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5 Illogical Reasons Why We Stay With a Narcissist

zari-ballard-quoteOkay, so why do we stay with a narcissistic abuser even when we know better? Even when we, as smart, educated, and “normal” people, realize that something about this person is uncomfortably off? Even as we watch the last slivers of our former self – the person we were before the narc – fly out the window? Well, the answer is amazingly complicated and don’t let anyone outside of your relationship realm tell you differently.

Since nothing about a relationship with a narcissist is normal, there will be nothing normal about the break-up. The truth is that unless a person has experienced life with a narc first-hand, they will never understand exactly what you are going through. So, pay no mind to the incessant “friendly” advice from friends and loved ones (“Why can’t you leave!” or “I don’t understand you. Just walk out!”). Only you and you alone can write the ending to the story. It is up to you, as the narcissist’s victim partner, to come to your senses. The catch, however, is that you need to do it without guilt or self-judgment. Having guilt, shame or self-judgment will only keep you lingering in the loop. You must set all that aside in order to get the recovery ball rolling.

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Understand that the majority of the behaviors that get us into emotional trouble with a narc actually stem from our good  qualities. Think about it…it’s our tendency to never quit that makes us stay past closing time and, under normal circumstances, we’d be praised for that! The same goes for our willingness to forgive and our penchant for being compassionate and patient. A person could certainly have worse qualities! The problem with a narc-situation is that none of this is ever reciprocated and this is where is gets mixed up. The human brain simply isn’t prepared to have feelings and emotions so completely rejected and, thus, the question of why we stay becomes a true source of personal angst. So, to start, lets take a look at just a few of the many complicated and crazy reasons why we do might to stay with a narcissistic abuser:

  1. Because if we could only make them understand, everything would work itself out. I don’t know about you but, as the years passed, I became more and more obsessed with making my ex – the narcissist – understand  the awfulness of his own mind-boggling behaviors. His actions were often so hurtful that I thought surely if I could make him understand  that pulling a month-long silent treatment for no reason at all was just wrong, we could live happily ever after. Obviously,  this never happened. I do believe that 95% of us stay in the relationship just a little bit longer, allowing the narc to come back just one more time, for this very reason. We think that perhaps we didn’t explain it well enough the last time or maybe it’s that awful childhood with a narcissistic mother that gets him a pass or who knows  but this  time we’re going to make him understand that he just can’t do that! So we explain and explain – sometimes calmly and sometimes wildly – that it’s his sketchy cell phone antics,  mysterious disappearances and reappearances, and all those pathological lies that are the root of the problems and cause of the break-ups. We figure that anyone with half a brain would understand that we are right (because we are!) and do their best to fix it. After all, doesn’t he want a normal relationship? So we explain, plead, and even bargain but all we get is the infamous blank stare. And then another year goes by.
  2. Because, after all, nobody’s perfect! Since we can never quite understand what the narcissist is thinking when he’s behaving so badly, we bargain with logic to make excuses for it. Perhaps he’s just having a bad day or maybe we really were acting like drama queens or being too sensitive or jealous. Even though, in all past relationships (even those that ended badly), we never remember feeling so horribly uneasy, maybe, this time, it really IS us and we should cut the guy some slack. Even though, in past relationships, we never felt compelled to be super sleuth investigators about anything, perhaps now  we really are making mountains out of molehills. After all, nobody’s perfect, right? So when the narcissist returns, we choose to pick our battles and forgive and forget. And then another year goes by.
  3. Because the truth is that we never really have any concrete proof of anything! How is it possible that, despite having swift spidey senses and amazing super-sleuth abilities, we can’t ever seem to produce undeniable concrete evidence? Some might say Well, maybe that’s because there is nothing to find  but I say that’s bullshit. Narcissists and sociopaths know EXACTLY how to keep their worlds from colliding. Mine would look right at me and say “You can’t prove that.” It’s all about creating plausible deniability. A narc will duck and dodge and talk in riddles and punish us for asking questions…all with the intent of silencing our suspicions. Even our intuition (which NEVER lies) is no match for this deception. A narcissist in the Game of Life is in it to win it. Everything – all day, every day – is about what he can get away it. He keeps his shenanigans so on the down low that even with evidence dropping all around, he rarely, if ever, gets caught. And because he knows that we want (more than anything) to believe he is loyal, he’s not exactly worried about it. To us, the evidence we do have never seems to be quite enough. So, we stay in the relationship if only to hold out for the one puzzle piece that will be undeniable…and another year goes sadly by.
  4. Because he always eventually returns so he really must love me!! This is probably our #1 reason for staying with a narcissist and it couldn’t be farther from the truth. If the partner we love truly loved us back, he wouldn’t leave at all let alone leave and return over and over and over. My ex would disappear every year in October and not resurface until after the new year, conveniently missing every important holiday in between and shirking all relationship responsibilities. This guy would literally vanish and each time he did, I suffered as if it was the first time. Since he always returned, usually feigning amnesia as to why we ever broke up, I thought we were destined to be together. I mean, what guy in their right mind would keep returning over and over to someone he didn’t love, right? I figured surely  one of his reappearances would stick. One time, amazed that he was back, I demanded to know why, based on his history, I should even consider it. To this, he announced “Those days are over!” and it was mighty convincing. In previous years, his replies ranged from “What does it matter? I’m here now” to a shrug of the shoulder so this newest comeback from his bag of tricks gave me great hope!  When the narcissist proclaims his “love”, we simply want to believe. Sadly, we continually settle for crumbs…and then another year goes by. For me, it was just nine short months until the next October.
  5. Because we simply want to see what the fuck is going to happen next. Even better, when we’ve been in it long enough to predict the narc’s next move, then we stay to see if what we’ve predicted is going to come true. It usually does and then being right becomes the addiction! Crazy? Maybe…but yup, that’s what we do. And then another year goes by.

