move further up. All women are for sex.
    I actually got sick of the back and forth before i even found out he was a narc or the other women. Towards the end it was so routine with him. Like water. “I’m sorry. Ive missed you. Lets go to counseling. I know i was wrong. Please can i come over tonight?” Once he was saying those things every 3 days, i was like, I’m out.
    There is so much more to say, but overwhelming to know where to begin. The mental chaos they create should be punishable by law. Others have got to have ptsd, as well…
    I began nc in February of this year. For the first 3 months he thought i was joking. (Thats how much control he knew he had over me.) He would text every few days to see if i was over whatever i was “mad” about. When i wouldn’t answer his calls and texts, desperation set in. He wanted to get married, I’m the only one for him, don’t i miss our love making (the LAST thing i missed. Ah, inflated egos), let’s move away, let’s go to Hawaii, blah blah blah.
    I have to say, what has empowered me is knowing thay he never really cared. To know all his words are just air. He cares for nothing, including himself. I have to admit, tho, there was some satisfaction in watching him squirm for supply. I haven’t heard from him in about 2 weeks, which is great, but when he goes that long without contacting me it’s because he’s out of town. (He has even gone out of state for supply!) I found out he has left for a while, but i didn’t ask what, where, why or when. I just mentally retreated into a corner. I was hoping he finally got the message, but it’s only because he’s not here. He will text when he gets back and i will ignore. He’s just a pain in the ass.
    To all of you who have dealt with a n, I AM NOT A VICTIM. Terrible things were done and said to me (and others in his life) by a person with serious problems. I do have healing to do and thought processes to reverse, but He was only able to TAKE from me because of my GIVING spirit. He was only able to get away with his LIES because of my TRUSTING heart. He was only able to COME BACK time and time (and time…) again because of my FORGIVING nature. See? Nothing is wrong with ME. I’m a good person, despite what he has told me and others. (Apparently, I’m psycho. And i will admit, I’ve flown off the handle with him because he refused to admit anything and arguments went in circles. You know what I’m talking about. He MADE me crazy while sucking up my good qualities!) And the best news is i have learned my lesson and can now spot a n a mile away. I run fast the other way. Never again will i have to be in a narcissistic relationship and that brings a smile to my face. 🙂

    • Zari Ballard

      July 6, 2015 at 2:26 am Reply

      Katy wrote...I do have healing to do and thought processes to reverse, but He was only able to TAKE from me because of my GIVING spirit. He was only able to get away with his LIES because of my TRUSTING heart. He was only able to COME BACK time and time (and time…) again because of my FORGIVING nature. See? Nothing is wrong with ME. Absolutely!

      Hi Katy,

      Thank you for sharing and for the inspirational statements above. Time and time again I am asked (always by those who have never experienced this type of relationship) why I don’t spend any time demanding accountability or insisting that a person works on themselves. What I typically say is “YOU are not – and never have been – the problem” because, when it comes down to it, how can we blame ourselves for assuming that the person we love is telling us the truth? How can we blame ourselves for having the qualities of forgiveness, trust, compassion, etc. Certainly we must ensure that it never happens to us again and this is done by creating boundaries and committing to keeping them. But to try to change all the good things about us that attracted the narcissist in the first place…no, I think not.

      You are obviously on the right path and good for you! Stay strong, sister, and I wish you the best!

      Zari xo

  • Megan

    May 27, 2015 at 1:40 pm Reply

    I’m trying to understand the difference between the silent treatment as punishment vs. The silent treatment in No Contact. Or even when we give the silent treatment to the narc, in the relationship, after their rage episode, not intentially to punish but to maintain the peace and just because we have nothing left in us to engage in bullshit small talk after being beaten into submission with vindictive words. Does that make us the codependant covert narcissist? The “everything is my fault” syndrome because I have no boundaries just like my narcissistic partner? Are we employing the same punishment tactics of banishing them from your life and saying no more abuse, because it’s how they operate and what they understand? I feel horrible for cutting off my narcissist; as he plays on my compassionate heartstrings, playing victim and telling me how much I hurt him that I don’t even want to be friends, because I’m his only friend, (not my problem,) and I vindictively am hurting him the only way I could by cutting him off. I tell him I don’t even have friends who treat me in the manner he has and I can’t be friends with him. He doesn’t even acknowledge how he hurt, lied and stole from me. Crocodile tears, empty apologies and promises. Asking to spend the night after a fake apology, (yes, of course he mises sex.) Expecting me to be at his beck and call but not being dependable or a man of his word. Thankfully I only invested less than a year and a half in this guy-the workaholic alcoholic, who never paid bills, whose failed marriage is all his ex wife’s fault, excuse me, wife, as they are still married, and her its her fault he’s broke, and her fault he can’t see his kids and yada, yada; red flags, overstepped boundaries, failure to communicate my boundaries and met w rage and resistance when I finally woke up and started to voice them. I was so unsure for so long about how long does it take to be with someone to actually establish that poor behavior and treatment is a pattern and getting worse.

