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Narcissists, Lies & the Great Relationship Reset

Narcissists love to press the Great Relationship Reset Button. In pressing this imaginary button, the narcissist gets to waltz back into the relationship without any repercussions or consequences and just pick up from the point they left off. During the course of our time with the narc, we actually become used to this reset and even wait for it – for the proverbial hoover – hoping they will attempt it so that we can rid ourselves of the separation anxiety. We are actually willing to let it all go – whatever that may be – if only for the chance to start over and pretend that none of the awfulness ever happened.

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It’s a very sad situation where we, as women and men who happen to love a narcissist, unwittingly allow our expectations of the narc’s role in the relationship – and even the relationship as a whole – to get managed down to NOTHING. The narcissist, in order to succeed with the Great Relationship Reset, will tell whatever lie is necessary to receive a quick reprieve. In other words, the narc will tell us exactly what we need to hear and they will say it effortlessly even though it has no meaning whatsoever. Because we have likely been distraught by the narc’s disappearance or by our own relationship amnesia, we are amazingly willing to put up with all this reset nonsense…and the narc, of course, knows this and takes full advantage.

The Dynamics of a Reset

What typically happens during a reset – often at the end of the first 24 hours – is that we find ourselves still feeling uneasy. The morning may appear normal enough after another dose of the narcissist’s make-up sex and a kiss good-by but somehow we’re not left feeling warm and fuzzy as he or she drives off. Something is STILL wrong despite the fact that if we took the narc’s behaviors over the last 24 at face value, everything should be just fine. The narc certainly said all the right things and even did all the right things so what is the issue? Perhaps it’s all the things he or she DIDN’T do or say that is nagging at us. To start, the narc didn’t offer up where the hell he’d been the last couple weeks or a month or whatever. As usual, he didn’t want to talk about that because then we’d be vilified for bringing up the past and the narcissist HATES THAT. Or maybe it’s the fact that while the narc talked of moving back in as soon as he walked in the door, he didn’t say a damn thing about it in the morning as he was walking out nor did he offer up a time for when he’d be back again. Uh-oh!

Look, I don’t have to go on and on with examples of what a narc does and doesn’t do to make a Great Relationship reset happen. I call it seduce and discard and we all experience the same drill. And it IS a DRILL…a dress rehearsal of sorts…for a scene in this gigantic psychological operation that he has down pat. He or she would actually much rather have you feeling a little queasy as he drives off that morning. Indeed, the narc is all about keeping you in a heightened state of anxiety…on the edge of your seat…24/7 and now is no different. And if you mention that you feel uneasy, the narc ain’t going to comfort you, that’s for sure. However, he will look you in the eye and say something like, “Wow, I can see where this is going. You STILL don’t trust me and this is our problem. If you can’t find a way to fix that, this will never work” and off he’ll go, making you want to vomit there in the driveway. The only thing you can be sure of as you limp your way back into the house is that you made a very big mistake AGAIN and oh dear, what to do now?

First, we must instantly forgive ourselves for allowing a relationship reset. The truth is that we are “normal” people who naturally would want to hear what a partner who has betrayed us has to say.  Just because we do this and get blown off yet again, so fucking what? It’s nothing new under the sun and it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. It’s just another day in the life of someone who has a narcissistic personality. Sometimes we need that additional reminder that the fire still burns and THEN we can chalk it up as one more confirmation that we were right all along. Our intuition was spot-on after all. It may be a momentary set-back but it certainly doesn’t mean we have to start at square one. As long as we choose not to suffer on that second day when he or she gives us that queasy feeling, we will be okay. Our suffering doesn’t change anything, as I have said time and time again, and this is all we need to remember.

The Magic of Refusing to Suffer

Choosing not to suffer no matter how a narcissist behaves is the key to winning the round and getting our life back. It is the quickest way to re-train our brain back to normal and go about our business. The narcissist will return or not return whether we suffer or not so, given that choice, we have to choose to do our best to move along. If you can get into that mindset, I promise you that miracles will occur within your psyche that will completely amaze you.

Stay on this daily path of non-suffering and the next time the narc knocks on the door, you won’t feel the urge to jump up and answer. You might even feel, like I did, that DAMN, he was back WAY too early. This is how it worked for me after 13 years of being fairly inconsolable every time he left me. The day I chose not to suffer after realizing I’d been fooled again was a turning point I will never forget. I did reluctantly allow him back in twice after that but there was no third time. On the second time, I knew that I just wasn’t feeling it. When he left two days later, I knew it was for good and I swear to God, I’ve never shed a tear (over him) since and forgiveness had nothing to do with it. It still hurt, of course, and I grieved momentarily for that lost thirteen years but I, for the first time, KNEW it was done and that I would never allow another reset to occur ever again. It was a bittersweet moment and I remember it well.

You too can have that DEFINITIVE and bittersweet anti-relationship reset moment…and believe me, it is worth the wait. If you are truly ready to let this shit go, there will be no better feeling for you at that moment and you will remember it well, just like me, for years to come.

