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The Pathological Liar: Sifting Thru a Narcissist’s Word Garbage!

pathological-liar-narcissistA narcissist is a pathological liar who will lie about anything and everything for the sole purpose of gleefully watching you sift through the word garbage. He/she also lies even when the truth is a better story. This means that he’ll lie about which super market he shopped at, where he stopped for gas, the hours he worked and what days he has off. He’ll lie about his past, his future, his family, and his exes. He’ll lie about his intentions towards everything – big or small – and he’ll tell you he loves you when he loves nothing at all.

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The narcissist lies by making things up and also by leaving things out – and he/she does it all in amazing detail. Some believe the N lies because he actually believes the lie but I disagree. I think that a narcissist lies (all the time) because it’s an easy way to devastate the recipient and because lying allows the narcissist/sociopath to recreate himself at will (and on a whim), thus creating an environment where he can always be giving himself props for getting away with something. To a narcissist, lying – just like the faking of emotions – is means to an end. He’ll lie so much about so many things that your head will spin. You become so fucking tired from sifting through his word-garbage for a speck of truth that you opt for the lesser of two evils – believing the lie. Sure, it’s the easy way out and exactly what the narcissistic partner wants but the alternative is even worse.

Narcissists and sociopaths live and breathe by a pathological relationship agenda from which they will never waiver – even if it takes years. And don’t you forget it.

I was thinking about my ex today and about all of the incredible lies he told me. I remember how, as the years passed, I could see this particular talent of his blossoming right before my very eyes. For example, to practice the art of pathological lying (I assume), he would tell at least one lie every day while, at the same time, deliberately leaving evidence of the truth – such as a store receipt – in plain view where I could find it. How crazy is that? Whatever I would find would almost always contradict what he had told me. And, because I simply couldn’t help myself, I’d have to address it and the ensuing conversations would go something like this:

Me: Where did you say you bought that book?

W: What book?

Me: The book you bought yesterday…the one about making guitars.

W: I don’t know…why?

Me: I’m just asking a simple question, that’s all. I thought you said you bought it at Bookmans.

W: Then that’s where I bought I it. What are you getting at?

Me: The receipt says Barnes & Nobles.

W: So? What’s the big deal? What are you accusing me of now?

Me: Well, it isn’t a big deal and I’m not accusing you of anything.  I’m just curious why you made a point of saying Bookman’s when obviously you were at Barnes & Nobles.

W: Jesus Christ! What’s the fucking difference? Why does it matter?

Me: It doesn’t matter! I just don’t get why you would deliberately lie about something so stupid?

W: Oh please…I’m so sick of this…What are you doing? Snooping around my receipts now?

Me: I wasn’t snooping, Wayne, it was right here on the counter.

W: Then obviously I wasn’t trying to hide anything! Could we get past this please?

Word garbage! Sure, we’re talking little lies here but a narcissist’s little lies are many – and they’re all intentional. When we feed into this nonsense, what are we really hoping to find? The truth? We already know what the truth is yet we become hellbent on hearing it from him (as if, by some miracle, that would ever happen). If we really wanted the truth, we need not look any further than the lie itself and therein lies all the justification we need for walking away. No human being on the planet should have to deal with all the lies that we deal with in just this one relationship! Why the hell do we put up with that? Why the hell do you put up with that? And how the hell does he keep getting away with it?

Long ago, based on my own experiences, I determined that the act of pathologically lying is nothing short of a deliberate narcissistic/sociopathic strategy for getting away with all the crap that a narcissist needs to get away with day to day. It isn’t a symptom of his disorder – it’s downright intentional! To tell a white lie here and there and only when absolutely necessary would do a narcissist no good because he is always up to no good and, therefore, it’s necessary to lie all the time. In a narcissist’s mind, the decision to lie as much as possible – if not all the time – is a no-brainer because it eliminates the possibility of him having to think too hard about lying specifically. He must create plausible denial every day, all day, and by honing his skills as a pathological liar, all bases are clearly covered. And although he may be slightly concerned about getting caught, he’s only concerned about the inconvenience it may cause for those first five or ten minutes just prior to him having to initiate a silent treatment and disappear into thin air. The fact that his/her lies have the potential to – and often do – cause great pain and suffering for the people around him (and particularly, his partner) doesn’t even enter into the equation.

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So, the joke often told on narcissist recovery sites “How do you know a narcissist is lying? Because his mouth his open!” is about as true of a statement as anyone can make about a narcissistic partner. Everything he does, everything he says, all those ludicrous narcissistic behaviors that we ignore…all of that is based on the premise that he is, by choice, a pathological liar. Consequently, we can, if we so choose, spin ourselves silly trying to unscramble the narcissist’s mixed messages but it won’t give us anything better than what we’ve already got. In other words, it will never get better than the bad that we have already have!

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When our partner is a narcissist, we are constantly trying to figure out why and there’s no need. We know the answer. By being a narcissist’s enabler…by choosing to question his nonsense and then BELIEVE IT, we become a quasi-participant in the trauma bonding and fairly responsible for setting up the cognitive dissonance and uncertainty that will surely come later. We undermine our own intelligence! Just because we don’t like the truth doesn’t make it any less true! And that’s okay – we don’t have to like it. But, in order to be free, we do have to accept it as well as all the pain that comes with it. The good news is that, while the answer may be permanent, the pain that we feel is not. It will go away but not by avoiding it and only after we allow ourselves to feel it.

Be good to yourself, my friends, and don’t cut yourself short (God knows the narcissist does enough of that).  Acceptance will save you hours of suffering time and, believe me, letting go of the narcissist will add years to your life.  Stop sifting through the narcissist’s word garbage for specs of truth when his pathological lie is the only truth you need.



