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Will the Narcissist Come Back? Maybe…but then what?

will-narcissist-returnThe narcissist only returns again and again to ensure that you never move on from the pain he has caused you – and this is the ONLY reason. If you remember nothing else from what I tell you, you must remember that. The sociopath and narcissist will hoover for no other reason than to get another chance to hurt you. This is why it seems that the narcissist returns only to leave again – and this time quicker than the time before. He might even get up and leave after the great make-up sex, saying he’ll be right back or he’ll call you later and – POOF – he’s gone again. Make no mistake…all these “comings and goings” are intended to hurt you. It’s all by grande narcissistic design.

It’s important that we understand that the life of the narcissist’s target is nothing more than a massive playing field upon which the N can hone his evil skills. It’s a stomping ground where he can practice better ways to execute his game and plan for the attack. Knowing this, when we agonize over whether a narcissist will come back or if he will ever return after a silent treatment the answer, obviously, is maybe…but then what? Any time away from the narc is a step in the right direction so are you really ready to go back to square one after coming this far? Think about it.

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Narcissists, of course, do not miraculously fix themselves while they’re away although they certainly will try to tell you differently. Returns are usually prompted by the bad behaviors of whomever they left you for (and they did leave you for someone) or the ding of the bell as your name pops back up in the queue or by any one of a myriad of warped narratives dictated by the narcissist’s relationship agenda. And because the narcissist knows you as well as you think you know him, he is confident in the fact that he’s managed down your expectations to the point that you’ll take him back without significant repercussions or consequences. This is a highly dysfunctional dynamic, my friends, and you are settling for crumbs by allowing this behavior.

I receive so many letters from women and men who have succeeded with No Contact to the point that they are actually living life in the manner that they deserve. It makes me want to rejoice, it really does. I know how hard it is to stick to No Contact because I was never very good at it. What happens, though, inevitably, is that somewhere along the line I start receiving the question of whether or not the N will return from those who have been doing well. Why does this happen and why is it so fucking hard to let this bastard (or bitch) go? What is the “hold” and why is it so strong? Is this sudden, out-of-the-blue feeling of slight panic or desperation normal? My answer is yes…yes it is.

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When we start wondering if maybe…just maybe…the narcissist (our ex) will come back, hoover, or reappear after a disappearance, or start communicating after a silent treatment, we are falling back into the waiting pattern that kept us hostage for years. Seriously, think about the amount of time that you’ve spent waiting for your narcissist boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife over the course of your relationship.

When I look back on my life with the ex, there’s no doubt that we spent more time apart than together and he made sure of that! I talk about this at length in my book When Love Is a Lie. In this book, I tell you in detail what happened to me over thirteen years and how I finally mentally called it off even before we split up for good. I started making small choices that changed the way I behaved in reaction to his narcissistic behaviors and the result was amazing. It’s about changing your perspective and if I did it, you can do it too.

You must understand that none of this nonsense will ever change – ever. Not for you, not for the next person, and not for the ones that come after that. Get the irrational thought that this is even a possibility right out of your head.

The narcissist will continue to hurt you until the end of time because that’s what narcissists do and they enjoy it. Your suffering is actually the narcissist’s reward for a job well done and don’t you forget it. If he couldn’t mess with your head, he literally would have nothing to do. Letting go of the narcissist is about removing yourself from the mental anguish…from the perpetual waiting game that keeps you clinging to a false love. Co-dependency is a very real thing and so is trauma bonding and all of these things probably have happened to you over the course of your experience with a narcissistic partner.  There are so many reasons why we fall back after doing so well…after feeling stronger than ever for the first time in forever…and we must be gentle with ourselves and at the same time be sane in our response to it.

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You don’t have to give in to the feeling of missing this very bad person and you also don’t have to forgive a narcissist – not now or in the future. When you start asking yourself  if he will return, if you feel like you’re suddenly waiting again, if you don’t understand why you’ve taken ten steps back after moving five steps forward, understand that you are in recovery much like any other addict.