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  • John Verleun

    August 6, 2021 at 12:53 pm Reply

    Married for 45 years 43 yrs no sex two grown sons. First 25 Yrs just resent sex 5 times per year 2002 25th anniversary stopped asking. No complaints from her. Just nothing. I was a catholic seminarian looking at my options, thinking of leaving, she was living in a polyamory community early 70s. She invited me to be engaged to her for 6 months agreeing to be exclusive and monogamous. I go to Chicago to teach as part of my obligation to the order I’m studying for. Late July a letter shows up. Hi. I’m at my bosses’ boat, it’s really tight up here, I’m having trouble getting my pants off so we can have sex. OBTW he’s a married man with two sons. No problem for her he says we’re divorced so just let me in there it’s fine. Fast forward I stupidly believed her assertion that monogamy didn’t start until our vows, really WTF. Beginning of our third year, with a one year old son in our family I ask for sex, she flips out screaming at me, why do you ask for something I never want to give you. If you need sex just fuck other women. Year 7 with now 2 sons she tell me the same thing. Year 9 the same thing, I don’t do it because I love my sons, having other relationships means not enough time at home. Year 10 1987asking for sex, with a snide comment on whether it would happen in this century or the next. She flips out and starts jumping up and down foaming at the mouth shouting you bastard bleeper and pounding my chest with both fists. I was bilaterally bruised on my chest. She finally fell on the floor exhausted. In the first ten years of our marriage she pimps me off to other women for sex and physicallly assaults me foe asking for sex. In 2016 she tells me she told her sister the day we were married we had an open marriage. Spoiler alert, only my husband doesn’t know this. On 2018 she tells me whether I like it or not we have an open marriage. On March22, 4:37pm, out of the middle of nowhere, she tells me that she’s addicted to stranger/just dog in heat sex. And that sex with me made her wish she was dead, being gang raped would be better sex, than sex with man who has supported anything she wanted to do professionally. Over the 45 years of our life , spending 30k a year on clothing, jewelry, and shoes which equals 4.5 million dollars. She denies saying or doing anything like that, but 43 years of no sex tells a different story, no she’s not classically hot, younger days nice looking, somewhat overweight, no visual sex prize, but I certainly wasn’t looking at her like that. Now by her own words, I’m old, bald, tired and fat 5:3. 190 lbs, all of which is still ok. How to survive 10 more years in this ocean of BS. OBTW she’s extraordinarily vicious and angry and I’m not sure she’s confrontable on anything, largely because she’s a woman, she could murder me in my sleep and turn me into an abusive monster and have the women cheer at the death of another abuser
    Nothing looks good from here.

    • Zari Ballard

      August 18, 2021 at 12:47 pm Reply

      My goodness! What a miserable life she has provided but I am not understanding why you didn’t leave and why you don’t leave NOW. Long ago, it became less about her and more about you staying for…..? Why? Please…we only have one life and honestly, a life alone with freedom to NOT BE ABUSED would be better, in my opinion, than a life with this woman FOR ONE MORE DAY! Why are you even CONSIDERING spending ten more years in this awful situation? There is nothing lovable or even likable about her. Please reconsider your options. Things WILL look better once you are away from her.



  • Daisy

    April 30, 2021 at 1:50 am Reply

    It was a lot easier when he didn’t have any phone access to me. Now I feel like I’m back to square one with this extremely self-centred, selfish man. All he does is go on about his children who he’s lost custody of for almost a year and a half and how much money he spent on them for their birthday etc. He did nothing on my birthday and seems really stingy towards me in that way but brags about how much money he earns. So sick of the bullshit. Still don’t know why I let him back into my home when I did. I have also told him about a health concern I had of my own and he was a real dick about it and made me feel bad and yeah just wondering why I did this to myself again..?

  • Daisy

    April 24, 2021 at 2:58 pm Reply

    He came back after 5 months of no contact out of the blue. Made plans with me for the weekend, which were all bs heard nothing further. 11 days later I decide to change my phone number. 6 weeks of peace followed. About a week ago, happen to see him in my rear view mirror when driving along. Don’t know if this was a coincidence or not he followed me down a long stretch of road and I abruptly turned off and didn’t acknowledge him. Then the following night, he knocks on the door unexpectedly about 10pm, didn’t know who it was. Saw his car. Asked who it was. Then said what does he want. Ended up opening the door he got angry and pretended to leave when I wouldn’t let him in at first. Allthough I think this was just more manipulation, he didn’t intend to leave at that point. He had never just turned up like that before and he never mentioned not being able to get hold me on the phone. But looked a bit worried when he left and asked me for my new phone number, that I might not give it to him, after making more fake plans for the weekend. I’m sorry to say I have texted him my new phone number the next night to which there was no reply. I felt really anxious and rang him and he actually answered and said he he was too tired and stressed to talk but he’ll text me, call or something. So far nothing, so I stuffed it up for myself again and I’d even changed my number. So frustrating!

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