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The Narcissist’s Motivation to Deceive (Part 1/2)

narcissist-deceiverNarcissistic lovers and partners are really as simple as they are complicated. We spend a whole lot of time trying to figure it all out…why they do what they do and say what they say. We agonize over their willingness to cheat and how they so easily can lie about it. We demand to know why they leave or force us to leave and how they can just move on as if our history together meant nothing. We suffer through silent treatments and disappearances and will wait – often for months – for the inevitable hoover to come suck us back down the rabbit hole. In fact, for most of us, the rabbit hole becomes the one place where we feel secure…the one place where we get a reprieve from the suffocating separation anxiety. The rabbit hole becomes both the last place and the ONLY place we want to hang out because it’s the one place to which the narcissist will always return. But why DOES the narcissist do what he does – are there a million reasons or is this there just one big one? My theory is that there is really just one all-encompassing incentive in the narcissist’s relationship agenda…one all-important motivation for his nonsense that is securely connected to everything else. To understand and accept my simple theory can be the key to mentally breaking free from the madness.

Let me explain…

narcissist-abuse-consultationsThe narcissist has but one true cause that rules his life no matter what and that is to get away with something. Every day, that’s all it’s about! To the narcissist, no matter what’s happening, it’s all about what he can get away with day to day. This is the secret to a narcissist’s success. If he’s a polished kind-of narcissist, it’s likely that one or all of his partners will be suspecting of many things – including each other – but that they will never be able to prove their suspicions and this dynamic is intentional. It means that he’s getting away with things and he really pretty good at it!

The bottom line is that none of us are or ever were as important to the narcissist as we’d like to think. As I’ve explained in my article series about compartmentalization, we are no more important to the narcissist than the grocery store check-out girl or the clerk at the bank who cashed his paycheck. He will triangulate us with random people and even inanimate objects (cell phones!) just because he can…just because he can get away with it. All we ever do is serve as a convenient practice tool for the art of deception and our suffering is how a narcissist gauges his ability to do it…to deceive us. The more we suffer, the more confident he feels. This is why normalcy has no place in the relationship and confusion has a permanent home. When things are relatively “normal” and we are calm, the narcissist feels unimportant and annoyed and must get away with something in order to pump himself up.

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What makes the game particularly interesting for the narcissist is that “getting away with something” doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with us finding out. Yup, that’s right – he’s really not worried about that (and never has been) because it’s just an option in the game. In fact, the narcissist fully expects us to find out or, at the very least, to be suspicious because then he gets to practice the deception at the next level up. Getting away with something – by narcissistic standards – means doing it once, raising our suspicions via passive-aggressive behaviors, and then convincing us that we’re delusional for even thinking he’d do it to begin with. It’s at this level that the narcissist practices his ability to deceive after the original deception. The lie after the lie. First he cheats and then lies about it, then we find out and confront him, and then he lies about it again. He now practices the art of never admitting to anything. If he’s really polished, he might even compel YOU to apologize for HIS bullshit behaviors and that’s a BONUS! And his reward for all this narcissistic achievement? A nice long silent treatment for as long as he likes or as long as he thinks you can take it – whichever comes first.

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I’m not kidding you, sisters and brothers…this is what it’s all about day to day…nothing more, nothing less. This is how a narcissist hones his tactics for future targets. Everyone in his life – you included – is practice fodder for his need to deceive and get away with things. And, as we know, deceiving can be about anything at all, even that which we’d consider to be most trivial. This is why, as I’ve always said, a narcissist lies even when the truth is a better story. If he went to one supermarket, he’ll say he went to another…because he can…because he can get away with it because we allow him to. And if by chance he doesn’t get away with it…if we flat-out catch him in a lie and call him out on it..well, he’ll just try something else. He’ll think up another lie. Practice makes perfect. This is where we become crazy, trying to understand why he keeps doing the same thing over and over. Truth and fiction in the relationship starts to blur. We begin to investigate, spy, stalk, and finagle and we end up knowing not a whole lot more than when we started. Because the N admits to nothing unless his back is absolutely up against a wall (a rare occurrence), we become so confused and riddled with anxiety over day to day events that we end up saying nothing at all about anything. And this, my friends, is the end game. Keeping us in a heightened state of anxiety is the desired result of all a narcissist’s nonsense. This is how he creates our reality. Our suffering not only turns him on mentally, it becomes his motivation to get away with as much as he can in the least amount of time possible!

Stay tuned for Part II of this article to learn how the narcissist’s penchant for getting away with things explains everything – and I mean everything – that we’ve ever questioned, tried to analyze, or agonized over in the relationship. I’ll explain further my theory on how the N thinks and how we take everything he does personally  when the truth is that it isn’t personal at all. I truly believe that the sooner we understand and accept the reality of our role in the relationship, the quicker our recovery time. I will explain it all to you next week…


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  • Christine

    November 16, 2015 at 12:51 pm Reply

    Once again you nail it Zari. I will never, ever forget that “heightened state of anxiety” I was in around the narcissist…and those suspicions about him that I couldn’t “prove”, but could also never erase. I hope everyone here doesn’t just walk, but RUNS away from anyone who provokes those kinds of feelings. Just trust that your gut instincts are there for a reason!

    I frankly don’t know or care why the narcissist has been hoovering me lately…all I do know is that I will see to it he never pulls the wool over my eyes ever again.

