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Narcissists & The Soul Mate Effect

soulmate2In a relationship, a narcissist will use a variety of emotional manipulation tactics to hook, re-hook, and then string-along his partner. One of the most effective of these tactics is one that I call the soul mate effect. Along with its sister manipulation tactic future faking, the soul mate effect makes up the stickiest portion of the web that narcissists weave to capture their targets. Both tactics are so important, in fact, that failing at one or the other will cause the narcissist’s relationship agenda to fall completely flat and ultimately cease to exist. Utilized separately, both the soul mate effect and future faking are typically pulled from the narcissist’s bag of tricks only during those moments in the relationship where the narcissist has to work overtime to suck us down the rabbit hole – namely, the beginning Idolize Phase and every reappearance after a silent treatment.

Yup, I have to admit (and not proudly) that the soul mate effect was my downfall. Clearly exploiting the fact that we’d known each other for nearly ten years before spending another ten as boyfriend and girlfriend, my ex would incorporate this historical tidbit into the soul mate effect to pull me back after periodically letting me go. You see, narcissists and other emotional manipulators will typically create the soul mate effect during the Idolize Phase to hook us to The Lie and then again each and every time they press the relationship reset button and magically reappear after a silent treatment. For the latter, the hoover maneuver is used as a prelude to the reset and, as you know, it’s very successful.

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In the beginning, just like all of you, I felt as if my ex and I were meant to be together. For the first few months, it was as if we shared the same fucking brain. We’d finish each others sentences, we liked the same music, we laughed at the same things, I loved his sense of humor and he flattered me every chance he got. It was amazing! And then, of course, he referred to us as soul mates and BANG, I was a done deal. Wow…could he be right? Are we soul mates? Of course we are!

You see, my ex knew me because we had been buddies years before and narcissists never forget a thing. Several years had passed since I’d seen him and from the first moment, it was as if I’d seen him yesterday. Within just two weeks, he had me convinced that being together was our destiny. In essence, he created that highly deceptive beginning phase phenomenon that I now describe as a narcissistic manipulation tactic called the soul mate effect.

The soul mate effect is particularly effective because it is so very personal. Not only do we fall for the lie, we actually deeply believe it – so much so that later down the road, perhaps during a silent treatment or to prevent him from leaving, we will actually try to convince him of its importance. Please don’t leave me! We’re soul mates! Consequently, because we frequently confirm that indeed it works, a narcissist – using just a slight spin – will re-create the effect upon every return as an easy relationship reset. In those cases, for example, my ex’s soul mate rhetoric might go something like, “You know, I just can’t stay away. I think I’m addicted to you. What can I say? We’re soulmates!” And if he really wanted to tug at my heartstrings, he’d refer to “our history together” which, for me, was another key phrase that instantly created the same damn effect.

The difference between the soul mate effect and future faking is that the soul mate effect occurs only at the beginning and at reset points to hook and then re-hook a target respectively. Future-faking, which involves the narcissist making promises and/or future plans that will never happen, is typically a strategy used to keep or maintain the hook. In essence, future-faking is an extension of the soul mate effect. Both strategies are obviously evil in that they are pre-meditated manipulations to fuck with a victim’s head for reasons that are completely deceptive and self-serving.

The trigger-pull, of course, is how the narcissist behaves soon after creating the soul mate effect or future faking and, mind you, it’s not a matter of if but when it will happen. Sadly, the narcissist will 1) create chaos and disappear the next day without an ounce of shame, or 2) forget the plans made altogether and then look at you incredulously when you remind him, or 3) accuse you of putting pressure on him even though it was he who made the plans, or 4) accuse you of ruining his life the morning after an entire night of him calling you his soul mate…and it goes on and on. It’s all a bunch of pathological word garbage of course but when it’s happening, it’s a heart breaker.

My ex enjoyed using both strategies simultaneously. For example, he had a habit of vanishing immediately after we’d spent a wonderful weekend together, leaving me confused and heartsick. Upon his return weeks and even months later, our conversation would go something like this:

W: I really missed you. I don’t know, Zari. I guess we really are soul mates. We’re just meant to be together.

Me: W, you’ve been gone two months and I don’t even know why you left. You don’t see anything wrong with that? I’ve been sick over it. How can you say that we’re soul mates when you keep disappearing? Where the fuck do you go?

W: Come on…we have a history together. I was thinking last night that I know we’re going to grow old together. I love you.

Me: You’ve been gone two months. What do you want me to do…just pick up like nothing happened? I don’t get this at all.