    • Zari Ballard

      June 5, 2015 at 11:30 pm Reply

      Hi Megan,

      Thank you for writing and I understand your question about the silent treatment because, yes, it can be used in so many ways for so many reason by both partners. Here’s an article link – No Contact vs. The Silent Treatment – to one that I’ve written that discusses this very thing. It can get very confusing because we get very confused about what is happening to us, what the intention is of these silences, and, inevitably, what our intention is when we do it in reverse. The key to the answer, however, lies in the fact that you’ve begun to question it. This shows that YOU are not the problem (even though they try real hard to make us feel that way).

      Read the article and, if you can, read my books When Love Is a Lie and Narcissist Free (available on Amazon) because they will drive the answer home to you. I went through the same thing and many times had to question myself about what I was doing and feeling and what I hoped to accomplish. Just know that HIS intentions will ALWAYS be bad – no matter what he says or does. He never has anyone’s best interest at heart and never will.

      Do the reading and write back whenever you need to. The article and the books will provide you the answers. YOU have never been the problem – I guarantee it – and the fact that you question the intentions of any and all of it is proof enough of that.

      Stay strong!

      Zari xo

  • Sarah Martin

    May 11, 2015 at 12:32 am Reply

    Hi. I need some advice and help fast. My husband and I have 4 beautiful children. Our marriage has been chaotic from the start. He’d control every Move I made, insult my body after childbirth, pick fights and then get angry when I react.
    We tried marriage counseling a couple of years ago but after the 3rd session, he refused to go back because he stated that “it was like being in a room with two Sarah’s”. We didn’t go long enough for him to be diagnosed however, the therapist did state that the rigjt frontal lobe of my husbands brain did not work properly. That is when he refused to go back. I quit complaining to what friends I had left about our relationship because nobody could understand why I stayed. I stayed for my children. I do not want to break up our family. But my husband continuously called me names like “whore, cunt, cheater” in front of my children. I tried to be a good wife. I truly did. I was a paramedic but decided to get into real estate in order to be with my children more. Oftentimes when I would be leaving to meet a client, he’d tell the kids that mommy was lying and really going to see her boyfriend and just didn’t care about our kids. That would devastate me into canceling appointments and ultimately losing money opportunities. Then in an attempt to ridicule me, he’d say that if I was choosing to be a housewife and not hold up my responsibility in money for the family that we would have to downsize and the children would suffer. It was just a non stop brutal lifestyle. I don’t know that he’s cheated on me and honestly I hadn’t thought he was. One month ago, when I mentioned us separating in order to work on our marriage and seek counseling he became angry as usual and Guilted me into dropping the subject. I just don’t have the energy for the constant bickering. 5 days after he insulted me for suggesting separating for the greater good, he suddenly, without warning, emptied all of our bank accounts to a zero balance.
    When I approached him about the money, the argument got out of hand and he threw me on the floor. I called the police (only because my children were sleeping at my parents house) for my protection. He normally talks me out of reporting him with threats of waking up the children so they can see mommy having daddy arrested. He’s never hit me in front of the kids. He just emotionally tortures me in front of them because I beg him not to. Anyway, he was not charged because it was his word against mine and I had no marks. He accused me of being the aggressor and asked for an officer to accompany him to pack his things. I’ll never forget the anguish and despair of my children and I as we BEGGED him not to leave with cops by his side. My kids were terrified. I felt helpless. I was actually on my knees begging for mercy for my kids and he wouldn’t look at me or show any emotion towards me or the kids. My kids ages are 12, 7, 6, and 1. It was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced seeing my kids crying uncontrollably and wondering why daddy was leaving with police officers and not acknowledging them. At that point, I was left with 4 kids and completely penniless. Thank God for my parents who are buying us groceries and necessities like diapers and formula. I also spoke with a lawyer who said the only way to protect myself and my kids was to file divorce and a restraining order. He never tried contacting me or returning any text when I asked for money. He’d only text our small children, who need my help with spelling, but he will not acknowledge the fact that I even exist. I thought the silent treatment would stop after the restraining order but it hasn’t. He will only text my kids on their iPads which have to be in wifi to work. But now that our internet has been disconnected due to non payment, he will only call the house and if I answer, he hangs up. He refuses to call my cell phone to talk to the kids. The temporary restraining order was dismissed at the most humiliating court session I could’ve imagined. He had a great lawyer, and I didn’t. His lawyer painted me as a money hungry abuser and that I was the one who initiated the convo of splitting
    Up so I should be happy that I got what I wanted. Never in a million years did I want to be abandoned and left to starve with 4 children. His entire case against me was to gain access back to the children but it’s been 5 days since his big win and he’s been out of town golfing and vacationing. From the time he left until today he has not made 1 attempt to see our children. I had to file for divorce to protect us and get some of our money back. I don’t want a divorce but it’s the only way to ensure protecting my kids. 3/4 of my children have been sick with strep throat and I’ve attempted to text him to ask for money for their antibiotics and no response. This silent treatment is driving me to the brink of insanity. I feel like I’m nothing but a worthless piece of trash. Everything he said he would do came true. The threats of if he ever left that I would have nothing and be nothing is true! I’ve got my kids. That’s all I care about. But I can’t even afford to take them to the doctor. I’ve got the house for now but all of the utilities are about to be cut off for nonpayment and he just doesn’t care. The worst part is that he thinks he’s only hurting me but my children are suffering. I’m a human being. I’m so helpless and depressed and dying inside. I can’t eat or sleep and I’m constantly shaking. This hurts so deep emotionally that I’m hurting physically. I’m trying to keep strong for the kids but they see me constantly bursting into tears. In real estate, you don’t get paid until you sell a home and I have no contracts rigjt now and he knows that. How can a person knowingly leave their family to suffer this way and not even respond when I meekly ask for help and mercy? Why is he doing this? Today, on Mother’s Day, he had the nerve to call our house just to talk with the kids for a total of 3 minutes. I wanted to answer the phone so badly just hoping that he would at least tell me happy Mother’s Day but I chickened out because I knew that if he slammed the receiver down and rejected me again, I would be in worse condition. I love my children. I love them so much it’s indescribable. I can’t imagine the thought of shared custody. After he slaughtered me in the courtroom for the restraining order I’m in constant anxiety and fear of him getting shared custody as he’s threatened me with that and so far all of his threats have come true. I’m contemplating canceling my divorce paperwork because I fear for my children being in his care and I’ve come to realize between police with their he said she said, and pricey attorneys that he can afford with OUR money, there is absolutely no justice in this world. I’ve prayed and prayed. I’m beginning to think that maybe it was all of my fault. If I would’ve kept my mouth shut, it wouldn’t have gone this far. I’m broken. And helpless. Soon I will be forced out of our home when the utilities get shut off and then he will move Right back in and then prove to a judge that only he can support our kids. This is pure misery and I don’t know what to do. I just want to protect my children. His silent treatment is weakining me to despair. My babies sit next to their iPads all day just waiting on a text from their daddy. They keep asking me why daddy left. I just tell them that no matter what daddy loves them. I feel like a prisoner. That is what this is and I’m being tortured by him and I don’t think I’ll ever overcome this anguish. I’m sorry for being so long winded. Nobody that I know understands.