You can escape the madness, my friends, and I can help you. I do it every day, all day with people all over the world. There is no magic fix but relief is possible. It all begins with understanding. If you want to talk about it, call me. This is a crazy life we lead and recovery from narcissist abuse has got to be a team effort.

NAR Support That Works
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  • Agi

    July 9, 2017 at 3:41 am Reply

    I’m 1 month into no contact, and I’m really struggling… so sad, depressed and unhappy all the time… when will I be happy again, and why do I still miss him so much after all he’s done to me for almost 4 years…?

    • Lorie

      July 10, 2017 at 3:11 am Reply

      Agi I wanted to respond to your post as I have been there. No Contact is the only way to go. I have gone back and it only ends up being the same hurting worse than the time before. I always tried to make him understand.. it doesn’t work. Don’t go back or answer no matter what they say. It will get better but it does take time to step away from the situation and to come out of the fog. It is very traumatic that someone can be like this once you get the a ha moment. You are hurting and that is understandable but it gets better. It has taken me 1 yr to get out of the fog and start living again. Zari had a blog that mentions I believe 1 month for every yr you were with the narc. Stay strong we are all here for you. You are not alone!

      • Agi

        July 11, 2017 at 12:26 am Reply

        Thank you Lorie, for your kind words… oh yeah: I went back about 6-7 times throughout this 3 and a half year “relationshit”. I always thought that if he keeps coming back, he must really miss me and this time around, he will treat me with love and respect. Each time I was wrong, I went back for more emotional abuse, more cheating and more humiliation. He even humiliated me in front of all his friends…they eventually BEGGED me to leave him, saying I deserve so much more, and they have witnessed his abusive behavior for more than 30 years…they said he will NEVER change and please try to get on with my life. So sad that his friends really loved and respected me, but he just couldn’t. In the last few months, he was downright MEAN and EVIL, as if he really hated me… WHY? This is what I don’t understand: he hated me, and I still loved him. And I’m having a hard time letting go, he is probably out having the time of his life 🙁