W: You know what? This…this is why I leave. All you do is bring up the past…over and over. I’m here, aren’t I?

Me: Yeah but yesterday you weren’t!

W: Alright, that’s it. What do you want…do you want me to leave?

Me: No…that’s –

W: Because I will. I have no problem with that at all.

Me: No problem with it? A minute ago you said we were soul mates…

W: I can’t talk to you. I shouldn’t have come here. I should have known it would be the same old shit…..

Me: Okay, okay…please don’t go.

W: Hey, you know what? How about we go to that concert this weekend? Let’s have some fun.

Me: I’d love to go but..but…you always make plans when you come back and then we never go. I don’t want to pretend to get excited over something that won’t happen.

W: You are nothing but a buzz kill.

Me: Alright…fine. Let’s go then.

Concert night comes and Wayne is nowhere to be found.

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If you think about it, the narcissist has no choice but to create a soul mate effect because for who else but her soul mate would any woman endure this much bullshit? Learn to recognize the signs of the soul mate effect and future faking with a current partner and also with any new person you may meet.

Understand that when the feeling of love is real, no one will ever have to say a word, let alone try to convince the other that it exists, and promises are rarely made and then broken. We must re-train our brain to recognize what is and isn’t normal relationship behavior… and then never ever settle for anything less.

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  • Em

    October 14, 2016 at 10:35 am Reply

    Until I read the conversation, I was still foolishly questioning whether or not he was an actual “full blown” narcissist. My rational brain knew all along, but that piece changed my emotional brain to the sad reality I’ve been living.

    I’ve had that conversation. 100 times or more.

  • Rosie

    October 2, 2016 at 7:38 am Reply

    Zari, I love your blog! Whenever I am feeling weak in my struggle to heal I read some of your articles, it always feels like a good friend talking to me. Boy, the narcs sure love the soul mate crap, he told me that on our second date, he also said that God had worked to bring us together. Oh, and that is was fate that we foumd each other, and that he had dreamed of having someone like me his whole life. Hmmm…guess he forgot all that when he lined up somebody new and discarded me in a cruel heartless manner! Keep up the great work Zari, we all need you!

    • Zari Ballard

      October 4, 2016 at 1:15 am Reply

      Thanks Rosie! The feeling is mutual:)

    • Hilary

      October 13, 2016 at 10:03 am Reply

      I just read your soul mate/ future faking dialogue. Wow! It’s like you were listening in on a conversation.


      • Zari Ballard

        October 13, 2016 at 4:14 pm Reply

        Hi Hilary, I know…isn’t it weird? We all have the same conversations! xo

  • Claire

    June 14, 2016 at 3:12 pm Reply

    I used to say when my ex narc used to call me his soulmate, that I was really his cell mate!

  • Allison

    May 26, 2016 at 7:15 am Reply

    OMG – I was married to that for nearly nineteen years! Doubting myself so much of the time, it became painfully yet brilliantly clear he was the sicko – I was fine. Scared to death, but the healthy one. It took a long time for me to leave him and he’s such a malignant narcissist that he turned my young sons against me (like he did with his child from his previous marriage – I was wife #2) and eleven years later, they still aren’t speaking to me. My ex is still and forever will play the victim – the “poor me” act, while wielding his arsenal of psychological weaponry. His rage is terrifying, but his narcissistic diet consists of this entree (Me) no longer. Thank you for this reality check – this book reaffirms what I have learned the hard way and is so very educational!!

    • Zari Ballard

      May 29, 2016 at 1:35 am Reply

      Thanks Allison…. That’s what I’m here for – reality checks:)

      Stay strong!

      Zari xo

  • Clare

    March 2, 2016 at 4:45 pm Reply

    Hi, I’ve spent almost ten years (on and off due to the silent treatment) with a narcissist. I got in touch with two other ladies he was stringing along. The one lady was relieved as my getting in touch confirmed to her she wasn’t going mad. The other lady I fear is only at the beginning and read my emails walking out of the airport following a lovely week away with him. I did the run down if my relationship with him and outlined how I guessed her relationship was going and even explained that he would tell her I was the psycho ex girlfriend…. She obviously believed him and I had a visit from the police advising me if I contacted her again I could be arrested for harassment. I don’t blame her as I totally understand where she is in the relationship at the moment. I also don’t regret trying to warn her because I live in hope that as soon as he starts his tricks with her she will get out sooner than I did. I keep telling the lady who did believe me that he will be in touch again and she can’t see it happening because she thinks he will despise us because we outted him. He will though!!! Finding out about narcissistic behaviour has opened up the process of moving on so much for me, you know deep down it’s not your fault but this is the eureka moment. Great find I will be sharing with the other lady so keep up the great work of enlightenment

    • Zari Ballard

      March 3, 2016 at 12:06 pm Reply

      Hi Clare,

      How funny…I sent a FB private message once to the girl I suspected my ex was staying with during a silent treatment, outing him about everything and making predictions and I, too, got a visit from the police! Best to let them find their way out of the rabbit hole all by themselves!