Look hard at your intention with everything you do, say, and think during this time. Deep down, you don’t want the narcissist back. Not really. I know you don’t. The good sex (when he obliged) or the funny joke (when he felt like entertaining you) or the “I love you” (when he was telling you what you needed to hear to give him what he wanted) or the tenderness (that he extended to everyone when duty called)…none of that is worth more your freedom and happiness, my friends.

Remember that throughout the relationship and during every break-up or silent treatment, our suffering changed nothing. If our suffering changes nothing, then we might as well try to be fucking happy!

Stay strong and be safe in the journey!


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  • Pas Maison

    April 21, 2016 at 4:34 am Reply

    Well, here I am again. I had a relationship like that before, which I got over. I thought I was over him, the latest one, too, because I hadn’t seen him for a year, and the feelings had faded down to next to nothing. And my life was good. Yes, I was lonely – I am autistic and we are lonely people. But I was achieving things that delighted me in spite of my loneliness. And learning not to be ashamed of being lonely – a huge, huge matter.

    Then he came back.

    I think he is autistic too – ie, I thought he was like me. He does have some definite traits of it. But I thought he was basically a kind, decent man who struggles with the world. He isn’t. You can be autistic and deeply nasty. I was naive in so many ways.

    Like when he took me into this drop-in centre he attends and I used to go to. He was telling me to hide the fact that we were together, supposedly to spare another woman’s feelings. “I made faces at her when I was talking to you, to show her I didn’t want to speak to you,” he said. It was a humiliation. He was playing us off against each other. After he’d broken up, I spoke to her – she agreed he was doing so, and said there was another woman he was doing it to. And he also has this ex he does the “let’s be friends” control/manipulation stuff with. Never met her, but sounds like he put her through hell.

    Anyway: he ended it via Facebook message – this is someone I had known for years.

    Truth is, at first I’d told him I wanted to end the friendship because I felt too much for him. This made him up his game. Then when he had me where he wanted me – gone. Discarded.

    I sent him some furious texts and then – heigh ho – felt guilty for being so horrible to him.

    I get in this state I suppose many of us do – “I hurt him too much, he will be so angry, he will never come back now, oh, what have I done?” Well. On past record he will come back, maybe in a year or two, if he can’t get that adoration and lack of self-respect from any other woman. But the whole mind-set we have – “He is so wonderful, how could he ever stoop so low as to address me again?”

    But supposed I’d tamely said, “I understand. Let me be your friend still.” Then I’d have been dragging round after him, trying to get his attention, desperate not to show him how I feel, accepting less and less, boosting his ego with my adoration, having him play me off against other women – And I have done that with him. No good at all.

    Someone once told me he is a bully, and I believe that finally. He loves to see the hurt in the eyes of others, women especially. I find that very hard to imagine. But I was a bullied child (and adult) so I know these people get off on that. Why else would they do it? Some people like hurting other people. Some people are triggered by that to desperately try to get them to be nice. Vile stuff.

    Also – the most useful thing I have read about this – he was never real. The lovely, sweet, funny, quirky man I loved – he never existed. He was partly a mask my ex wore, and partly the product (and this is hard to admit) of my own loneliness and wishful thinking. That man never existed. My ex was a sleazy little cheat who enjoys humiliating women.

    I was back in the playground, with a boy spitting in my eye again. And wondering what I had done wrong to make him do that. When in fact he was just a vicious little thug who’d hurt anyone handy.

    The adoration I feel for these hard-to-please, hot and cold, bullying men is what I need to look at now. Of course I can still hate him and rage against him. Because he treated me very badly and so of course I am furious. And even though I was duped, it’s still a break-up and I still have to go through that. But I never want this to happen again.

    Let’s hope he never comes back. Or that I am strong enough to blank him if he does.

    • Zari Ballard

      April 23, 2016 at 11:39 pm Reply

      Pas wrote…I was back in the playground, with a boy spitting in my eye again. And wondering what I had done wrong to make him do that. When in fact he was just a vicious little thug who’d hurt anyone handy. So sad, my friend, and such a bittersweet way to describe how these bastards make us feel….

      Hi Pas,

      I hope he never comes back…I hope he leaves you alone forever. And I pray that you are strong enough to kick him to the curb if he does. I want you to be free and to never worry about that bully in the playground ever again.