  • Jenn

    November 15, 2015 at 8:03 pm Reply

    This article helped more than anything I have read because it validated what I have been saying! You are so correct that unless you have been involved in a narcissistic relationship it is not believable what we say. I have been told if I say anything at all that I am just bitter and angry.
    Dday was 4 years ago and the divorce was final about 18 months ago. It was of course dragged out, bitter and I will be paying attorney fees for many years to come!
    I hate to admit how much I still struggle and it is for a couple of reasons. My semi adult kids are softening to him, spending time with him and the OW. I hear his lies and spinning in what they say. I am not allowed to say a word but he continues. He brushes all he did under the rug and acts like this was all for the best. My comment back is only that the end does not justify the means and the come back is that I need to drop it, move on.
    This makes me nuts because of the poor lesson it is teaching them! I have already noticed the change in the kids becoming more selfish! They say how they just need to do what makes them happy. They no longer look at how their decisions effect others.
    I feel no matter what people say to drop and move on is because they want to pretend what happened was okay because it was for the best thus giving him a by.
    I understand how sick he is but it is that pompous attitude. I know I know his insecurity but it seems where ever he goes people believe his shit. He just continues without any ramifications while I pay the heavy price. I creates rage in me as I use to believe that negative actions should not be accepted but this one does.

  • Felicia

    November 15, 2015 at 7:40 pm Reply

    “We become so confused and riddled with anxiety day to say that we end up saying nothing at all”….This is me. Totally helpless to the point of silence then being accused of not talking or contacting him enough!!!. I knew that no matter what I said I wouldn’t be heard and everything would get twisted so lt was my fault anyway that the relationship wasn’t working. Not enough effort on my part or I needed my head examined for wanting to know who he was and not just wanting to jump in bed. I could never get my point across enough that I wanted more. I was the crazy one and complained too much. There is no win- win with these soul suckers. I’ve never felt so degraded by someone in my whole life yet I still can’t get him out of my head. He told me I was an animal and to go fuck my dog because I wouldn’t meet with him again. Why would I even consider this monster. Its the spell they cast and that’s the way they like it. I’ve never been so exhausted by one individual in my whole life till him.
    Zari thank you for all these affirming articles they truly help but this is a slow process …getting over it. Uggghhh

    • Zari Ballard

      December 11, 2015 at 7:36 pm Reply

      Hi Felicia,

      Hope you’re doing great and gotten over the exhaustion. These monsters certainly can wear us out – soul suckers is a great way to describe them. Two more weeks and we can completely start fresh for 2016. get the resolutions ready!

      Zari xo

  • Shelly Lance

    November 15, 2015 at 4:33 pm Reply

    After being with and living through hell with one of the biggest narcissists I’ve ever encountered, I can tell you that your article is right on. I didn’t realize all this until I read your theory. But you are exactly right. There is no telling what my ex did behind my back. And now that I’ve came out of the fog I am realizing he did a lot of things that were just psycho and so covert. Like I think he ran over my beloved Yorkie on purpose because he was mad that I was making him move out of my big house because I wanted to rent it out. Also he hid stuff from me that would turn up later. And then there were always accusations about him that he lied about but found out now they were every single one ended up being true. But the most grotesque and horrible thing he was doing behind my back was molesting and trying to rape my 10 year old daughter. She’s 25 now but explains to me that I could be in the shower and he would be exposing himself or trying to touch her and one time tried to stick his you know what between her legs. She was 10, she didn’t even know what that was. I had had a talk with him before he came around that I wasn’t ever gonna leave my daughter home alone with him because I didn’t want anything to ever be said about it. And I think that just gave him more reason to try to get away with it. These evil beings are so dangerous. They are capable of anything. And I do mean anything.

    • Zari Ballard

      November 22, 2015 at 12:15 am Reply

      Hi Shelly,

      OMG…what a monster. When I read the part about your daughter, it put a knot in my stomach. I am so, so sorry. Yes, they are capable of anything at all and they DO know right from wrong…they simply don’t care. It is what it is. Your ex, however, is a special kind of evil and I dare say he is sociopathic and perhaps even psychopathic. Narcissists will only take things so far. Once they cross that line – as your ex did with your daughter – they become something else. Bastard. I hope there is a lot of distance between you, sister.

      Stay strong and I’m here to support you:)

      Zari xo

  • Aileen

    November 15, 2015 at 10:35 am Reply

    Spot on!

  • Boppy

    November 15, 2015 at 2:16 am Reply

    Ugh, the permanent anxiety, I remember it so well. And, yes, every single time I was at peace around him for more than 10-20 minutes, he’d errupt into some kind of ridiculous, twisted scenario that would just wind me up again within seconds. I think it was probably that that made me realise I had to get out because my heart was just pounding all the time with the stress hormones. Prick.

    • Zari Ballard

      November 15, 2015 at 1:24 pm Reply

      Hi Boppy,

      Yup, a “prick” is exactly what they are.

      Zari xo

  • Bill

    November 15, 2015 at 1:56 am Reply

    Another great article, Zari!
    The process you described is 100% true. The N will cheat, lie, and deny everything, calling us insecure, delusional, crazy, making threats, etc… The N enjoy this game.
    At the end of the day, it is about soul stealing. The N don’t really have one, so this is the way to get others life, soul, energy sucked out of them.

    • Zari Ballard

      November 15, 2015 at 1:51 pm Reply

      Hi Bill,

      Well said and so true! Narcissists are soul-suckers who will literally suck the life out of you so they can continue on. True vampires!

      Zari xo

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