      Stay strong!

      Zari xo

  • Shea

    December 23, 2015 at 5:27 pm Reply

    Was I dealing with an N? He’s famous and pursued me for months. I wasn’t really interested but he began texting or calling me every day all day. He would ask me about myself and tell me about him. We started dating and he would be vulnerable and kind. He told me nobody loves him. After 4 months he went on tour and started distancing himself. He told me he loved me, but doesn’t like to fall in love. Meanwhile he’s telling me I’m meant for him, he misses me, we will go on vacation when he returns.

    Then it turned into an “I miss you” text every 2 or 3 days. When I told him this confused me, he would blow up and tell me how busy he was and how selfish I am. The only time he ever asked about me and my life was in the beginning. He also kept me a secret from the public, claiming he was private.

    So he came back and went on the vacation with his friends and cancelled my trip to see him the night before. He left for tour again and the ignoring began again. I tried to end it and he yelled at me for an hour again saying how selfish I am and how hard his life is.

    I thought he was gone, but a week later he was back. I told him I missed him and he disappeared for a month. He came back and acted like everything was fine. He was very cold. No pet names, etc. I asked him why he put his Instagram on private and he gave me a vague answer.

    I went on his Twitter- two weeks before he had posted(before he never used Twitter) how he had fallen in love with the country he was in, and photos of him and a groupie 22 years younger than him (she’s in college) by his bed in the hotel and tweeted how he missed her.

    Did he do this so I would see? Why was she made public and I was hidden away? Why did he come back and text me weeks after he went public with her?

    Will he be a good partner to her and move in with her and marry her happily?

    I found out today he had been seeing a girl behind my back the whole time and when she broke up with him two months ago he didn’t want her to leave. Is he an N?

    • Shea

      December 23, 2015 at 5:31 pm Reply

      When I saw the photos of him gazing at her and heart emojis (they’ve known each other for less than a month) I wanted to die. I haven’t eaten or slept in 2 days. I have an appoitment with a therapist. I am devastated.

      • Zari Ballard

        December 24, 2015 at 11:49 pm Reply

        Hi Shea,

        If he’s known her less than a month, then you’ve got to know it’s ridiculous. He’s a player and he’s going to dump her and move on to another in no time at all.

        Zari xo

    • Zari Ballard

      December 24, 2015 at 11:48 pm Reply

      Hi Shea,

      Yeah, he’s an narc. Celebrities or “famous” people are infamous for being narcs because they feel a false sense of entitlement due to their status. This guy is just a player, that’s all. You need to stay off the social media because what you don’t see and don’t know won’t hurt you. He’s obviously a total creep. And please, don’t be jealous of some groupie in a pic with him at a hotel – if that’s what it means for him to “go public” with a girl, be glad it’s not you. I don’t think you need me to answer the question of whether he’ll make this girl a good partner…come on. Here’s an article that I wrote about that called Is the Narcissist Happy Now? Please read because it will clarify a few things.

      What this guy does is meet people as he tours and then just string them along. He’ll never be faithful to anyone. be grateful that you dodged a bullet. Even though I’m sure is celebrity status is appealing, you need to block his ass from being able to call or text you. IGNORE HIM. Stop looking him up or going to websites where you’ll hear about his every move. I don’t know who he is but – celebrity or not – he’s a loser in my book. Don’t allow him to keep you as one of his harem…because that’s all you’ll ever be. I’m sure he breaks hearts wherever he goes – it’s what he does. It’s who he is.

      Stay strong, sister!

      Zari xo

  • Bin

    November 30, 2015 at 7:47 pm Reply

    Omg. This is my story!!!!! Anyway after the discard I cried for 2 weeks, the grief was unreal, then one day after thinking I’d die, aha moment hit, I know who I am and know what I want, boom pain dissapeared, you cannot fix these people, but my goodness once you are over them and they don’t know it, oh the fun, sick yes but very gratifying. ..

    • Zari Ballard

      December 1, 2015 at 11:21 am Reply

      Good for you! Stay strong and happy….it’s the best revenge ever:)

      Zari xo

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