        • Jenny

          August 6, 2017 at 2:44 am Reply

          Hi Agi. My ex hates me too. One of his favorite things to say to me was “You get what you give.” In narc speak that means if I gave him unconditionally love, never complained, and accepted everything he did carte blanche, then in return he’d love me (as long as I met the above conditions of course). But the minute I grew a backbone and decided to quit accepting his crap and breadcrumbs of attention, well he turned on me with a vengeance. Even though I know it breaks your heart to know he hates you, to me this is a very good sign. My narc, when he reached this mean and evil stage, stopped trying to hoover me back because I didn’t have anything to offer him anymore. Which allows no contact to really work. I knew who he was. A self centered manipulative man. And he didn’t like this image of himself. So by hating me he makes me nothing. He totally devalues my opinion of him, making it worthless. Now he can ignore it and me and preserve the positive, great guy image he has of himself, with a little help from his other sources of narcissistic supply who still haven’t figured out he’s a narcissist.

          • Joy

            September 27, 2017 at 10:23 am

            Hi everyone! I am happy to discover your website and read all the stories here. Although English is not my mother tongue I can get by and hope you can also understand my English.
            To start with I will say that just yesterday I read Zari’s book “When love is a lie”. I read it in one day… without putting it down. Great job, Zari! Thank you. Of course, there was a reason for me to read it. Just guess which one? Lol You are right… I was in a relationship with a narc for 3 years. And that relation wore me totally out. One and the half year ago I dumped him but I am still hurting. Like hell! Believe it or not only a week ago I found out that he was a narcissist. I suspected it before but had some doubts. How naive I was. Since I learnt who he was (and definitely still is) I started to feel a bit better. Finally I understood why our relationship did not work and stopped blaming myself for being guilty that I couldn’t manage everything better. I decided to join this forum to share my experience and tell you about the things that happened to me. Some of those “things” still make me sometimes cry, some of them laugh. So ridiculous it was. Thank God, now I know it was not Real. Everything was Fake. Maybe I can find a confort in this… if you know what I mean.

          • Zari Ballard

            September 28, 2017 at 12:47 pm

            Hi Joy,

            We sure do know what you mean, sister…and it is not unusual to still feel bad after all this time. Hopefully reading up on what you went through and knowing that you are not alone will help with the sadness and with moving forward. Thank you for reading my book and I’m grateful that it helped. Please leave a review on Amazon if you really helps get the word out to others seeking support:) Hang in there and stay happy. Write here anytime….

            Zari xo

  • LA

    June 27, 2017 at 1:50 pm Reply

    Great read indeed!… 3 years of being with N, totally completely clueless the first year, trying to prove and explain myself over and over again.. with super-short devalue, discard & hoover cycles happening every 1-3 weeks basically from the day we met… Having AHA!! moment after one year when I finally decided to google what the hell is going on… and yet, though it became crystal clear who he is after reading the very first article about Narcs, I got hoovered back again and again and again for reasons #1-4, because I soooo wanted to believe that there is a way… (nope! doesn’t exist!)
    But for the last half a year or so the only reason I got back into this madness was reason number 5… Yep, it is crazy!
    Though the good news is – at least for me – that I finally got over #5 because being able to predict every move, word or action became very unpleasant to say the least… It got old eventually.

  • Jo

    June 24, 2017 at 10:51 pm Reply

    In re: #4: My habitually cheating (took me 14 yrs to figure out!) N ex actually once said to me (as “proof” of his love), “Why can’t you understand I always came back to you?!” Dear God, why did I stick around for 3 more years?! Well… mostly because of #1. I wasted 3 more years trying to make the first 14 make sense and matter.