      Stay strong, sister, and thank you so much for sharing:)

      Zari xo

  • Janie

    April 20, 2016 at 7:19 pm Reply

    I eventually cut him off and he panicked – sucker. I was out of his league and he knew it; though he made me feel like everyone wanted him and I was disposable. Now I await testifying in trial for rape. He sexually assaulted me numerous times. Wish there was more written about narcissistic sexual abuse and rape. I think I’ve read most of what there is. I just still can’t wrap my head around it. No ones ever made me feel as worthless.

    • Dot

      May 22, 2016 at 3:43 pm Reply

      Stay strong.. I wen’t through similar he diidn’t rape me but assaulted me in 2014.. I took him back & forgave him only to be in the same place now 15 months later.. They are evil & prey on good people.. I lived my X to the moon & back but it was never enough..❤️X

  • Jennifer Qualia formerly the narcs last name muston

    April 20, 2016 at 3:02 am Reply

    My narc left me the day before thanksgiving after four years of asking ne to marry him.. I marry him and four months in he leaves ne and divorced me and left me with no heat and took our mortgage money and went and bought a ps whatever game box.. 5 months into a breakup i go to his house to work things out have sex and get told he had a gurlfriend.. A year later he moves back in for a year then walks out on me leaving me with a mortgage about to go into foreclosure. My husband refused to put house in his name to save it. 125k of equity. After i fixed his credit to be perfect. Six years of despair. Im thirty days today no contact. Id rather die then ever see him again. Do i love him yes. But the pain is all to real

  • Mandy Rousseau

    March 20, 2016 at 12:37 pm Reply

    I am in the motion of 2nd time being left. The physical pain has been so awful I cannot even describe. Came back for a few days after leaving me for two months found he had been with many woman and left again keeping in good touch. Now has gone again for the 2nd time phone off. Cannot believe this kind of character. I really did believe it would get better and reading all this information is making me stronger and wiser and wow so interesting. Never knew there were these kind of humans in this world. I am totally shocked.

  • Totally baffled

    March 12, 2016 at 9:40 am Reply

    Zari, how can a narcissist come back after I wouldn’t bother with him for 7 mo. He made it like he wanted to talk, clear thinks up, move forward cause he missed me terribly, he wanted to get it all out so we could move foward. Well I agreed to see him, how stupid could I be. He tells me he is still with this married woman whom I had found out he was seeing 5 years all along prior to me, that’s what broke us up 9 mo. into our relationship. It was never the same. His mother told me, oh she’s a stalker, she ruins any relationship he tries to be in. Ha, really. She’d make excuses when it’s he who wants her or she’d be gone. Anyhow, he tells me it’s just a friendship, he really loves me, wants to buy a house have ne with him. He has to end it with her his way. He will move and not tell her where he is. Imagine? That’s what it’s going to take to get tou to end it. I almost felt like he was regretful to have to do it. Well I sat there in disbelief. How could someone who always lied now think the truth was a good thing? And crazy me felt that I had more respect or he had more respect when he lied. I felt so low and disrespected that he thought I’d be okay with this and go along with it! Then I thought maybe he purposely told me “the truth” to have exactly the effect it did and have me not bother with him. But he came looking for me! I feel like I’m crazy trying to figure it out. None of it makes sense. I was in shock I believe, hurt to the very core. He continued to call me that evening and each day but two days later I came to my senses, sent him 1 final text fir my own sake saying I was bowing out gracefully. I cut his numbet off, texts and changed my email. He’s two hours away so chances are I’ll never run into him ever again. It’s been almost 4 weeks now still try to figure it out in my head but doing okay.

    • Zari Ballard

      March 14, 2016 at 4:20 pm Reply

      Hi Totally baffled,

      You will cease to be baffled if you just remember these basic facts: 1) a narcissist will lie even when the truth is a better story, 2) every day, all day, in everything that he does, it’s all about what he can get away with, and 3) a narc only returns again and again to make sure that you never move on from the pain he has caused you.