    • Sarah Martin

      May 12, 2015 at 10:08 pm Reply

      I’d like to add something. In the beginning of his horrible insults to me, I’d insult back. Each insult that I retaliated, he took it further. Multiple times, he would insult my female body parts and the affect of giving birth to our kids. When he would take that low blow, I’d back down because I was too hurt to keep saying things back that I never even meant but thought it was the only way to make him stop. I finally learned to keep my mouth shut over time. I became so used to them, I wouldn’t react at all. When he would do it in front of my kids it paralyzed me with fear and tore me apart inside. I never would argue with him in front of the kids because I felt helpless and would just beg him to stop for their sake but he’d get louder and say even more. My precious children are innocent.
      At this point, his silent treatment is torturing me. How can this man that has helped me welcome these 4 beautiful kids into this world, and all of our memories, just throw me away as if I’m dead? I feel dead. This is so painful. My poor children are broken and I can’t fix it. I try my best but they don’t understand why daddy left. I know he left because of me or that he hates me suddenly but what did they do to deserve this? He texts them of course but that’s not enough. It’s been almost a month since I’ve heard my husbands voice. He’s supposed to be our protector. And he purposefully took all means of survival and left us. I’ve had to apply for foodstamps just to feed us. Why is he doing this? I feel so lost and unloved and alone and worthless. 9 years of marriage and he acts as if he doesn’t even know me and can’t even acknowledge me to communicate about our kids and what’s happening in their daily lives. I just wish I would’ve never called the police. But he emptied the accounts before the domestic dispute. And every time I would mention separating to work on our marriage he acted as if I was terrible for even thinking of such a thing. Why won’t he speak to me? What could I have done better to prevent this? There has to be something I can do to fix this for my kids. I can’t bear the thought of them feeling abandoned by their daddy. My youngest son sleeps with his picture every night. We are doomed.

    • Zari Ballard

      May 18, 2015 at 4:21 pm Reply

      Hi Sarah,

      I am going to respond to your letters in just a bit, I promise. I’m always so behind but I’m trying. In the meantime, I will be going to my email and sending you a PDF version of each of my books so that at least you have something to read and empower you. I am so sorry for what you are going through..Hang in there and please check the email that you used to log in to write your messages because that is where I will send the books:)

      Zari xo

  • Rebecca

    April 19, 2015 at 5:48 am Reply

    Hi I’m not sure if u remember me but I wrote to U months ago about my ex. Unfortunately I met another one. We were engaged after 2 months an everything was perfect than he left me without word an won’t talk to me. I’m going threw the silent period an I forgot how painful this is. He was different to my other narc more loving caring an showered me with gifts dinners ect. Moved me into a big home and now nothing. Started slowly cutting off then still giving me a bit of love then boom gone without any explanation. Now the horrible part is he wrks for shops up from my salon. So I have to see him every day. I need done advice again on coping. It’s very different from last time but much the same. I don’t know how iv met another one

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