  • Zari Ballard

    June 21, 2017 at 12:31 am Reply

    That’s okay…believe me, we understand…..xo

  • Melannie Godfrey-Love

    June 19, 2017 at 7:48 am Reply

    WOW!!! I feel like I’m being given a validating life line as I’m reading Zari’s blog right now!!! I just had my 9 year wedding anniversary with my narcissist spouse and I just can’t continue in this insanity anymore!!! My nerves are truly shot and I vacillate between feeling unable to take a deep, cleansing breath from the ongoing level of anxiety and the building up of pressure expanding in my chest from feeling so overwhelmed with all of the decisions/actions that I need to make to finally break away from my narcissist husband . . . for the final time!!! I’m disabled having to live on less than $900 a month when on my own; which has it’s own anxieties and depressive issues that are fully understood by those who have had to/are enduring these limitations, but I’ve managed to survive each time I’ve needed to before and the genuine sense of peaceful calm in my day-to-day life always make any sacrifices worth it!!! Each time I read the line, “and then another year goes by”, my heart seizes up from the truth in that statement . . . !!! Though I’ve come to believe that no one will ever love me again, I haven’t really been loved in the 10 years I’ve wasted on this abusive relationship either, and at least being out of this Hell on Earth allows for the possibility, however slim, that someone someday might love me. For now, my greatest gift of love I can receive is the one of loving myself enough to end this abuse!!! I’ve gotten two of Zari’s resources this morning that I’m really eager to begin reading/utelizing in my journey of recovery (“When Love is a Lie: Narcissistic Partners & the Pathological Relationship Agenda” and “Stop Spinning, Start Breathing: A Codependency Workbook for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery”)!!! THANK YOU for sharing your recovery with the countless victims such as myself who are also survivors of narcissistic relationships, Ms. Ballard!!!

    • Zari Ballard

      July 10, 2017 at 1:01 am Reply

      Thank you so much, Melanie:) I am so sorry it has taken me this long to respond. I am so far behind:( Yes, it is so sad that we wasted so much time but, like you say, we must move on no matter what and WE WILL. It is amazing how the world opens up like a wilted flower coming to life when the narc is really and truly gone from both our heart and our head. I am grateful that you are free, sister!

      Zari xo

  • Mandy

    June 19, 2017 at 5:22 am Reply

    I’ve been in and out of four years of absolute hell with a narc. Been brought to my knees, two breakdowns, severe paralysing depression, can’t work and most days barely functioning. I’ve tried to break away several times but he alway lures me back. I cracked again two nights ago after finding another long term on/off woman staying at his place overnight. Even when confronted over this he insists they are just friends, “aren’t I allowed to have friends?”, that’s after insisting that she’s clingy, unbalanced and that he wants her out of his life permanently because she keeps attempting suicide (I wonder why, poor woman, she’s been through it too). I’ve now for the first time ever, blocked his number on my phone. I have to be strong and stick with it but it’s so hard going hardcore no contact. It is inexplicable why I find no contact so distressing after all the shit he’s put me through for years, you’d think I’d be running for the hills as far as possible away from him the very first time he hurt me. It makes me so cross with myself for being so weak. Even though I’ve read and read and read and watched just about everything I can find on narcissism, and I get it, my rational mind can see the reality, it’s still so difficult to let go. It’s madness!

  • Lorie

    June 18, 2017 at 4:22 am Reply

    Wow… great read. When I read number 1 it brought back many memories. I always had wondered why I tried to make him understand. Why wouldn’t anyone understand that cheating and lying are wrong….and why would I keep staying there. Like you said… were not quitters ha. I am on No Contact for 1 yr and I am out of that fog. I was sad for along time wondering how someone could do this to someone else. I mean were adults if you don’t want to be in a relationship just tell the other person, but to have a whole different life that I never new about for 10 yrs.. well….I stuck with it after I found out for about 3 yrs….Trying to make it work and fighting for the US. After leaving I had to stay very very busy and I did… Never cried this time at all… but I was in a fog. I am really now after a yr feeling happy its over…. that I am free of the insanity, the detective work and the drama.

    Thanks so much Zari and to all that have come here to write there stories. It does really help when someone else has been through it and “gets it” as there’ s nothing else like it.

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