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  • Lori.

    November 20, 2018 at 8:05 pm Reply

    I was only married to a chronic habitual liar for 4 years. I was absolutely blindsided when about 6-7 months into the relationship the lies began. Little lies which really he never needed to lie about. Then bigger, ridiculous, ever changing “stories” began. He’d manipulate, stack on more lies, for weeks even months torturing with his BS. He’d get caught yet still lie, play the victim, pout and call me the crazy one. He did this to me for years. We are divorced which I’m glad about but am baffled and deeply sad of why I basically tortured myself for 6 years. I’m not an idiot. I’m 54 well educated, intuitive and know I never deserved such horrible behaviors. I can’t understand a few months later when I still cry, obsess about his actions. To this day, he doesn’t see, care or recognize how deeply dysfunctional his ongoing actions hurt me and ruined our marriage. He can even grasp that during his years of lying to me I reacted the way I did. Yelling, screaming ,crying, begging for the truth. He doesn’t correlate my reactions to his years maddening lies. Everyone tells me he’s mentally ill it doesn’t help. I still get anxious, sad and “spin.” I just want to forget and be happy.

  • Jeff

    September 25, 2018 at 9:50 am Reply

    This article describes my “ex” perfectly. I was shocked what a consummate liar she is. I have never had anyone that close to me lie the way she lied to me – small lies, medium lies, BIG lies, white lies, black lies, repetitive lies, broken promises, bold faced lies, cover lies, etc. You name the type of lie. . . . .she threw it at me. She was infamous for her “cover lies.” Meaning. . .she would lie, then attempt to cover the lie(s) with another lie / more lies when caught lying. She even went as far as lying to cover the cover lies.

    Her BS wasn’t confined to the “Type of Lies” either. . . .it also involved the NUMBER OF LIES. It was like there was a secret competition, among professional liars, to see who could tell the most lies within a given time frame. And her goal was to take the #1 position.

    It was mind-blowing.

    I initially thought the reason it was so easy to pick-up on the lies or notice how her previous stories changed was due to her not being very intelligent. Looking back, I think her lack of intelligence was an factor, but the primarily reason was due to the number of “supply” dispensers she was playing with. She couldn’t remember what lies she told to whom.

    She simply DID NOT care. When pressed on the issue, she always had some whacked justification for it. Her mentality. . . .justification is always greater than truth and honesty. lol

    • Zari Ballard

      October 26, 2018 at 1:36 pm Reply

      Hi Jeff,

      I’m grateful that you are free. Stay true to yourself and be confident in the truth that you know. I find that the guys who go through this are really blown away by the deception more than the girls are with their male narcs. Understand that it is what it is and don’t spend too much time trying to figure it out. No matter what, the relationship was just not sustainable and we have to find comfort in this and know that we did the right thing. The lying is absolutely mind-boggling…narcs can train us to be accepting of this. We don’t want to make waves….and this is how we stay entangled. What we allow will continue.

      Stay strong!

  • Frankie_Sezz

    August 21, 2018 at 7:54 am Reply

    I fooled myself into believing the narrative that I was the one woman who he could be honest and vulnerable with because In the beginning he SEEMED TO wear his heart on his sleeve FOR ME. Our communication was spot on authentic. He even suggested we right a book on healthy communication because we were so good at being honest and open with each other. He hooked me right where he wanted me. ALL LIES.

  • Cindy Maritz

    June 20, 2018 at 12:34 am Reply

    Wow, now that was a damn interesting read. I believe my husband just may be a narc but my 17 and 16 year old step daughter’s are definitely narcissistic pathological liars. What do I do ????

  • Shannon F

    May 22, 2018 at 11:08 am Reply

    Truly insightful, thank you. You will be instrumental in my cross over to the other side (life after break up)

  • Amber Shaeffer

    May 17, 2018 at 6:21 am Reply

    The part about how you are really second to all the whores he sees on the side & that your just the most convenient , the one he comes home to when he’s had his fun really hit home for me. They enjoy watching you go insane trying to prove your worth their love & fidelity all while they accuse you of all the things they are doing to you, total projection. Use that projection to figure out what they are up to.!0! They love to accuse & demean, it’s always a play by play of what they are up to. I now know about hidden apps & secret files, dating sites & secret messaging all because he accused me of it & started going through my phone. I’m an empath & am desperately trying to get this evil bastard out of my heart & my house. It’s like I have brain damage, I know he doesn’t love me & never will, cheats on me daily & is trying to make me suicidal but I can’t get my logical side to take over & make the decisions. I’m in hell & in so much pain it’s made me relapse just to avoid a nervous breakdown. You need to check these ladies out & write a book with them or do a YouTube channel together, I beg of you. http://Www.The Little on youtube & Shahida Arabi http://tcat. To/297GhKs is the link to her powerful article that had me sobbing as I read it aloud to my evil narcissist. You guys could do extremely powerful work together . Thank you so much for your validating & important work good lady.

  • Lis

    April 11, 2018 at 9:45 pm Reply

    Thank you so much I recently was involved with someone who fits this profile I caught him lieing to me and ended the relationship but said was happy to be friends and yes he disappeared into thin air and got very angry and denied his lies it was only later I discovered bigger lies he told me his partner the mother of his kids was dead and died of brain cancer and died when kids were 3 and 5 they are now 15 (which he said the child was 18) and 22 she is alive and well and living in s different part of the country and I have noticed a few of his Facebook friends have unfriended him. Coincidence i think not

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