      And that’s it in a nutshell. The game just never gets old and he will play it until the end of time. Don’t try to figure it out anymore because that’s all it is. If you can, download my book When Love Is a Lie from Amazon because it explains all of this as well as my own story and how I came to a place of acceptance. It will help erase the final cob webs. Sometimes it’s just about changing our perspective:)

      Stay strong and know that I’m here to support you!

      Zari xo

  • Karen

    March 8, 2016 at 10:40 am Reply

    My N got busted cheating. I knew he was but I didn’t have proof. Feels great to know. He gave me the way out. I blocked him from being able to call me. He showed up to my house after about two weeks asking me to go out with him. I told him no and told him to leave. He said, “You putting ME out”. I said, YES”. We don’t live together; he just meant that I was making him leave at that moment. I understand what you mean about wanting to know if he will return. It’s like I attach his reaching out to me to my worth; although I know its not right. I have so many emotions but I will never share them with him because I know he could care less. If he does return again, I just plan to tell him that I need one thing from him: space. So that I can HEAL.

  • Joanna

    March 7, 2016 at 2:07 pm Reply

    Hi Zari,
    I went 6 mths NC with a 6 year relationship with a Narc. My Narc had a gf for about 10 years before I was even in the picture. Because I live in RI the smallest state of USA it wasn’t long before I found it. He always denied until I met the OW. I dont want to be mean but in the looks department I saw nothing. She believed him because she is retarded and said you can stay or go but he always comes back to Mama.

    She was right that started a horrible cycle with the cheating, numerous OW besides her and bad things happening to my car like when someone put diesel in it. It cost me 4 k to fix just that one problem. Im hooked on xanax due to my narc im dr. Prescribed but I’m reliant on this med.
    Friday he called. He has been hoovering often Since Sept when I left him. In the past 2 mths I lost my job because I was sexually assaulted by a hotel security guard of a major chain hotel. He helped me with my baggage up to my room and did the unthinkable. This brought out major ptsd, no confidence, battles with the people, pressing charges all while working ft and ignoring the hoovers. Life was grtting better even after an assault.
    Friday comes around. I had just resigned from my job because the anxiety and pressure to sell were to much. I saw the hoover. I caved. I heard it all I’m ready to marry you, have a family. I realize you played a big part in my life. The compliments, omg it was to good to be true. We spoke for 2 hours. He said he wanted to take it slow, not jump into sex, and treat me with the respect I deserve. We ended it st that. I have your books i show be like you snd kim from letmereach. If narc was a class I would have passed with flying colors. Saturday I didn’t hear from him so I picked up the phone I went to vm. He called at 3 am on Sat drunk and on Sunday his day off I called and he said he was with his son via text and would get back. I got pissed I fell for the hoover and I called 25 times in a 4 hour period all which I was sent to vm, a text to cut it out, or just dead air. I hate myself for falling for this hoover I think the assault had me weak. Please help me before I go into a Xanax stupor. Im 32, I only got one life, I’m in between jobs, fighting to get my power back. I know the answer I need to do a # change right now and not go back Narc road. While I wrote this he hoovered twice. He only hoovers from his job which infuriates me. Seeing him on caller id infuriates me. Help I have been hoovered and my decision making has been impaired due to ptsd and trauma.
    Sincerely, Joanna

    • Zari Ballard

      March 9, 2016 at 9:06 pm Reply

      Hi Joanna,

      Well, I guess you don’t have to send me that background history I requested in your email:) That’s all I needed to hear, girl. Besides the fact that we’re sisters from Rhode Island, I also did the Xanax addiction for four years while with the narcissist. Bastard! Don’t beat yourself up for going back! We’ll talk about it during our consultation but breaking NC is NOT the end of the world…it’s just the end of NC. Hop back on the bandwagon and forget it even happened (he did!).

      We’ll try to put together a strategy or we’ll just talk it out. Whatever you need to get better. It’s all about changing your perspective of a very baaaaaad situation and I can help you do that. BLOCK HIS ASS, GIRL. He can’t be allowed to just seduce & discard whenever he pleases…no more.

      I’ll send you some times to choose from. We’ll get together by Saturday for sure. I look forward to it!

      Zari xo

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